michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<cone-373> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:a0ff31e740ec: avcodec/vvc/inter: Don't return void
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<cone-170> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:c84e40d9e6ce: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: Return error upon error
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<thardin> >google breaks git-send-mail, encouraging dozens of useds to degoogle themselves
<thardin> marvellous
<JEEB> lol, so they finally did that
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<thardin> the price of freedom is endless faffing about
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<wbs> fwiw, gmail works just fine with git-send-email, if you set up "app passwords" (which requires enabling 2fa)
<JEEB> ah, that was my "current state"
<JEEB> so I thought they broke that?
<JEEB> I think you no longer can make new app passphrases? but yea, existing ones should have still worked
<mkver> thardin: You are overestimating x265.
<wbs> no; previously you could enable the setting "allow insecure apps", that let you authenticate over plain smtp/imap with the regular account password, nothing more
<wbs> but this is being phased out now
<thardin> mkver: perhaps
<JEEB> wbs: ah
<JEEB> yea, never used that since already years ago made those application credentials
<thardin> >2 years ago
<thardin> didn't notice that. if it's still broken that's quite bad
<JEEB> x265 seems to work just well enough that normal users don't notice it :P
<JEEB> but don't try to do valgrind or other thigns
<JEEB> *things
<thardin> *angry formal methods noises*
<thardin> perhaps there is no good solution
<wbs> thardin: you can take over x265 maintainance and make it valgrind clean? :-)
<wbs> pretty please? :-)
<thardin> sure, if I get paid for it
<thardin> I've done quite extensive valgrind/callgrind work in other projects. it's pleasing
<thardin> but I also need to eat and pay rent, as it were
<JEEB> x265 also has a memcpy problem
<JEEB> you will see it as soon as you try to encode something like 10bit 2160p50
<JEEB> but yes, fixing the valgrind etc stuff at least lets you make FATE tests :D
<JEEB> like I added one, and it then got removed since more people were running FATE with x265 built-in than I thought :P
<thardin> I also noticed yesterday an old C++ project of mine uses type punning. unacceptable!
<thardin> lately I've been working on melt's avformat plugin
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<j-b> 10:32 <@JEEB> x265 also has a memcpy problem
<j-b> memcpy is murder!
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<thardin> memory was not meant to be copied
<thardin> they have played us for absolute fools
<courmisch> meanwhile Arm added a memory copy instruction set extension
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<thardin> rep stosb
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<Daemon404> JEEB, dont forget the leaks too
<Daemon404> at $dayjob we have a big ol valgrind suppression file just for x2655l
<Daemon404> x265*
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> thus valgrind
<Daemon404> elenril, if you can figure our wtf "cmfy" stands for, do share ;)
<Daemon404> for the life of me i cannot
<Daemon404> CaMera F You?
<Daemon404> Camera F(Y)?
<Daemon404> (since it contains horizontal display adj)
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<sfan5> looks like I missed a reply yesterday
<sfan5> anyway, anyone online now who could push a few patches for me?
<elenril> tell us which and I might get to it in an hour or two
<elenril> mkver: did you make any progress on ffv1 races?
<elenril> and are you planning to work on it any time soon, or should I?
<mkver> elenril: I will soon look at it.
<mkver> elenril: Why do you care so much about HEVC?
<elenril> ok, I'd appreciate that
<elenril> I have some patches pending that have a side effect of exposing those races
<elenril> mkver: not sure I can talk about it yet, but it will become clear eventually
<haasn> illuminati project confirmed
<mkver> elenril: Do you want to add frame and slice-threading (as in wpp) simultaneously?
<elenril> not in the immediate future
<mkver> elenril: There is btw a fix for a leak caused by you on the ML.
<elenril> thanks, replied
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<thardin> elenril: maybe we-mark it as experimental?
<thardin> re-mark*
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<mkver> thardin: "expect non-zero numbers of angry users whose workflows suddenly break" <-- the "non-zero" number would be huge understatement in this case.
<elenril> who even cares about encoding hevc
<ramiro> courmisch: did you find out what the issue was with the chroma range conversions?
<elenril> also, I think it might motivate someone to actually fix the bugs
<JEEB> I wish people didn't care about it
<JEEB> hilariously enough at this point you can actually encode AV1 with SVT-AV1 better than HEVC with x265 in live
<JEEB> since x265 falls to pieces with higher resolutions
<elenril> can you make it not BLUR yet?
