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<thardin> the vlc cone has a santa hat but not a midsummer wreath
<thardin> truly, a travesty
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<kasper93> thardin: known issue, we need to finally open the shop with hats for mpv, microtransactions best form of monetization. /jk
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<rajivharlalka> I am somehow facing linking issue when building ffmpeg, recieving multiple errors with "undefined reference to <some_function>" and quite unsure since nothing changed for me since yesterday other than an additional --toolchain=gcc-asan in the configure command . what might be I possibly missing.
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<jamrial> rajivharlalka: asan will not work with asm enabled
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<mkver> jamrial, rajivharlalka: clang-asan works fine with ASM enabled with -fno-sanitize-address-use-odr-indicator.
<mkver> And that gcc-asan does not work is a bug in our build system and not in asan.
<mkver> Recent versions of ASAN add another symbol for every object and our build system picks this up and mistakenly infers that it needs to set extern_prefix based upon this, which makes the asm code mistakenly expect mangled symbol names.
<mkver> This should be fixed, but it would need to be fixed by a person who actually uses systems that really need the mangling in the first place. Maybe wbs?
<kasper93> Skipping NAL unit %d log in hevcdec should be AV_LOG_VERBOSE instead AV_LOG_INFO, change my mind.
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<cone-833> ffmpeg Cosmin Stejerean master:cc587e69c6fa: avutil/dovi_meta: add fields for ext_mapping_idc
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<cone-833> ffmpeg Cosmin Stejerean master:0c0e7ec81e9f: avcodec/dovi_rpu: correctly read el_bit_depth_minus8 and ext_mapping_idc
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<Lynne> is there a reason why our sonames have the full version rather than just major-only version or major.minor?
<psykose> it is major only, e.g. (SONAME) Library soname: [libavcodec.so.61]
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<Lynne> ah, right, the symlinks
<Lynne> the actual libs are maj.min.micro
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<nevcairiel> that seems pretty normal, have the binary with the full version and install a symlink with the major only
<nevcairiel> although i dont remember actually seeing that
<psykose> it's some old convention to install the full libversion and then create a symlink of .so -> soname -> fullversion
<psykose> i'm not sure what the benefit really is, probably knowing the version from the file alone?
<psykose> it's also harmless though so shrug
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<Lynne> jamrial: while you're changing the stereo3d api, would you mind if I sent a patch to convert the baseline and horizontal fov fields to rationals, rather than a hardcoded base?
<jamrial> Lynne: poke Daemon404 about that
* Lynne pokes Daemon404
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<jamrial> Lynne: also, my patch changing an enum value is not ok because it's not something derek added a couple days ago
<jamrial> turns out its from 2017
<Lynne> the baseline/fov fields are also from 3 weeks ago, do you think it would be halal to change the API?
<Lynne> I don't have a strong opinion on it, I would just rather not hardcode specifics of containers into a generic API
<Lynne> also I'm looking for using rationals for avtransport's implementation (which would just copy the struct)
<jamrial> no, they are from four days ago
<jamrial> you should ask Daemon404 since he added them. but i don't think they should be rationals. baseline is micrometers
<Lynne> ah, right, git blame shows authored date
<Lynne> patch sent
<Lynne> don't shoot!
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<Lynne> jamrial: "You can easily convert this in your code by using a 1000000 denominator if you wish" <- what were you referring to here?
<jamrial> just add that denominator in your AVTransport rational
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<Lynne> as in hardcode the denom to 10^6? I can do that, but then I won't be overengineering it
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<Lynne> I sure hope no interlaced stereoscopic video ever exists
<Lynne> decided to use each frame's field_id boolean to signal view
<Lynne> in a darkweb site that was deleted 20 years ago, I found info which describes a way to summon demons by creating a stereoscopic interlaced video, so I think its safe to ignore
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