jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<joe9> which is the recommended desktop for crux?
<joe9> I want to run firefox(netflix), etc.
<joe9> lxde?
<ppetrov^> assemble your own :p
<ppetrov^> they way I understand it: there is no official desktop, but there are unofficial ports for lxqt, xfce and mate
<joe9> trying to save some time.
<joe9> ok, thanks.
<ppetrov^> hm, xfce is gone at the moment
<ppetrov^> i use an old xfce, which i kinda assembled myself
<ppetrov^> what desktop would (ideally) want to use?
<joe9> mate seems the simplest(?)
<joe9> I just want something going quick
<joe9> I do not want to spend a lot of time theming for the perfect desktop.
<ppetrov^> well, i have not used it, but give it a try?
<ppetrov^> in my experience, 'saving time' is not something CRUX is best for
<ppetrov^> but i may be mistaken
<joe9> simplicity saves time in the long run, I guess..
<ppetrov^> it does for me
<joe9> there are instructions for lxde.
<ppetrov^> really nice of them
<ppetrov^> can't help you there
<ppetrov^> i wouldn't use the first link, it is for the previous version of CRUX
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<SiFuh> Been using fluxbox for decades and decades.
<SiFuh> Configuration is simple
<SiFuh> And I can transfer the ~/.fluxbox directory to pretty much any Operating System that can run fluxbox.
<joe9> are there crux ports for it?
<joe9> instructions to install it?
<SiFuh> I think I maintain that port
<SiFuh> My repo is yenjie
<SiFuh> It is a window manager and not a desktop environment.
<SiFuh> So you can use SLIM, xdm, or what ever to launch it. I use xdm with a +x ~/.xsession file. The last entry is startfluxbox
<SiFuh> Others use startx but I like having a login screen like xdm
<SiFuh> prt-get depinst fluxbox and you are done. ;-)
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<joe9> I use xenodm on openbsd. Is there something similar on crux?
<leah2> xdm i guess?
<joe9> I think it is better to stick with xdm initially until I find it unusable.
<joe9> thanks for the suggestions.
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<joe9> and fvwm or such for the window manager.
<joe9> there is a cwm port. cool.
<jaeger> recommended desktop is whichever one you like best :)
<dlcusa> joe9, it seems the xfce repo is available again. Instructions are the index.html of the directory. I recently posted http://dlcusa.net/CRUX/XFCE_Wayland.mbox, a tl;dr that indicates xfce development may ebbing. Oh, use -is with prt-gets because I'm still trying to make time to fix the signatures.
<SiFuh> xenodm is xdm but OpenBSD's version of Xorg
<SiFuh> OpenBSD cwm and CRUX cwm are different
<SiFuh> jaeger: 100% agree
<SiFuh> So if you have used xenodm then you will already be aware of the .xsession file and its entries.
<leah2> if the cwm port is mine then it's pretty equivalent
<leah2> if it's the ancient one you should update it ;)
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<stenur> It is of course leah2's.
<leah2> then it's 99.9% the same code
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> https://github.com/leahneukirchen/${name}/archive/${gitver}/${name}-${version}.tar.gz
<SiFuh> Definately
<SiFuh> Definitely*
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<ppetrov^> i've been in a fonts exploring mood lately and these (https://leahneukirchen.org/fonts/) seem very nice
<stenur> uuuuuhhhh :)
<ppetrov^> wut
<ppetrov^> beauty is in the eye of the beholder :p
<stenur> I only have LiberationSerif, LiberationSans, LiberationMono, Free{Sans..} and Crimson-*.
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<stenur> That is true!
<stenur> Mostly LiberationMono only
<ppetrov^> i also had a limited collection of fonts, until i had to prepare text for an article where the templaye required palatino
<ppetrov^> then I learned I actually have this on my win 10
<stenur> Liberation Sans in firefox
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<stenur> Palatino i know and had yes. In CSS for web around ~Y2K, in TeX documents, later groff. It then become to "boldish"
<stenur> In general: man am i happy with fonts now. It was *such* a pixel mess twenty years ago.
<stenur> It is only the XML configuration that i am too stupid for.
<stenur> Luckily X still is mkfontscale&&mkfontdir&&rm -rf .uuid&&fc-cache -f .
