Is a file with the labels of the aluminium case available somewhere? Got some spare area on a UV DTF print I am sending off and would like to make a sticker of it.
the case is not open source
ACK. Thanks! I will build a crappy version of the labeling then :)
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I'm feeling a bit stumped here. I've been trying to make an applet that will essentially read some data in sync with an input clock signal and send it out. This code [ https://paste.debian.net/1365521/ ] _kinda_ works, but I see two bugs I don't really understand -- (1) sometimes the very first byte is wrong and (2) it seems to always be 2 bytes
short. Anyone have a sec to take a look?
Oh hm I think I understand why it's two bytes short
The flip flops in the FIFO probably oops
I haven't read it closely but if you want to clock stuff into the FIFO from another domain you must do it using an AsyncFIFO
there are some examples in the Ethernet applet, and I think there's code to instantiate an applet that lives entirely in a different clock domain
good luck, this is one of the least well tested parts of the framework
If I do `iface.get_in_fifo(clock_domain=...)` that's going to give me an `AsyncFIFO` right?
I think so at least
yeah it should
back when we were still using Migen, one of Migen's deficiencies meant that resets don't work properly
we have since migrated to Amaranth and tried to fix the resets, but they still don't work properly
I think I understand what I'm doing wrong for (2) there, not too sure about one still but I wonder if it's related
(2) seems related, you probably just somehow assert the flag for effectively 2 cycles and not 1
I'm testing this with an SPI signal so the input clock turns on and off -- I guess when the input clock turns off there is no more clock driving the FIFO so it just hangs out in limbo until the clock starts again
which tracks with me finding those missing two bytes at the start of every message heh
I'm slightly out of my element with this code so I'm fumbling a bit, but a lot of the APIs seem pretty intuitive so that's nice
this is a cool device :D
thank you :3
yeah, I would just use oversampling
Sadly I need to read a 33MHz signal and don't think I can sample fast enough to get that
oh I see
yeah, this is actually a difficult problem
one day I want to have a high quality QSPI snoop applet but we're not there yet... hold on
33 MHz? is this eSPI by any chance?
are those the same thing?
fun fact
I have a prototype LPC applet
and it, specifically, was a major motivating factor in improving Amaranth to handle async FIFOs better
... and I never finished it ;w;
we did end up with a better language though
uh oh :)
quite literally I added AsyncFIFO support to handle the LPC use case
(eSPI is the successor, I wasn't sure if they have the same frequency or not; LPC is old but 33 MHz is pretty specific so I assumed it might be something related)
(eSPI is a lot better actually, it has nothing to do with SPI though)
Yea this is specifically to show that a TPM appears to be being used wrong, but I have nothing that can actually read the data than I'm pretty sure is there so I bought this hoping I could get it done in time
My logic analyzer was too slow :(
yeah same
If I throw that signal at the applet I just made should I be expecting it to not work then? I just need to grab a fairly short transaction
currently works "well enough" for my 1MHz SPI testing.. but that's a bit slower
thanks for the help; I'm gonna run for the day
I think this is doable and I might look into it but zero promises