jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ppetrov^> hi guys. I figured it out. My inkscape port builds the last gtk2 version. I needed to remove poppler and poppler-glib during build time. I made two compatibility packages of version 21.11.0 (just headers and libs)
<ppetrov^> then I specified the custom location in inkscape's Pkgfile like this:
<ppetrov^> sed -i "s:poppler/:poppler21/:g" src/extension/internal/pdfinput/pdf-input.cpp
<ppetrov^> works for me. Otherwise, inkscape would compile but the PDF import option was not available. Like this it works, at least the "Poppler/cairo import"
<ppetrov^> hope this is useful, also if you know a more intelligent way of doing this, instead of the sed line, let me know
<ppetrov^> i made the poppler21 ports, because I may need them for something else, who knows...
<SiFuh> Heh, I just removed poppler and started to build inkscape. Then I saw your message
<ppetrov^> i had to remove poppler-glib, too
<SiFuh> I have another solution
<SiFuh> Remove the poppler stuff from inkscape and download this patch from arch linux
<ppetrov^> :D
<ppetrov^> genius. However. Inkscape regularly breaks upon poppler updates. I searched for patches already twice for the last several months. Next time when it breaks again, how long shall I wait before I find a patch
<SiFuh> Probably as much as boost breakes everything ;-)
<ppetrov^> also, i am using an old version, so i am not sure for how long these patches will work
<SiFuh> Any reason why you'd still use an older version?
<ppetrov^> i cannot stand gtk3
<ppetrov^> that's why i use and old xfce and a bunch of other stuff
<SiFuh> I kind of agree
<ppetrov^> reasons go also beyond just personal preferences, the usability in gtk3 apps is worse
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^: I noticed that your repo also contains a port of sodipodi. If you had to abandon inkscape due to poppler so_version breakage, would you be able to accomplish all your drawing with sodipodi instead?
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> very funny
<ppetrov^> i used sodipodi long time ago and I was in a nostalgic mood and wanted to see if it builds
<ppetrov^> that's all
<ppetrov^> I also have gPaint, same reasons
<farkuhar> It looks like sodipodi hasn't accumulated new features at the same rate as inkscape, though. If your workflow relies on PDF import and export, then sodipodi with its limited support for non-SVG formats might not suffice.
<ppetrov^> man. I am not sure if you are serious or if you are pulling my leg... Sodipodi is dead. Inkscape started as a fork of Sodipodi in, hmmm,... 2004 or 2005?
<ppetrov^> shortly after, sodipodi was discontinued
<farkuhar> but it lives on, in nostalgic port repositories like yours. At one point I might have recognized it as the ancestor of inkscape, but with the passage of time this genealogy got blurred. Sorry if you thought I was pulling your leg.
<SiFuh> Sodipodi was an open-source vector graphics editor, discontinued in 2004. It is the predecessor to Inkscape.
<SiFuh> I'd never even heard of it before
<farkuhar> SiFuh: in your 2002 prebuilt CRUX ISO for the Thai university's engineering and science departments, did you include a vector graphics editor? I wouldn't be surprised if you settled for xfig at that time, but apps like sodipodi were definitely in development.
<SiFuh> No, I did not have any programs like that
<SiFuh> Shame I am not in Australia now. I could have pulled out the old CD (If it still works) and provide a list
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, you have a very poetic way with words :p
<pedja> ppetrov^, which version of poppler breaks inkscape? 22.03.0?
<ppetrov^> yes
<ppetrov^> but the port in contrib builds 22.02 at compile time
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<SiFuh> pedja:
<SiFuh> 17:13:58[SiFuh> https://dpaste.com/GZSBJ2UNN
<SiFuh> It's old news
<ppetrov^> stupid poppler
<SiFuh> :-P
<pedja> iirc, that was always an issue with it, breaking stuff even on 'minor' releases
<pedja> tbf, now that they switched to what seems to be $year_2_digits.$month.$integer versioning, hard to say what the impact of the release would be before it hits :)
<ppetrov^> that's the fun
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