<ppetrov^> i use Terminus for the terminal
<ppetrov^> and 'sans' for the desktop
<ppetrov^> also try to make Chrome substitute everything with the default sans
<ppetrov^> can't stand many of the modern fonts that are somehow too bold
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: grafana: 8.4.4 -> 8.4.5
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<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I like artwiz aleczapka but they are very limited.
<ppetrov^> never heard of then
<ppetrov^> i actually always found these fonts-obsessed people to be a bit snobby
<SiFuh> The URL to the fonts you pasted look very similar
<ppetrov^> whenever i read someone praising their ' all time favourite Helvetica', i think 'yeah...'
<SiFuh> Due to characters like Chinese/Japanese/Korean and Thai/Lao, Myanmar I have a massive collection of fonts.
<ppetrov^> like, the other day, i read a post on twitter about how to prepare scientific figures. That's something, i dare say, am experienced with. Well, the guy recommended helvetica for the figure. Actually, you should use whatever font the journal asks you to use...
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, but you dont go around telling people, font X is the best and only, right?
<SiFuh> Nope, I actually hate fonts
<SiFuh> I wish there was one universal font
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> Helvetica
<SiFuh> Nah, there is one but it is also limited
<ppetrov^> which one?
<stenur> I really wished i could speak more languages
<ppetrov^> how many do you speak stenur
<stenur> americandeutsch. Makes 1 :)
<SiFuh> Not sure the name, I will have to look around
<ppetrov^> so English and german?
<stenur> To my shame. No Italian, no Russian, no Chinese (Mandarin), no Japanese.
<ppetrov^> that's... prety ambitious
<stenur> No Bulgarian.
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> i am flattered someone remembered
<stenur> pffff
<SiFuh> Japanese is a SOV language so you will learn to speak like Yoda :-)
<ppetrov^> stenur, try Finnish
<ppetrov^> good luck with it
<stenur> Just looked an hour ago because i had forgotten the name Slowenien, how nice Bulgaria lies there at the black sea. If only the winters were not.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, does this support latin alphabet and cyrillic?
<SiFuh> Horse wa fence ni jump mashita
<stenur> Tango! Nuff said.
<SiFuh> Yes but as I said it is limited
<ppetrov^> thanks
<stenur> Ah i wanted to marry Yoko Ono when i was younger. Surely i could speak Japanese then.
<SiFuh> I love Japanese language
<SiFuh> I am very lazy with it though. I usually don't reply in Japanese.
<stenur> Yes standing in a wooden crafted house eating crafted food from crafted dishes and contemplating on some calligraphic painting
<SiFuh> And hopiong Musashi Miyamoto doesn't want to challenge you
<SiFuh> Hoping*
<SiFuh> stenur: one of my favorite Japanese movies is Sex & Fury
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: cmake: 3.22.3 -> 3.23.0
<SiFuh> Samurai I/II/III: Musashi Miyamoto is on the top of my list though
<stenur> SiFuh: chawan-mushi yes.
<SiFuh> You talking about that custard dish?
<stenur> As a teenager and a very young man i watched erotic stuff. I have to say one of the most erotic films i have ever seens was a Japanese one.
<stenur> The hairy version SiFuh.
<SiFuh> Had a Japanese GF try to make mayonaise and it failed so she turned it in to Chawan-Mushi
<ppetrov^> interesting
<stenur> I tell you what the film i mean is Irezumi.
<SiFuh> Erotic Ghost Story from China!
<stenur> The version from 1982.
<SiFuh> Ahah! I have seen this
<joe9> in lilo.conf, boot=/dev/sdb and root=/dev/sdb2, correct?
<joe9> where /dev/sdb is the disk and sdb2 is the root partition.
<ppetrov^> yes
<joe9> thanks.
<joe9> SiFuh: leah2: dlcusa: thanks.
<SiFuh> stenur: When I was living in Kyrgyzstan, I avoided speaking English. I just spoke Japanese or Thai and since they couldn't understand if I spoke English, it didn't matter what I spoke.
<SiFuh> I remember the two girls at the store I use to buy my beer from were actually learning Japanese to speak with me. Which I thought was kind of funny
<SiFuh> joe9: As an avid OpenBSD user, in fact it is my main driver. CRUX is probably the closest Linux distro to OpenBSD out there
<SiFuh> stenur: can only find the 1966 version of Irezumi
<stenur> Oh i loved that "technique" of the old master.