<JEEB> I think the pq people are pushing their changes to SVT-AV1 upstream slowly
<elenril> IOW x264 remains best grill for the foreseeable future
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<JEEB> AV1 is just something that you can encode at 10bit and have browsers etc play it
<JEEB> so stuff like HDR
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<thardin> elenril: good question. a friend of mine works for a company that does a lot of live transcoding. they've tested libx265 but found libx264 was good enough and much better in terms of battery life
<thardin> mkver: maybe it would be good though, give libx265 a much needed kick?
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<cone-545> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:8754c9bd82b7: configure: Disable DNN without backend
<thardin> if development has stalled and it has issues and there's bandwidth to say then surely someone could justify funding improvements
<thardin> to save*
<elenril> maybe someone could suggest forking it and cleaning it up as an STF project
<JEEB> thardin: yea and wait until you have someone test out higher resolutions with x265 :P
<JEEB> I literally couldn't get 2160p50 rolling with a nice 2019 (?) xeon
<JEEB> then after profiling the biggest time sink were memcpy-likes
<thardin> lol
<JEEB> meanwhile SVT-AV1 goes brrrrr, and with some versions even with a single NUMA node of that dual socket 2019 xeon
<cone-545> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:6ae1a337f207: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: Fix leak when using non-encoding option
<ramiro> jamrial: I don't think pmaddwd works in the range_convert functions. it performs "add adjacent doubleword results", which we don't want. or am I missing something?
<BtbN> I think libx265 is a dead horse. It also has numerous critical security flaws, and nobody cares
<BtbN> I agree with the sentiment of marking it as experimental to highlight that fact
<jamrial> ramiro: you can zero half the words, so the addition is a nop
<jamrial> you could also replace the pmovzxwd with pxor m6, m6 + punpck{l,h}wd
<jamrial> and make it sse2
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<ramiro> jamrial: pmaddwd makes it about 10% faster, thanks!
<jamrial> ramiro: https://pastebin.com/raw/U2E7uhrK here, also combined the packssdw (to get a single 128bit store), and used the neg stride trick
<jamrial> checkasm passes, but no idea if real buffers passed to this function are aligned or not. might have to use movu if not
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<ramiro> jamrial: thanks for the review! do you have any suggestions for the avx2 patch as well?
<jamrial> ramiro: use VBROADCASTI128 (a macro) to load the mult coeffs rather than extend them to 256bits
<jamrial> aside from that, the avx2 version doesn't need other changes on top of what i pasted above
<jamrial> all the vextracti128 are unnecessary after merging the packssdw
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<kurosu> I use neither x265 nor svt-av1 for encoding to the standards they implement :-]
<kurosu> vaguely interested in what direction ffhevc is taken, but can't really make serious reviews
<elenril> joke reviews are welcome as well
<courmisch> ramiro: no but I didn't really try
<kurosu> elenril: well, isn't that what I've already made then?
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:6c05069e680f: lavc/vc1dsp: match C block layout in inv_trans_4x4_rvv
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:b6f37ffba71f: lavc/vc1dsp: match C block layout in inv_trans_4x8_rvv
<courmisch> ramiro: quite possibly a limitation of running FATE on QEMU
<courmisch> jamrial: I think you vc1dsp memcmp is comparing uninitialised data
<jamrial> it shouldn't. the whole buffer is initialized with random data
<courmisch> jamrial: check the nested for loops just above
<courmisch> they only copy the *useful* parts of the 8x8 matrix
<courmisch> to be fair, this seems overengineered. it could just memcpy the whole block
<jamrial> oh, i see what you mean
<courmisch> jamrial: also missing * sizeof (int16_t)
<jamrial> true
<sfan5> elenril: ping
<elenril> sfan5: is psa_crypto_init() threadsafe?
<elenril> if not, you should call it from ff_tls_init() rather than tls_open()
<elenril> and people who came up with it should have their programmer licences revoked
<sfan5> hmm
<sfan5> the embedded device mindset mbedtls was written with definitely makes these issues annoying
<elenril> and as courmisch said on ML, lavf really shouldn't mess with global logging callbacks
<sfan5> the log callback is per-context. I removed the call that changed the globla log level
<elenril> ah, ok then
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<thardin> ah the joys of webrtc
<thardin> coffe, then getting back to wrangling all the electrical connectors on my citroën xm
<JEEB> I found it funny how even with what's in master I could build the mbedtls wrapper, but it wouldn't link because random symbols were absent. (mbedtls 2.28.8)
<JEEB> (that's the version that was already packaged in fedorA)
<JEEB> and sfan5's patch set was just as good, compiled :)
<JEEB> (and same linking errors from master)
<cone-545> ffmpeg sfan5 master:63b6620ad3cd: lavf/tls_mbedtls: handle more error codes for human-readable messages
<cone-545> ffmpeg sfan5 master:807d1505bfcd: lavf/tls_mbedtls: add missing call to psa_crypto_init
<cone-545> ffmpeg sfan5 master:827578ca761e: lavf/tls_mbedtls: hook up debug message callback
<cone-545> ffmpeg sfan5 master:1b1e9cadc5c4: lavf/tls_mbedtls: fix handling of certification validation failures
<cone-545> ffmpeg sfan5 master:0455a62d8428: lavf/tls_mbedtls: handle session ticket error code as no-op
<elenril> sfan5: for the last patch see my reply on ML
<courmisch> michaelni: FUCK YOU. SERIOUSLY. You should be ashamed of yourself.
