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Just as a heads up, another part on the Glasgow is being discontinued (See last time buy) I do have a good supply of them to keep making Glasgows for at least another year maybe two, so there won't be a problem with 1BitSquared produced Glasgows for a little while, but we need to start looking at how to address these issues.
is there a suggested replacement?
hold on
are they discontinuing a part or a package?
oh i guess it's not a package it's an order size
I just ran into it while doing some other searches. If it is just the order package size being discontinued than it is fine.
ok, the big reels are still available
Glad to see that!
It is a useful part, not just for glasgow, it would be a bummer to loose it.
j4cbo[m] has joined #glasgow
it always confused me that TI keeps separate part numbers for large and small reels
(especially when they offer custom reel services anyway)
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I don't think it is just TI. Often the part numbers differ between reel and tray parts too. The pricing between different packaging can vary as well. It does make it harder to search when you try to get a good price.
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