<stenur> SiFuh: i do not know that one.
<stenur> The 1982 one even with original sounds and voices, not synchronized!
<SiFuh> Yeah I can't find the 82 version. I will get the 66 version instead. I am certain I have seen one of them before.
<stenur> Mind you: that was terrific!!! Because otherwise Japanese are synchronized very strange kung-fu alike: HA!-HO!-wakawakasawakawakasa
<SiFuh> Hahah
<stenur> Maybe a bit different was only Shogun with Chamberlain. A bit.
<SiFuh> I hate when the Thais dub Western movies. When there is a silent scene such as someone carrying a plate to the table, the Thai dubbers have to make noise so they hum and it sounds so wrong.
<SiFuh> Shogun with Chamberlain was good, so w Born Identity with him.
<SiFuh> I actually have that under my Japenese Movie folder.
<stenur> Anyhow no the 1982 version, because over the film you see a tightening atmosphere in between her and the student, and the flames blaze. And her skin gets soft and receptive.
<SiFuh> Alien vs Ninja wasn't there which I was curious as to why not. It was a dumb ass funny movie.
<stenur> It is a real film. Art. Craftsmanship. And real sex, no senseless american fucking
<stenur> and modest, of course. The rest you can do at home.
<joe9> does this message make sense ? https://imgur.com/a/wpGP7xg
<stenur> jesus. really not
<joe9> this is with lilo. I have the boot and root entries set correctly in lilo.conf.
<joe9> i can lilo
<joe9> I suspect that the mbr is good as it can read the kernel.
<joe9> I checked the kernel build config and it had the ahdci, block_sd and ext4 to Y
<stenur> javascript is surely not lilo
<SiFuh> joe9: Question, sdb?
<stenur> and: which filesystem
<SiFuh> I thought the finger print marks on the screen were the NO FEAR eyes. :-P
<stenur> Just had a bummer a few days ago with syslinux, then remembered that its MBR can only boot <128MB or so, so added a /boot partition of 128MB, and viola
<joe9> /dev/sdb is the linux disk. /dev/sdb2 is the /
<joe9> and /dev/sdb1 is the swap
<joe9> stenur: ext4
<SiFuh> stenur: you play the viola? Hahaha
<joe9> how do I get to the lilo prompt at boot to put the CRUX root=/dev/sdb2?
<stenur> voila
<joe9> Is there a way to get scrollback on the message?
<stenur> not that i know
<joe9> I tried Scroll + Pg up and it did not do anything.
<SiFuh> Usually you press ctrl+PgUp but I doubt it works with a kernel panic
<stenur> i am not even sure if new kernels _do_ support console scrollback
<stenur> i _think_ it could be i read it was removed
<SiFuh> Also UEFI or Legacy BIOS?
<joe9> legacy BIOS
<joe9> yes, I checked, it has AHCI connfigured
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<SiFuh> Can you boot from USB/CD and show us the disk setup?
<joe9> from the recovery console, CRUX root=/dev/sdb2 seems to get somewhere.
<joe9> it gives me this message, now: http://nonitas.org/IMG_0633.JPG
<SiFuh> Also lilo.conf would be good to peek at
<joe9> it is still starting services after that message.
<SiFuh> Yuck
<joe9> stuck at lo_
<joe9> I will wipe out the disk and try another install.
<SiFuh> By the way, would you mind to stick swap at the end of the disk and not the start?
<SiFuh> Also, are your drives encrypted?
<joe9> oh, ok. Could the disk be going kaput?
<joe9> no encryption
<stenur> kaputt
* stenur has to work
<SiFuh> Thought dev mapper was only for encryption.
<SiFuh> I was thinking it is probably corrupt but yeah it could be kaputt
<joe9> ok, I am dd if=/dev/zero to the disk to be sure
<joe9> if there are any errors, I suspect the dd might throw them(?)
<SiFuh> dd_rescue or ddrescue does that doesn't it?
<SiFuh> Yeah it will shit itself
<SiFuh> If it is a seagate drive, you can use segate tools. They have a live linux distro
<SiFuh> USBCD also has a few disk tools
<SiFuh> UBCD*
<joe9> if there are any errors from dd, I will trash the disk. I have a spare one in there too.
