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<owoday[m]1> Heyyy
<owoday[m]1> I can probably go read the uart code
<owoday[m]1> but are frame errors the equivalent of gibberish in like minicom?
<tpw_rules> it specifically means there's no stop bit where one was expected
<tpw_rules> i.e. the stop bit time slot has the wrong value. but yeah if you get gibberish in minicom you might be getting framing errors
<owoday[m]1> could it be a wrong baud?
<tpw_rules> yes
<owoday[m]1> cool thats what I was tryin to figure out
<owoday[m]1> thank you
<tpw_rules> unlikely but it also could be a parity setting mismatch
<owoday[m]1> thanks :#
<owoday[m]1> :3
<owoday[m]1> * thanks
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<jn> owoday[m]1: glasgow's uart applet has an autobaud mode (-a, i think), which is pretty useful
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<owoday[m]1> <jn> "owoday: glasgow's uart applet..." <- The irregular frames were from reset. The device has several 4 pin connectors that start 3 low 1 high and the high alternates every 10 seconds or so
<owoday[m]1> I think i found the firmware on github so Im gonna look at it when I have time
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<jn> makes sense