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<midfavila> we are broadcasting to you live from a risc v uconsole
<midfavila> hello world
<midfavila> :3
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<sad_plan> nice midfavila. you like it so far?
<sad_plan> ehawkvu: I noticed that blake3 wasnt listed in the KISS_CHK variable. it should be affected by it though. not that Im able to switch away from b3 though..
<sad_plan> hm, so I did a peak at the source, and sha and b3 are different functions. whereas the sha functions is affected by the KISS_CHK variable, but the b3 isnt. so from what I can tell, users cant switch away from b3 any longer. atleast I cant get it to work.
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<ehawkvu> sad_plan: yeah I noticed that too - not sure why that is anymore since we have deprecated sha256
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<sad_plan> maybe phoebos can fix it.
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<ehawkvu[m]> sad_plan: Hopefully, also hoping that he can checkout the PR that I have
<ehawkvu[m]> would you mind running it? - it preserves the file timestamps for binary packages
<ehawkvu[m]> that way you can actually install guile, racket and some other programs that are picky wrt their file timestamps
<ehawkvu[m]> I've been using it so far to much success - I still need to do some tests w/ the alternatives system though
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<midfavila> sad_plan: its okay
<midfavila> i have a few complaints, mainly with the keyboard and antenna
<midfavila> otherwise its pretty nice
<midfavila> oh it uses mini sim cards tho which is weird
<midfavila> it kinda matches the reform which pleases me
<midfavila> :3
<midfavila> gonna prolly upload some stuff about it on my site... soonish
<midfavila> im super overdue for another post
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<sad_plan> ehawkvu: i dont belive ive had much issues with this. atleast not lately. ive also avoided all alternatives since I started maintaining all packages. but I can check it out.
<sad_plan> midfavila: sounds good. ive been curious about it for some time, as an alternative to a laptop when out and about anyway
<ehawkvu[m]> sad_plan: the issue that PR fixes isn't for alternatives per se, but instead fixes how kiss actually installs files (adds a call to 'touch' to ensure timestamps are correct)
<ehawkvu[m]> the bit about the alternatives is that, I'm unsure if sending something to the alternatives store will update the timestamps that way - if it does it should be an easy fix
<ehawkvu[m]> also unrelated to this, but how are you getting webkit to build? I have not been able to successfully build it for a while now
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<sad_plan> ill have a look when I get back on my laptop.
<sad_plan> regarding webkit, it just worked for me. but ive had issues in the past. you can check my buildscript in my oakiss repo, under repo/webkit2gtk
<sad_plan> whats the error though?
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<ehawkvu[m]> sad_plan: I don't have it at hand, I'll send a log later - it errors out on some C++ headers though
<ehawkvu[m]> I
<ehawkvu[m]> I'll try building the one from your repo though and see if that fixes the build
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<sad_plan> cool.
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<sewn> oh wow ehawkvu on matrix
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<midfavila> sad_plan depends on what you're gonna do with the uconsole
<midfavila> if you get the 4g variant and you intend to mostly use it for comms, note taking, whatever, it'd be perfect for that
<midfavila> but you'll struggle with web stuff if you get the r01
<midfavila> i'm going to be making a few changes to it on the software side and then once i have the SIM working and such i'll be shelving my phone. i wouldn't want to replace my laptop with it on the daily though
<midfavila> mostly because of the keyboard being kinda stiff
<midfavila> like 100g of force to actuate the keys
<midfavila> battery life seems great so far. been using mine all morning after letting it sit over night to charge the 2 3000mAh 18650s in there
<midfavila> it's still at 100% even with chatting on here, doing some ssh stuff, downloading and listening to some videos (god knows the r01 isn't equipped to play videos rn what with its lack of a GPU and only having a single 1ghz core)
<midfavila> once i have it all cobbled together i'll likely just drop to text-only mode
<midfavila> honestly if you dont intend to use the web or play games/video in graphics mode it's great. it's just that multimedia performance that bites the r01. but that's expected
<midfavila> i would say if you have a cm4 then get the uconsole and adapter
<midfavila> oh also the uconsole is kind of gigantic
<midfavila> so if you have small pockets, uhhhhhh, maybe consider not having small pockets
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<midfavila> once i'm set up i'll probably leave my reform at home though unless i specifically need it
<midfavila> for my job the uconsole is usually enough
<sad_plan> midfavila: i see. i was thinking as an alternative where laptop was less suitable. i know it wont replace my laptop any time soon :p however, for most tasks, I suppose my phone with my selection of apps will suffice aswell.
<midfavila> i mean if you get one of those 8gb CM4s... :p
<sad_plan> i have neotty, which is alpine linux running in qemu, emulation x86_64. which is pretty neat. but phone keyboards are just so aweful in comparisson imo
<sad_plan> perhaps :p
<midfavila> you could probably put a bananapi in here too
<midfavila> or even one of those soquartzes from pine
<midfavila> 'slong as it's pin-compatible
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<sad_plan> could be an alternative. hows the a06 or a04 though? seems like the fastest one. higher clock speed etc. less stable perhaps and less effecient?