<joe9> thanks.
<SiFuh> How big is the drive?
<SiFuh> I am old school, I still partition / /var /usr and so on..
<SiFuh> I usually put swap directly after root
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<joe9> 298G. It is a temporary install for the kids mostly.
<SiFuh> Kids and CRUX hmmm, you educating hackers?
<SiFuh> BRB want to slaughter those penguins in Warmux
<joe9> is there a way to see the fdisk prompt help?
<joe9> the top scrolls off the screen.
<joe9> I am trying to set teh boot flag on teh root partition
<SiFuh> m
<jaeger> scrollback definitely doesn't work after a panic but generally should otherwise with shift+pgup or shift+pgdown
<joe9> got it. no, with m the top scrolls off
<joe9> oh, ok. thanks.
<jaeger> "a X" might be what you want, to set partition X active
<SiFuh> jaeger: shift is it? I though cntrl.
<joe9> thanks, it works
<jaeger> I think shift... but maybe I'm misremembering :)
<SiFuh> Or I am misremembering
<joe9> shift works
<SiFuh> Thanks I will remember that now
<jaeger> ok
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<joe9> Is there a reason crux builds the kernel instead of installing a generic one?
<joe9> the build takes quite a while.
<ppetrov^> you can do: make -j8 all, if you have 8 core-cpu
<jaeger> Maybe a combo of "that's the way it's been for a long time" plus "source-based distribution" I guess... with that said, you could use a prebuilt kernel from somewhere else if you want, assuming it has the proper support
<joe9> good idea. I should have done that. Thansk.
<jaeger> np
<ppetrov^> as I told someone else before, i 'steal' a .config file from Slackware
<ppetrov^> i really lack the knowledge (and patience) to set it up myself
<joe9> there is a default .config from crux
<stenur> how about --format=pax then?
<stenur> wrong channel
<ppetrov^> joe9, if it works for you, go with it
<SiFuh> I use to provide modular kernels
<SiFuh> Strictly non-amd though.
<SiFuh> But that kind of stopped when I went AMD :-P
<SiFuh> 5.11.1 was the last
<joe9> all's well. I can boot and it is all working fine.
<jaeger> cheers
<SiFuh> joe9: the dd finished already?
<joe9> no, left it running to ensure that it would have cleaned out the first few GB atleast.
<SiFuh> I see
<joe9> My issue was the battery in the cpu was dead. When I unplugged it overnight, it had the wrong time on some file.
<joe9> s
<joe9> the kernel build got messed up due to that.
<joe9> I suspect that it caused the issues that I started to see.
<SiFuh> Battery in the CPU? You living in Asia?
<jaeger> The kernel build does indeed get cranky about time skew
<joe9> I mean the battery on the mobo
<jaeger> CMOS battery
<SiFuh> In Asia they often call the tower a CPU
<SiFuh> South/SOuth East Asia
<ppetrov^> joe9, the bios battery?
<joe9> yes
<ppetrov^> i've changed that once upon a time
<ppetrov^> the computer had a 100MHz CPU
<ppetrov^> boy i used that thing so much
<ppetrov^> ah the memories, Windows 95...
<SiFuh> Nightmares
<ppetrov^> i have a place in my heart for win95
<SiFuh> My father's laptop had 95 on it
<SiFuh> I remember borrowing to talk to my Japanese GF
<SiFuh> Hiromi Teraro from Fukishima province
<ppetrov^> :)
<SiFuh> My first machine was running Caldera
<SiFuh> Well not true, I had PC Dos in the 80's
<joe9> https://crux.nu/Wiki/PostInstallationNotes are these still valid?
<joe9> I cannot find makecommand.
<joe9> I want to check which package might have it.
<SiFuh> Not really, but they still work
<SiFuh> prt-get fsearch makecommand
<jaeger> that's in prt-get.conf
<joe9> got it. thanks.
<jaeger> not a separate executable, it's a prt-get config directive
* SiFuh slaps himself
<joe9> anyone starting xdm at startup, can you please share your config?
<joe9> add it to inittab?
