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<SkyrixFr> Pretty sure the question has been asked before, but is there any way i could recompile kiss for an old i486 architecture?
<SkyrixFr> I have this very old mini pc with like 128mb of ram and a super old cpu
<SkyrixFr> Well actually not that old but i guess technology wasn't evolved enough to put "good" hardware (at the time) in such a small computer
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<riteo> I'll shut off the bouncer for a while, you know, holidays
<riteo> cya soon!
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<sad_plan> SkyrixFr: you probably need a cross compiler for that. just use musl-cross-make, and build a new tarball to extract on that machine
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<SkyrixFr> sad_plan: ok thanks, i think i'm ok with the cross compiler part but, for recompiling everything is doing ``cd /var/db/kiss/installed && kiss build *`` enough or is there other stuff to compile (apart from kernel)?
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<sad_plan> have the crosscompiler in you path, so kiss would use that instead of your the hosts compiler. set KISS_ROOT to /mnt or w/e, and set CFLAGS to target the correct archetecture. then do kiss b * in /var/db/kiss/installed as you said should suffice
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<testuser[m]> hi
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