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<ramiro> courmisch: I think I've set the ranges wrong. I used rnd()<<7 for lum and chr, but the shifts for chr are different (I see 11 and 12 instead of 14 for chroma in libswscale/swscale.c)
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<mkver> Seems like jamrial's avx quantize_bands version causes errors under valgrind for ubitux box here: https://fate.ffmpeg.org/report.cgi?time=20240610005732&slot=x86_64-archlinux-gcc-valgrind
<mkver> Can't reproduce here.
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<cone-463> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:33e4cc963d5e: avutil/timer: Add clock_gettime as a fallback of AV_READ_TIME
<cone-463> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:6a18c0bc87e3: avutil/aarch64: Skip define AV_READ_TIME for apple
<cone-463> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:b1240c983f96: tests/checkasm: Fix build error when enable linux perf on Android
<cone-463> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:9dac8495b002: swscale/aarch64: Add rgb24 to yuv implementation
<courmisch> is it me or the checkasm for vc1dsp fails to validate that inverse transform return the correct block?
<courmisch> (i.e. only check the destination buffer)
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<jamrial> courmisch: https://pastebin.com/raw/tXrsMr2X ?
<courmisch> jamrial: it catches my problem with 4x4 and 4x8 but it's also failing 8x4 which had no known issues. Not that I'd know if it's right or wrong
<jamrial> x86_64 only has asm for the _dc variants, and those work with the above applied
<courmisch> jamrial: the DC variant only read the first element from the block and don't write to it (we might as well make it constant)
<courmisch> jamrial: so no surprises there
<courmisch> well I guess we can't make it constant because we want to share callback types
<courmisch> jamrial: your patch is causing all 3 non-DC functions to fail on arm64
<courmisch> so probably it's too strict :/
<elenril> >I like the idea that the 'dadj' box sits inside a 'cmfy' box, it seems very wholesome.
<elenril> lmao
<JEEB> lol
<jamrial> courmisch: is it too strict, or is your impl overwritting? :p
<courmisch> jamrial: I didn't write the arm64 code
<jamrial> ah
<courmisch> do I look like an arm64 programm... oh wait
<courmisch> I do aarch64, but only serious things. EL2 and EL1 things. Not petty EL0 things
<cone-463> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:417957ec5eb9: sws/range_convert: R-V V to/from JPEG
<sfan5> anyone online who could push a few patches for me?
<jamrial> sfan5: which ones?
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