<jaeger> I haven't used xdm in years but it looks like it has an rc script, so add xdm to the SERVICES=() array in /etc/rc.conf
<SiFuh> joe9: rc.conf
<SiFuh> And you WM or DE is added to ~/.xsession and ~/.xsession is excutable
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: extra-cmake-modules: 5.91.0 -> 5.92.0
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<joe9> I want to install plan9ports. There are 2 pkg files : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/baguette/crux-ports/master/plan9port/Pkgfile
<joe9> I am not able to decide which of those to use. Just want to check if there is anyone using them around.
<stenur> i only track the git repo
<stenur> baguette looks crispier
<joe9> stenur: yes, I agree.
<jaeger> I don't use them
<joe9> I like that therealfun sets up the PLAN9 env variables.
<joe9> stenur: I like therealfun 's pkgfile.
<joe9> it is smaller and does the essential
<groovy2shoes> then you've just answered your own question ;)
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: s-postgray: (fast+secure) postfix graylisting policy server (new port)
<stenur> ^ This is cherry-picked from 3.7 and never ran in a 3.6 environment (but was tested on many including all BSDs)
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<joe9> I just need a specific port from here https://crux.nu/portdb/index.php?a=repo&q=therealfun . should I copy the specific port's files to the pkgname directory in /usr/ports?
<joe9> or, use httpup?
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<ppetrov^> httpup will download the whole repo of therealfun
<joe9> i just did httpup sync to a local directory
<joe9> and added that directory to prt-get.conf.
<joe9> is that what others do?
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<ppetrov^> yep, this will work
<ppetrov^> joe9, what I did in the beginning was to make my own collection of 'cherry picked' ports, called 'custom'
<ppetrov^> usually i would modify them to my liking, etc
<ppetrov^> there I also put my own ports
<ppetrov^> i jsut did not want to have a bunch of repos with overlapping ports
<ppetrov^> in the end I had quite a big collection, which is not that difficult to maintain, after all
<ppetrov^> at least for now
<ppetrov^> these are my ports: https://github.com/slackalaxy/crux-ports
<joe9> if the original author updates the ports, how do you sync with that?
<joe9> run httpup sync manually?
<ppetrov^> once I did that, I considered myself the maintainer
<ppetrov^> so i took it from there
<ppetrov^> if you want to keep up with updates, just use the httpup files, they will download the repos
<joe9> which is preferred firefox or firefox-bin?
<joe9> the bin might be quicker to install.
<ppetrov^> also, decide their priority in prt-get.conf
<ppetrov^> bin just repackages the binadries from upstream
<ppetrov^> *binaries
<joe9> yes, i understand. just curious what is the general practice. use binaries?
<ppetrov^> if you are in a hurry, use the bin, if you have time, build from source, i guess
<ppetrov^> i read here someone was having problems with rust-bin, which did not happen in rust
<joe9> http://okturing.com/src/13370/body firefox build error
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<ppetrov^> 0:10.50 ERROR: Cannot find the target C compiler
<ppetrov^> hmm
<joe9> how long does sysup normally take?
<ppetrov^> checking for the target C compiler... not found
<ppetrov^> do you have gcc?
<ppetrov^> is it updated?
<ppetrov^> also, have you updated your system
<joe9> $ which gcc
<joe9> $ gcc --version
<joe9> /usr/bin/gcc
<joe9> gcc (CRUX-x86_64-multilib) 10.2.0
<ppetrov^> did you install from the release ISO or from an updated unofficial
<joe9> Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
<joe9> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
<joe9> i am updating my system while we speak.
<ppetrov^> 10.2.0 -> should'nt it be 10.3
<joe9> installed from the release iso, I think.
<ppetrov^> oh man, then you do need to update and beware that things may break
<joe9> oh, ok.
<joe9> what is the normal process? install, sysup?
<ppetrov^> there was a change in freetype's port, it no longer ships *.la files and this caused problems with rebuilds
<ppetrov^> install, ports -u, prt-get diff (take a look), prt-get sysup
<SiFuh> 2All *.ls is outdated
<SiFuh> WTF?
<SiFuh> All *.la is outdated
<joe9> prt-get diff shows a lot of stuff.
<ppetrov^> yes, so you need to update
<ppetrov^> or you get unofficial updated ISO
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, why 'WTF'?
