nekrondev[m]: I read that this morning :(
pretty bloody short notice
"Last order date: 2025-03-15" (Saturday!!) "Reason: No fabrication support from SkyWater (Fab) and there is no alternative to manufacture. Therefore, products will be discontinued" (both from Mouser PDF up thread)
Weirdly, the Skywater (February 2025) press release for buying the Infineon Austin fab implies the companies had "entered a long term supply agreement". I wonder what happened there? 🤔
that seems like an oddly detailed message too, I have to wonder just how badly things broke down between infineon and skywater that they'd just put that out there. or if it slipped into the PCN by mistake
that's... bad
should probably buy 10K of them or something
$WORK is looking to buy some but our volumes are pretty modest
guess I should get off my arse and get the FX3 version working
the FX3 is such hot garbage
yeah :(
the FX5 is a lot better
I had a go at getting one working years ago and ran into some what I can only describe as "random fuckery" which was really hard to debug
I should probably start evaluating the chinese clone of the FX2...
guh of course they don't have stock of the FPGA
sorry about that ^^
I knew this would be an issue, it's unfortunately just what it is
I could probably solder the FPGA myself, in which case ideally the shrouded connectors won't be mounted on the PCB
might try NextPCB since we get PCBs made from them
but then I have to email someone rather than look stuff up on a web UI and that seems so tedious
you can just send it to me without the FPGA, I can mount it myself I think
would have to dig out my hot air station which I haven't touched since moving to the UK
OK, I'll try NextPCB anyway since we might be getting some power amps made with them so it'll be good practise..
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re. CYUSB2315/16 - that's "FX2G3", which as far as I can tell is 1) a cut down FX5/FX10, completely different from FX2 and 2) not expected to be available for production until either 2025Q3 or Q4 depending on which announcements you believe
a cut down FX5 is a much better part than a cut down FX3 CYUSB2014 (their previous suggested replacement, which was complete garbage from every POV) but it's still not really a viable migration path here
unless we commit to using an FX5 going forward
actually, maybe it is a viable migration path. we don't have to use the horrible dual row QFN package (BGA is fine probably) and the FX5 looks like it's going to be a pretty good part
does fx5 exist yet?
I am currently using fx3 on a customer design, and they keep wanting to migrate to fx5/fx10, and cypress keeps not having stuff for them to evaluate
it's gonna be very soon they promise :)
FWIW the Infineon Product Discontinuation notice is dated 2024-09-12, so 2025-03-15 (last order) is actually 6 months notice. I guess DigiKey, etc, waited until they needed to send in *their* last orders before bringing it to people's attention 😕
yeah, it seems like it was awfully poorly communicated