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<haasn> yeah I was thinking the same
<haasn> converting *from* pal8 is not as useful as converting *to* pal8
<haasn> specifically with proper dithering (ED etc.)
<haasn> iirc swscale still is terribad at encoding gifs
<haasn> michaelni: how do we feel about breaking swscale output across versions of libswscale?
<haasn> it would break unit tests that rely on specific bitexact outputs
<haasn> it's not clear if "bitexact" is just meant to be stable across hardware, or if it's also meant to be stable across *time*
<haasn> I think that it might be okay to have the flag imply only the former, not the latter
<nevcairiel> stable over time is never a possible guarantee
<michaelni> it doesnt need to be stable across time but i really would prefer if the number of breaks are small and not one every month
<michaelni> if possible ...
<haasn> right
<haasn> michaelni: context on ML; but I was planning on adding an `int quality` for controlling the speed/quality tradeoff preset
<haasn> and I wonder if the semantics of BITEXACT would prevent us from ever changing e.g. the default settings
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<ePirat> michaelni, can I get access to the coverity reports please?
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<BtbN> iirc you need to make an account and request access here: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/ffmpeg
<BtbN> ePirat:
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<michaelni> ePirat, approved coverity access
<ePirat> thanks
<Lynne> haasn: bitexact should not exist
<Lynne> CPUs don't play dice
<nevcairiel> random dither patterns are a thing
<BtbN> We also already had a situation where different CPUs disagree about intricacies of conversions to/from floats
<BtbN> none that matter, but they're not bit to bit identical
<courmisch> can I relocate to an isekai where checkasm is right and FATE and ITU-T spec don't matter?
<nevcairiel> only if it has a magical hovering cube that always spits out perfect checkasm tests
<courmisch> nevcairiel: would it be preferable to reverse-isekai the magical hovering cube to our plane? works for me either way
<Lynne> nevcairiel: sure, but if you run the same code twice, there should be no change
<nevcairiel> its not exactly a random pattern then
<courmisch> so my h264 loop filter passes checkasm but breaks FATE
<courmisch> surely that's a problem in FATE
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<cone-892> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:d5e603ddc072: lavu/lls: remove useless VSETVL
<jamrial> courmisch: alignment? overreliance on padding?
<courmisch> jamrial: code assumes 8-bit alignment and no padding
<courmisch> my money is on intermediate arithmetic overflow
<courmisch> FWIW, checkasm fails to test strictly negative TC values
<courmisch> pun unintended, but still funny
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<kurosu> courmisch: tc offsets, or final tc values (used for clipping and look up tables)? I don't think the later would be defined. Not even sure it would be legal for this to happen
<kurosu> anyway I guess the later is not much of a solace, and has to be handled anyway
<haasn> Lynne: Without bitexact we could for example reassociate operations
<haasn> Or enable SIMD paths that round differently from C
<Lynne> nevcairiel: in the time domain it is random, but predictable
<Lynne> quality settings can do that too
<courmisch> kurosu: I dunno, but Lorren Merrit added a check for negative TC values whilst adding MMX support
<courmisch> kurosu: it seems to me that the calling code forces negative values in "some cases", but I have zero knowledge of ffh264 insides
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<kurosu> ok, looks like a signalling trick. I think the code sets bS for an "edge" to 0 to indicate it doesn't need filtering. The 0 entry in the tc table is always -1: chroma adds 1 to it, luma does nothing. In all cases, the value is indeed <= 0
<kurosu> So the meaning of a <= 0 value is just a convenience to say "don't filter edge"
<kurosu> maybe that could be caught earlier than in the leaf function, but ok, makes more sense, and you do have to implement it
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