<SiFuh> VLC uses la for plugins, I think I might have removed them
<joe9> gcc 10.2.0-1 10.3.0-1
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Keyboard is not typing what I type. I have to type slowly to make sure it is correct
<ppetrov^> if you want to try. last i tried this, my system would not boot no matter what I did, tried LILO and GRUB, same shit
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, ah, i understand
<joe9> would it be faster to just upgrade using the updated-iso?
<ppetrov^> yes
<joe9> the sysup might take forever.
<ppetrov^> make a clean install
<ppetrov^> or, how about mounting it and using the packages from there? did not think of this, before...
<ppetrov^> maybe someone more experienced with crux should advise you
<SiFuh> Linux kernel will be dead by 2023, moving to a BSD type kernel
<ppetrov^> will it?
<SiFuh> April fools
<ppetrov^> ah, it's 00:03 here
<SiFuh> 05:02 here
<ppetrov^> good one
<SiFuh> It worked
<ppetrov^> ba-dum-tss
<SiFuh> joe9: you should have began with jaeger's latest iso anyway
<joe9> I would have done that if I had known. I followed the handbook.
<ppetrov^> ok, now you know
<joe9> yes,
<SiFuh> No worries, just do a sysup and wait forever
<joe9> I hate these linux compiles. such a waste of time.
<SiFuh> Yep
<SiFuh> Why I prefer OpenBSD
<ppetrov^> i have bad news for you, concerning CRX, then...
<ppetrov^> or are you talking about the kernel?
<SiFuh> April fool him with binaries
<SiFuh> It is 5 am!!!
<joe9> I hate linux. crux is the only sane'r of the other distros.
<joe9> I need linux for netflix.
<SiFuh> joe9: opinion is same
<joe9> kids want netflix....
<SiFuh> I hate netflix so opinion is not the same
<ppetrov^> i hate other things
<SiFuh> joe9: I am like royalty here, my kingdom my rules. No fscking netflix here
<SiFuh> You want to watch something? Let me check the trailer and I will get it manually if I agree
<SiFuh> Kids don't even have a phone
<ppetrov^> joe9, are you a BSD guy?
<SiFuh> I have but it aint GSM
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: OpenBSD*
<ppetrov^> cool
<jaeger> yes, you can 'upgrade' an existing install with the updated ISO
<ppetrov^> joe9, what made you pick CRUX, and not, say Slackware or Void?
<SiFuh> I still admire pledge and wonder why it too so long to be created
<ppetrov^> jaeger, the packages?
<joe9> ppetrov^: I love 9front though my desktop is an OpenBSD.
<ppetrov^> i should check what 9front is...
<joe9> ppetrov^: a plan9 fork.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I tried slackware because of the age and void because of CRUX
<joe9> check out #cat-v too.
<jaeger> ppetrov^: I mean you can boot it and select upgrade and it'll do the right thing
<jaeger> But yes, you could also do it via packages from a running install
<joe9> I did a bunch of crux a decade ago.
<joe9> then moved on to gentoo
<ppetrov^> so simple and yet took me some time...
<joe9> and then realised that there are better os's out there.
<SiFuh> joe9: But still a BSD guy forever
<joe9> jaeger: thanks, will do. instead of waiting on sysup.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, why don't you sleep at 5 am?
<SiFuh> 5 am isn't my boss
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> noone/nothing tells *you* what to do, right?
<SiFuh> I try to sleep around 22:30
<SiFuh> But it is difficult when running distillers for several weeks at a time
<SiFuh> I am to beging today, but I smelled the mash and neither of the 320 litres are ready
<SiFuh> So maybe 2nd I will run
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<jaeger> joe9: what hardware are you running on that box?
<SiFuh> jaeger: hahaha
<joe9> Linux host 5.4.80 #1 SMP Wed Mar 30 20:42:11 UTC 2022 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v2 @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
<joe9> 2 processors
<SiFuh> Did you see the picture?
<jaeger> I assume it's a VM, then? That's a 6c/12t CPU :)
<joe9> no, native
<SiFuh> No VM
<jaeger> which picture?
<jaeger> Ah, so 2 physical sockets, 12c/24t
<SiFuh> True there was a few
<joe9> yes.
<joe9> 2 sockets.
<jaeger> Builds should be pretty quick on that, but you can still do the ISO thing. I was just curious.