<sad_plan> a06 has 2 more cores aswell
<sad_plan> im amazed, the r01 was actually cheaper than the cm4 model
<phoebos> sad_plan, ehawkvu: only b3sum is supported for blake3 checksumming in kiss (atm)
<phoebos> yay for Lua
<phoebos> ehawkvu: ooh what's your PhD in?
<phoebos> I'm about to start mine too
<sad_plan> i get that its default, but I was mostly curious about why it wasnt implemented in a way so users could switch between them if they wished to do so.
<midfavila> sad_plan: yeah the r01 is the cheapest of the 3
<midfavila> idk about the 04 or 06
<midfavila> people seem to mostly ignore those in favour of the 01 or cm4
<midfavila> i don't imagine there would be stability issues though
<phoebos> sad_plan: it's not just the default, it's the only supported tool because it's not a standardised interface
<phoebos> so the required flags are hard coded
<sad_plan> midfavila: I see.
<sad_plan> phoebos: making the sh265 and _sh256 functions useless at this point. but ok. im using b3 anyway, so its a non-issue for me, I just noticed I couldnt switch :p
<phoebos> sh256 is still there for old etcsums
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<ehawkvu> phoebos: I'm studying CS, specifically programming languages
<ehawkvu> along the lines of lisp and whatnot
<ehawkvu> what about yourself?
<ehawkvu> sewn: I use the [m] for "mobile" lol, I didn't realize it was mean to signify matrix
<sewn> ermm
<sewn> is there no such thing as a bouncer
<ehawkvu> I'm too lazy to set it up
<sewn> ehawkvu...
<sewn> just go on
<sewn> we all are using it
<sewn> well not all
<sewn> but the ones that cant or dont have a server
<midfavila> im using sdf
<midfavila> :
<midfavila> 3
<midfavila> :3:3:3:333333333333
<sewn> u just made me remember someone from sdf who was really fucking cool
<sewn> i need to remember their name holy shit it is hard to remember
<midfavila> aww thanks sewn
<midfavila> <3
<sewn> i already have someone right here but im talking about someone else also cool
<sewn> midfavila: do can you help me remember
<sewn> it was some sort of administrator who i used to contact on matrix
<sewn> had i believe a picture of themselves as their profile picture
<midfavila> nah i wouldnt know
<sewn> a drawn one or a distorted one
<midfavila> i dont use matrix and theres a bunch of admins on sdf
<sewn> i have to find out
<sewn> where do i go
<midfavila> asking around on BBOARD or COMMODE would be your best bet
<midfavila> or maybe the SDF IRC
<sewn> ill go with the irc
<sewn> libera? or connect invidiually
<sewn> fuck
<sewn> can you please just ask for me
<sewn> their profile picture had reminded me of a sort of spirit animal like a goat
<sewn> they have a ibm keyboard i believe and their setup is fully on SDF
<sewn> id be suprised if someone remembered because its hard for me to even remember
<midfavila> i cant tell if youre fucking with me rn lmao
<sewn> IM NOT
<sewn> WHEN HAVE I FUCKED WITH U27;2;13~
<midfavila> or if there's a second person exactly like me on sdf. which, possible, but i've never run into them
<sewn> im SEWIOUS
<midfavila> sewious sew
<midfavila> n
<midfavila> but yeah idk man
<sewn> plzz askkk
<sewn> i actually dont even know how i met them
<sewn> or who they are or what they are
<sewn> i just need to know if they still exist
<sewn> i talked to them ONCE like atleast two years ago
<sewn> i have to remember later
<sewn> i will not forget this midfavila i will find this person
<midfavila> i mean gl
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<Guest99> is there a master wiki or wtv? everything is kinda broken rn lol
<Guest99> the official site is outdated and some of the wiki links dont work anymore, at least theres backups on i-archive
<Guest99> id be down to develop something updated but itd have a lame github pages domain
<ehawkvu> Guest99: we have a repo on codeberg for the community website
<Guest99> just push an overhaul and hope it gets merged?
<ehawkvu> wdym by overhaul? as in redoing the css and whatnot?
<ehawkvu> or just text?
<ehawkvu> i'm not the admin of the site so it wont be me determing on if it gets merged
<ehawkvu> i would ask phoebos
<Guest99> i mean just putting everything on one site
<ehawkvu> Guest99: I don't see why that wouldn't get merged imo
<Guest99> alright, just wanna make kiss more accessible:)
<ehawkvu> always appreciated
<Guest99> and is there a signal desktop package anywhere? theyre not hard to make but i was curious
<Guest99> the kiss-find repo link is inactive is why i ask
<ehawkvu> sad_plan:
<ehawkvu> that's building the version in your repo
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<phoebos> did they mean the community site?
<phoebos> oh yeah that guy jedahan's thing hasn't worked for years
<phoebos> i will take it off
<phoebos> not sure what they meant by the wiki links don't work
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