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<midfavila> kisslinux, i have grave news
<midfavila> exhaustion of the strategic maple syrup reserve is imminent
<midfavila> and i cant get more at the store until i get paid in like a week and a half qwq
<midfavila> woop woop uconsole is on the way
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<vouivre> midfavila: lol
<vouivre> you just remind me my reserve of maple syrup is also low! :-)
<vouivre> sad_plan: thank you for your help. I was able to build a functional kernel for my computer.
<vouivre> I still have to investigate which driver were missing
<vouivre> sad_plan: I also have the same problem as you have. The servers of freedesktop are unreachable for me.
<vouivre> Did you find a fix ?
<fultilt> For me, "" doesn't work (a certificate error), but "" does.
<fultilt> "" seems to exist but it doesn't work.
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<vouivre> same for me. works with a browser.
<vouivre> so I assume for the moment the only workaround is to download the source with a browser.
<midfavila> vouivre construct additional sugar shacks
<vouivre> midfavila: yes, but I don't need so much. How many liters do you need for a month ?
<vouivre> I could be scared of your answer
<midfavila> *liters*?
<midfavila> i might use half a liter in a month lmao
<midfavila> it's my main sweetener
<midfavila> so most of that goes into tea
<vouivre> ok, not so much. In the past I used sometimes more than one liter for a month.
<vouivre> I never thought I would discuss about maple syrup on kisslinux irc someday :-)
<midfavila> :p
<midfavila> i don't use a lot of sweeteners at home
<midfavila> honestly i try to live a pretty KISS lifestyle. few things but very high quality
<midfavila> im hoping to convince the local food co-op to stock nice local syrup instead of stuff from costco
<sad_plan> vouivre: no, i havent really looked more into it tbh. but yes, I too can get around it with a browser. its just curl and surf thatll error out on me.
<vouivre> midfavila: kiss lifestyle is good. I hope you will manage to convince the local store
<vouivre> sad_plan: ok
<midfavila> vouivre: honestly it isn't super hard. i've already had them bring in a few products with pretty solid success
<midfavila> i just wish i could shop there more often instead of the bigger store
<vouivre> time for me to sleep. Have a good night... or a nice day ;-)
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<midfavila> nyaa~
<midfavila> i have to go too
<midfavila> makin burritos for dinner