<SiFuh> jaeger: I actually had something to discuss with you
<joe9> I just rebooted to do the iso upgrade.
<SiFuh> But after attempting it, it failed
<joe9> I have PTSD from the linux builds.
<ppetrov^> forgive my ignorance, but don't you also build from source on OpenBSD?
<SiFuh> jaeger: Here it is, https://clonezilla.org/liveusb.php
<SiFuh> UEFI install was pissy dumb easy shit
<SiFuh> And it din't work
<joe9> OpenBSD is binaries. On 9front, yes, builds from source. But, the build takes 10-15 minutes
<SiFuh> But if it did, it would be awesome for new CRUX ISO
<joe9> if you change anything on OpenBSD, then build from source.
<joe9> but, that is frowned upon.
<SiFuh> joe9: It is generally but we have source too
<SiFuh> Compiling your OWN ports isn't frowned upon
<SiFuh> Modifying the system is but not strongly
<SiFuh> There are many ports I modify and have to create my own ports that is fine because it ports and not actually OpenBSD
<jaeger> Not sure I follow, are you saying you want to include clonezilla in a CRUX ISO?
<jaeger> I think I must be misunderstanding because that doesn't make sense to me :)
<joe9> jaeger: with the updated iso, the kernel crashes at boot http://nonitas.org/IMG_0635.JPG
<jaeger> hrmm... any chance you can boot it with a higher resolution, maybe get more output?
<jaeger> Like with "vga=0x307" on the boot command line
<joe9> oh, ok. I just started the sysup again.
<joe9> I will just let it run
<jaeger> No worries, just can't tell anything from that output, unfortunately
<ppetrov^> jaeger, did you make a clean install with the updated ISO or used the packages from the updated ISO?
<jaeger> Another option is this: you could mount the ISO in your existing install and pkgadd -u its packages
<joe9> jaeger: good idea. I have to go now. I will try it later.
<ppetrov^> jaeger, sorry, this was not directed at you
<jaeger> mount -o loop,ro <iso> /mnt; for P in /mnt/crux/{core,opt,xorg}/*.pkg.tar.xz; do pkgadd -u ${P}; done <--- something like this
<jaeger> No worries
<ppetrov^> jaeger, are the updated packages available somewhere just as packages? I guess not?
<jaeger> Not currently
<joe9> # mount -o loop,ro crux-3.6-updated.iso /mnt
<joe9> mount: /mnt: mount failed: Operation not permitted.
<joe9> I am root too.
<jaeger> may need to 'modprobe loop'
<joe9> yup, that was it.
<joe9> http://okturing.com/src/13372/body is there a simple way to figure out what the rejected changes are?
<ppetrov^> pkgadd: rejecting etc/xattr.conf, keeping existing version --> means it kept the original config file
<joe9> I understand that.
<joe9> I
<joe9> want to see what the new changes are.
<joacim> rejmerge
<joe9> thanks.
<joe9> http://okturing.com/src/13373/body I screwed something with sudo or /etc/shadow when I did rejmerge or upgraded the packages.
<jaeger> Try logging in as root on a new console rather than with su, should get prompted to change the password
<joe9> ok, thanks.
<joe9> that worked.
<jaeger> For future reference, if you keep your existing /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow that won't happen
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<farkuhar> joe9: it's been a while since I streamed netflix on linux, but I don't recall any browser having the proper support unless a third-party plugin was installed (chromium-widevine in the portdb sounds familiar). Is Netflix sufficiently cosmopolitan to work without such a plugin these days?
<joe9> farkuhar: it used to work on ubuntu, the last time I tried an year ago.
<farkuhar> a year ago is about how long it's been for me too ... like you, on a non-CRUX distribution. I doubt that the official CRUX browsers are bundled with all the same plugins that are available on Ubuntu or Arch, though.
<farkuhar> the chromium-widevine port in the teatime repository, for example, just downloads a google-chrome debian package and extracts the shared library libwidevinecdm.so
<joe9> ok thanks. will try it
<jaeger> I can play youtube and netflix video with firefox-bin, ffmpeg/x264, and pulseaudio
<jaeger> specifically ffmpeg 4.x, 5.x breaks it
<farkuhar> jaeger: thanks for the update. Amazing how much can change in a year ... either DRM decryption has become an integral part of all the common browsers, or Netflix has loosened the copy protection on its content.
