I'm sorry you've been having health issues Catherine, that sounds very rough. I really appreciate/am impressed by all the work you do for Glasgow/Amaranth/other projects. Glasgow is extremely interesting to me and I'm excited to use it / contribute to the project. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
(Also thanks again for your feedback/catching my mistake earlier)
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+1 ^
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fibromyalgia is pretty bad, yeah
i'm glad my work is useful. at the time there is likely not anything any of you can do. it is not curable and the known treatments are limited at best
it mostly just boils down to "don't be stressed. if you get stressed over an unknown, impossible to introspect threshold, your life will become permanently worse with more chronic pain and fatigue :) good luck :) :)"
so things like "war" and "international move done almost alone" were not particularly good