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hey, I have a quick question about RPMs. it's probably silly, but it's giving me and a collegue some grief.
we've built a package which installs a license, and the permissions of /usr/share/licenses/<pkgname> are 0750. How can I make it so they are 0755 instead?
that must be a configuration setting for rpmbuild, right?
I've found nothing in the spec file that sets the mode, and I didn't find anything in the documentation of %license
drewfustini: the board locked up after 14 hours of runtime
whoops, wrong channel for that message
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oaken-source: the default umask is 022 so the permissions should be correct, are you making that directory in the spec or is the Makefile making it on install
dgilmore: I'm not 100% sure, to be honest. I'm trying to adapt an existing spec file that I don't fully understand yet
Can you paste it to a Pastebin?
yes, give me a second
pastebin thinks the spec file is too offensive to paste :|
and its too large for
but I just found this line in %files: %defattr(-,root,root) %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
could this be related?
that could be
oaken-source: sorry was in meetings try