<joe9> I broke my prt-get -> pkgmk configuration during the upgrade. I get this error now: http://okturing.com/src/13375/body
<farkuhar> joe9: you asked about a config for xdm. Here are a few of the files I used to have in /etc/X11/xdm (before switching to Wayland as a daily driver): http://ix.io/3TY7 and http://ix.io/3TY8
<joe9> thanks.
<farkuhar> joe9: in your last error message, were you running prt-get update as root, or as an unprivileged user?
<joe9> I ran prt-get update as root for some time before adding fakeroot and makecommand to prt-get.conf.
<joe9> sudo -H -u pkgmk /usr/bin/fakeroot /usr/bin/pkgmk '/home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz'
<joe9> pkgmk: invalid option /home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz
<joe9> Is this the snippet to test pkgmk through fakeroot
<joe9> ?
<farkuhar> No, pkgmk is meant to be executed from within the ports directory, and then the built package is installed using pkgadd.
<joe9> $ sudo -H -u pkgmk /usr/bin/fakeroot id
<joe9> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
<joe9> $ sudo -H -u pkgmk /usr/bin/fakeroot /usr/bin/pkgmk
<joe9> $ sudo -H -u pkgmk /usr/bin/fakeroot /usr/bin/pkgmk -i
<joe9> =======> Package '/home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz' is up to date.
<joe9> =======> Installing '/home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz'.
<joe9> =======> Package '/home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz' is up to date.
<joe9> pkgadd /home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz
<joe9> pkgadd: only root can install/upgrade packages
<joe9> =======> ERROR: Installing '/home/pkgmk/packages/cwm#20210501-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed.
<jaeger> you want pkgadd for installing a package, pkgmk for building it
<jaeger> And yes, you need to install as root or with sudo
<joe9> jaeger: I am trying to figure out why prt-get depinst cwm does not work.
<joe9> it gives me the error about not being root.
<joe9> doesn't prt-get automatically sudo to install?
<jaeger> depends on your prt-get.conf
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<jaeger> http://ix.io/3TYc for example, here's the end of mine. I run prt-get as my own user
<jaeger> it uses fakeroot to build the package, then sudo to add, remove, or run scripts
<joe9> https://crux.nu/Wiki/FakerootPorts is only for building.. that makes perfect sense.
<joe9> your snippet is helpful.
<joe9> it answered my question.
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<joe9> it all works now.
<jaeger> cool
<joe9> 15:50 <@jaeger> I can play youtube and netflix video with firefox-bin, ffmpeg/x264, and pulseaudio -- have you tried with firefox too?
<joe9> does it work only with the -bin?
<jaeger> only firefox-bin, but I imagine you could do it with firefox as well, probably.
<jaeger> I just don't care for compiling firefox
<joe9> $ pkginfo -i | grep ffmpeg
<joe9> ffmpeg4 4.4.1-2
<joe9> how do I get ffmpeg/x264 ?
<farkuhar> ffmpeg 4 is the version that worked for jaeger, version 5.x breaks it.
<farkuhar> x264 is a separate port that you install before ffmpeg4.
<joe9> oh, got it. misunderstood it.
<jaeger> from the git history my guess is that ffmpeg4 is supposed to coexist with ffmpeg 5.x and things just work (tm) but it doesn't for me, so I removed both and then reinstalled the older ffmpeg version
<jaeger> https://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/opt.git;a=tree;f=ffmpeg;h=f4f5668fc52b5ebaaeda08c3250a77cdb85c508e;hb=0762cd14ccb0cb403ecf96ff848019113c28beaf <-- specifically from this commit
<jaeger> Obviously that's not ideal but multimedia on linux is always a bit of a shit show
<joe9> I am a little confused that pkginfo --installed shows ffmpeg4. But, prt-get info shows a version 5.
<jaeger> they are different packages
<jaeger> opt/ffmpeg and opt/ffmpeg4
<joe9> got it. thanks.
<joe9> farkuhar: I like your xconfig. thanks for sharing.
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<farkuhar> joe9: I can't take credit for most of that xdm config. Here's the blog post that inspired it: https://www.tumfatig.net/2019/customizing-openbsd-xenodm/