<courmisch> I am clearly being trolled here
<courmisch> and I am sure the CC will find some pretext why it's all my fault
<sfan5> ty for merge, will reply on ML
<elenril> courmisch: the benchmark is clearly in your email already
<elenril> (the diffstat)
<elenril> but please language
<courmisch> yeah go ahead and harass the victim
<courmisch> also for someone who called me a troll *here*, hypocrit much
<elenril> grow up
<thardin> please provide benchmarks on C64
<thardin> come to think of it, could ffmpeg be compiled for amiga? I'm sure someone has tried
<courmisch> until C11 , compiled probably
<courmisch> linked and loaded, err...
<thardin> one of the bigger amiga sites got pushback from users for wanting to move to requiring TLS 1.2. a move that would make the (only?) amiga web browser stop working on it
<courmisch> I'm so fed up with those arguments
<courmisch> you can't provide high level support if the low level is not supported
<courmisch> if (generic) you want to run Windows XP that's your problem, not mine or my OSS projects
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<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:040755671632: lavc/hevcdec: do not free SliceHeader arrays in pic_arrays_free()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:a82f2b092430: lavc/hevcdec: simplify condition
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:e12fd62d1dd4: lavc/hevcdec: drop a redundant assignment in hevc_decode_frame()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:c879165b393d: lavc/hevc_ps: make PPS hold a reference to its SPS
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:2e46d68f553c: lavc/hevc_ps: make SPS hold a reference to its VPS
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:6ddba110eb1d: lavc/hevc/parser: stop using HEVCParamSets.[psv]ps
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:fb873a05b343: lavc/hevc/mvs: stop accessing parameter sets through HEVCParamSets
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:b38aecffecea: lavc/hevc/filter: stop accessing parameter sets through HEVCParamSets
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:d0868d70eaa1: lavc/hevc/cabac: stop accessing parameter sets through HEVCParamSets
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:38b8ae411268: lavc/hevc/pred: stop accessing parameter sets through HEVCParamSets
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:0f47342c12dc: lavc/hevcdec: stop accessing parameter sets through HEVCParamSets
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:8c8072c29c97: lavc/hevcdec: move active PPS from HEVCParamSets to HEVCContext
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:8eb134f4f944: lavc/hevcdec: drop an always-zero variable
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:90fc331b0fc6: lavc/hevcdec: only ignore INVALIDDATA in decode_nal_unit()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:0892ec947c7f: lavc/hevcdec: pass SliceHeader explicitly to pred_weight_table()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:5e438511abb2: lavc/hevcdec: do not pass HEVCContext to decode_lt_rps()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:01b379a93e05: lavc/hevcdec: move pocTid0 computation to hevc_frame_start()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:07eb60c0da34: lavc/hevcdec: only call export_stream_params_from_sei() once per frame
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:381b70e173f9: lavc/hevcdec: do not pass HEVCContext to ff_hevc_frame_nb_refs()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:3115c84015d8: lavc/hevcdec: only set no_rasl_output_flag for IRAP frames
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:d86ac94df24d: lavc/hevcdec: output RASL frames based on the value of no_rasl_output_flag
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<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:b0c29a45dc3c: lavc/hevc/cabac: do not infer WPP use based on HEVCContext.threads_number
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:e4e9e1da15a2: lavc/hevcdec: drop redundant HEVCContext.threads_{type,number}
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:d43527a1a0f5: lavc/hevcdec: store slice header POC in SliceHeader
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:7cce612a26c3: lavc/hevcdec: move a slice segment sanity check to hls_slice_header()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:efc827bf6fdc: lavc/hevcdec: move slice decoding dispatch to its own function
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:3bbb5d78c74a: lavc/hevcdec: move per-slice local_ctx setup out of hls_slice_header()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:6ee550d83d15: lavc/hevcdec: move calling hwaccel start_frame to hevc_frame_start()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:fe171a3b51a1: lavc/hevcdec: move calling hwaccel decode_slice to decode_slice_data()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:47d34ba7fbb8: lavc/hevcdec: move constructing slice RPL to decode_slice_data()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:a2e77caf37c9: lavc/hevcdec: set active PPS/SPS in hevc_frame_start()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:82ded1ad3a79: lavc/hevcdec: move sequence increment/IDR handling to hevc_frame_start()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:a8f9d52c2278: lavc/hevcdec: move setting slice_initialized out of hls_slice_header()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:3cd6492fb5e7: lavc/hevcdec: move the check for multiple frames in a packet
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:90e75c4ec9b0: lavc/hevcdec: drop a redundant multiple-frame-per-packet check
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:edb6a471c4b3: lavc/hevcdec: factor decoding a slice NALU out of decode_nal_unit()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:d725c737fe2a: lavc/hevcdec: move some frame-end code to hevc_frame_end()
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:ccd391d6a3af: lavc/hevcdec: do not unref current frame on frame_end() failure
<cone-545> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:08ea7d6b8e1e: lavc/hevcdec: constify source frame in hevc_ref_frame()
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<courmisch> wbs: any idea why this:
<courmisch> src/tests/checkasm/h264chroma.c:54:18: warning: ‘size’ is used uninitialized [-Wuninitialized]
<courmisch> looks like GCC farting to me, but?
