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<cone-404> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:4b8ddf71dcd3: movenc: Factorize a function for finishing a written fragment
<cone-404> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:6ec22731ae76: movenc: Add an option for resilient, hybrid fragmented/non-fragmented muxing
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<mkver> wbs: Do you happen to know why the subtitle output is not written to a dynamic buffer in hlsenc, while the ordinary output is?
<mkver> (IIRC it can lead to crashes, because the code tries to treat the subtitle output as dynamic buffer even though it isn't.)
<wbs> mkver: no idea, sorry
<wbs> (I haven't touched those areas of that muxer, and very little other than those patches I just sent)
<Daemon404> the answer for hlsenc.c is usually just that it was written bt diff people
<Daemon404> and noone cared
<wbs> yes
<mkver> Ok.
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<JEEB> I think the subtitle code in that one just crashed very easily since IIRC at some point it tried to handle it as if it had the separate segment stream open
<JEEB> or well, mux or however you call it
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<cone-637> ffmpeg Ramiro Polla master:88a402df7414: swscale/yuv2rgb: fix conversion for widths not aligned to 8
<cone-637> ffmpeg Ramiro Polla master:0a08c6458858: swscale/yuv2rgb: fix yuv422p input in C code
<cone-637> ffmpeg Ramiro Polla master:fb8fae864f90: swscale/yuv2rgb: add macros to simplify code generation
<cone-637> ffmpeg Ramiro Polla master:e37a93031ec8: swscale/yuv2rgb: reindent after previous commit
<thardin> lol, _mktemp() can only generate 26 filenames on windows
<ramiro> 26 filenames should be enough for anyone
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<nevcairiel> thats not exclusively a windows limitation, but of a class of implementations "Some implementations follow 4.3BSD and replace XXXXXX by the current process ID and a single letter, so that at most 26 different names can be returned."
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<cone-637> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:76317e22a6da: avformat/tls_schannel: forward AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK to tcp stream
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<thardin> that sounds supremely useless
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<haasn> michaelni: do you know why swscale uses a 15-bit internal representation rather than the more obvious 16-bit? are you worrying about overflow in some step? afaict the scalers already clamp, so..
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<elenril> I hear half-float is popular these days
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<haasn> nvm figured it out
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<jamrial> haasn: 2006 forum post flashback
<haasn> ha.
<haasn> but it's to avoid overflow when multiplying in filter coefficients in the next step
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<JEEB> :)
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<michaelni> haasn, yes, it all should be using about as much bits as fit without overflow
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<cone-637> ffmpeg Pierre-Anthony Lemieux master:77ab1c773c6a: fate/jpeg2000dec: add support for p0_10.j2k
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<cone-637> ffmpeg Cosmin Stejerean master:c3814d54098a: avcodec/dovi_rpudec: fix reading el_bit_depth_minus8
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<cone-637> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:0d748eec8d52: configure: detect 64-bit generic platforms
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<JEEB> llyyr: if paul hasn't changed the license or requested that his work not be merged into FFmpeg, then it could be posted for review like anything else.
<courmisch> elenril: I hear 4-bit integers are popular these days
<courmisch> elenril: HF is so last decade
<JEEB> do you then NN upscale the 4bit integers?
<courmisch> also sorry to inform you that your courmisch-free week is over
<kasper93> human eye don't see more than 4bits
<JEEB> 4 bits at 24 frames per second. everyone knows this
<courmisch> 4 bits is for AI. For video, obviously 1 bit per pixel is enough
<JEEB> classic dithering
<courmisch> X11 even supports it
<courmisch> well, X11 is lying about supporting 1, 4, 8, 15 and 16-bit pixmaps
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<haasn> the funniest thing about LLMS is being able to see in realtime how its thinking degrades when you increasingly quantize its neurons
<haasn> concepts just get.. fuzzier
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<BtbN> hmm, https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE.html this is making FFmpeg fail to compile on 32 bit with gcc 14+
<BtbN> Since FFmpeg assigns NULL to a lot of those "NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE" in a lot of places, and that's only valid with the target is a pointer.
<BtbN> Not sure if Vulkan has a compatible "NULL" you can safely use at all times
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<JEEB> yea
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<cone-620> ffmpeg Lynne master:dae12ddb2e5d: lavu/stereo3d: change the horizontal FOV field to a rational
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<BtbN> Lynne: I assume it's fine to push that ffplay Vulkan patch to master and 7.0? Right now build is broken with gcc 14.
<BtbN> on 32 bit that is
<Lynne> err, which one?
<BtbN> NULL in ffplay_render
<BtbN> sent it a couple hours ago
<Lynne> oh, yes, sure, LGTM'd
<cone-620> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:6d4eba51f29b: fftools/ffplay_renderer: use correct NULL value for Vulkan type
<cone-620> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler release/7.0:173673f3592f: fftools/ffplay_renderer: use correct NULL value for Vulkan type
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<cone-620> ffmpeg James Almer master:1034296eac7e: avformat/dump: print Stereo3D AVRationals as float
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