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<riteo> ehawkvu: I finally implemented the approach above and it seems to work great!
<riteo> also, I really appreciate the spec. Why does it not have a license though?
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<ehawkvu> riteo: honestly just hasn't crossed my mind, I'll make it MIT rq
<ehawkvu> done
<ehawkvu> fultilt: the spec is meant to describe the behavior of the shell package manager
<ehawkvu> I agree that upstream should either reduce the number of symbols (I'm in favor of @)
<ehawkvu> or to make the symbols actually precise in their semantics
<ehawkvu> but for the latter option, you would have to add in more code just to ensure the semantics
<ehawkvu> and in all honesty, regardless of if it is a branch or a commit, you still run the exact same checkout commands
<ehawkvu> so it's not really a pressing issue
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<sewn> kiss linux
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<riteo> oops I missed fultilt message because my power grid sucks lately
<riteo> I 100 agree with them
<riteo> ehawkvu: honestly, I'd prefer a lot more a more "specc-y" (like posix) language, which in this case would mean "implementations CAN..." and so on
<riteo> we could also make the language clearer using the MUST, CAN, SHOULD, ..., keywords
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<ehawkvu> riteo: I agree completely
<ehawkvu> I just don't have time
<ehawkvu> if you want to rewrite some of the stuff, please do ! I would be more than happy to merge
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<riteo> dunno if I have the time or the energy
<riteo> if I crazy-tune to it you'll notice :P
<ehawkvu> riteo: not a problem, it's all volunteer work anyways
<ehawkvu> these next few years I'm going to be taking a big step back from all of the maintenance that I've been doing
<ehawkvu> Since I just started my PhD program
<riteo> I see
<ehawkvu> best of luck on your version of kiss though! what language are you deciding to use?
<riteo> right now I'm using C for the manager
<riteo> I would like to split the package handling in various executable, with the idea that one can, e.g. use multiple builders or do some fancier things
<riteo> also splitting would allow to mix stuff. I'm starting to think that at least a few operations could be left as small scripts while the more annoying stuff could be in C
<riteo> I'm still trying to find a good balance, especially since I want stuff that's small, fast and preferably disaster-free (think of busybox exploding)
<midfavila> have you considered using lua as a prototyping language
<midfavila> it's small and efficient and easy enough to translate into C but you get all the advantages of using an interpreted language
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<ehawkvu> makes sense, hopefully you'll have the first complete(tm) C version
<ehawkvu> still waiting on someone to make a version in a static language though...
<fultilt> I started my package manager in Python, but got a little annoyed with it and made my own small but capable scripting language. Lua is nice and small, but... no string interpolation. And 1-based indexing. And very limited ability to shell out to other programs, also I really didn't like the comment syntax.
<ehawkvu> I guess there is the one in rust by XDream
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