<courmisch> wbs: (I only see it on AArch64)
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<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:18adaf9fe558: checkasm/lls: adjust buffer sizes and alignments
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:378d1b06c350: riscv: probe for Zbb extension at load time
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:324899b74835: lavu/riscv: use Zbb REV8 at run-time
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:98db1409102c: lavu/riscv: use Zbb CPOP/CPOPW at run-time
<cone-545> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:f6d0a41c8ca6: lavu/riscv: use Zbb CLZ/CTZ/CLZW/CTZW at run-time
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<mkver> michaelni: Do you intend to look at my mpegvideo-pool patchset any more? (I found the reason for the strange issue you encountered: https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-June/329226.html)
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<michaelni> mkver, no plan to look at it beyond what i already did (unless theres something specific someone wants me to look at?)
<mkver> michaelni: Not really. Thanks for the confirmation.
<courmisch> thardin: there is Amiga under MAINTAINERS, FWIW
<thardin> nice
<thardin> amigaaaa
<courmisch> I know Segaaaa, but not Amigaaaa
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<jamrial> mkver: btw, i tried to replace the zero_extend in lavc/mathops.h (used by get_bits) with the lavu version, and the result was a broken vorbis decoder
<jamrial> the reason is that it's called with 32 as bit offset, whereas the lavu implementation only supports up to 31
<jamrial> the output of get_bits_long(gb, 32) changed
<jamrial> i didn't look into why that would try to zero extend with 32 as bit offset
<mkver> jamrial: Probably because it used get_bits_long() calls where the number of bits is not a compile-time constant.
<mkver> Actually, vorbis uses lots of get_bits_long(gb, 32); and it does this at byte-aligned positions.
<mkver> Nuts.
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<llyyr> d725c737fe2a19091b481d4d115fd939e0a674b2 broke hevc hwdec, at least vaapi and vulkan
<llyyr> elenril: ^
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<nevcairiel> because hevc_frame_end is never called in the hwaccel path
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<Lynne> I'm surprised hevc has a picture_md5 field
<nevcairiel> looking at that patch, it should probably just be partly reverted for the hwaccel part
<Lynne> having a checksum field as a part of the bitstream is just unnecessary, there's only one correct way of decoding
<nevcairiel> catches corruption more so then broken decoders
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System_Error has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
System_Error has joined #ffmpeg-devel
cone-435 has joined #ffmpeg-devel
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c21fb3624bb7: avformat/iamf_parse: Remove dead case
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:78d6d13babc6: avdevice/xcbgrab: Check sscanf() return
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:f10493f6fc2a: avformat/imfdec: Simplify get_next_track_with_minimum_timestamp()
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:7d04c6016b09: avformat/img2dec: Move DQT after unrelated if()
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:5712f36dd0ee: avformat/img2dec: Little JFIF / Exif cleanup
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:019fce18bb06: avformat/matroskadec: Assert that num_levels is non negative
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:0263b6a48caa: avformat/libzmq: Check av_strstart()
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:0c977d37aad6: avformat/mov: Use 64bit in intermediate for current_dts
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:034054b3706b: avformat/mov: Use int64_t in intermediate for corrected_dts
<cone-435> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:9c9f095e30c1: avfilter/vf_rotate: Check ff_draw_init2() return value
sgm has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
sgm has joined #ffmpeg-devel
System_Error has quit [Remote host closed the connection]