jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<farkuhar> abinsur: yes, the usual way of CRUX is to build all your software from source. Some ports follow the naming convention $name-bin if there's no compilation involved, but for the most part you're expected to make use of the compiler toolchains to keep your system up to date.
<farkuhar> Someone asked on this channel a month or so ago about the existence of a dynamic-tiling window manager for wayland (I think it was called river). It turned out to be written in zig, a language that to my knowledge has no compiler on CRUX, so that particular window manager wasn't likely to get a port any time soon.
<abinsur> well actually i didnt know that, about crux more is better than you keep and update an lfs
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<fishe> pulseaudio is acting weird and nothing i do fixes it
<fishe> in pavucontrol everything is recognized and i can configure it, but in any other app i still get output and input but it doesn't see any devices
<fishe> due to this, the only output and input devices are "Default" and no webcam is recognized at all
<fishe> im really at the end of my wit at this, audio isn't my area of expertise
<dlcusa> abinsur, farkuhar, et al, I put up http:dlcusa.net/CRUX/XFCE_Wayland.mbox as an indication of XFCE' long-range viability.
<dlcusa> TL;DR--it seems mate may be better supported not too far down the road.
<farkuhar> fishe: sorry to hear about your audio woes. When you say "any other app" doesn't show your devices, can you name some of those apps specifically? They might need to be recompiled now that you've installed pulseaudio. If on the first build attempt there was no pulseaudio pkgconfig file, the configure script might have turned off all audio stacks except ALSA.
<fishe> it would be firefox, qutebrowser
<fishe> to a small extent maybe pavucontrol as well since there's so sample sound when audio is adjusted?
<fishe> ill recompile qute again though, thanks for the suggestion
<farkuhar> Well, firefox-bin has pulseaudio support out-of-the-box (in fact that's the only audio stack that's officially supported in Linux binary packages). If you try firefox-bin and pulseaudio still doesn't work, then something must have gone wrong with the pulseaudio setup.
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<fishe> remove qute and installing with -fr, it still doesn't see any devices
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<fishe> tried with pulseaudio as well, still nothing
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<farkuhar> fishe: Are you running a pulseaudio daemon system-wide, or per-user?
<fishe> per-user
<farkuhar> And the output of `pactl info` correctly shows that per-user daemon?
<fishe> i just use `pulseaudio --start` on boot
<fishe> Server String: /tmp/pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n/native
<fishe> Library Protocol Version: 35
<fishe> Server Protocol Version: 35
<fishe> Is Local: yes
<fishe> Client Index: 5
<fishe> Tile Size: 65472
<fishe> User Name: fishe
<fishe> Host Name: fisheplex
<fishe> Server Name: pulseaudio
<fishe> Server Version: 15.0
<fishe> Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
<fishe> Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right
<fishe> Default Sink: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
<fishe> Default Source: alsa_input.usb-Sonix_Technology_Co.__Ltd._REDRAGON_Live_Camera_SN0001-02.analog-stereo
<fishe> Cookie: f8e3:14f1
<farkuhar> Do you get any sound if you try typing 'paplay [SOME FILE]' in a terminal window?
<fishe> "Failed to open audio file."
<fishe> I think I need to get the codecs
<farkuhar> The formats supported by paplay are listed here: https://libsndfile.github.io/libsndfile/formats.html
<fishe> let me grab a flac to try rq
<fishe> yeah i can hear it
<farkuhar> Great, fishe, it looks like pulseaudio itself is not the problem. Now you need to figure out why applications aren't seeing it.
<fishe> honestly im not entirely sure how
<farkuhar> I'm curious whether you have a system-wide dbus process getting loaded at boot time. Also, is your window manager getting launched with the appropriate DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable in its environment?
<farkuhar> For the first question, check whether dbus appears in the SERVICES array of /etc/rc.conf .
<fishe> I have dbus set to launch with rc.conf, and in my xinitrc I launch qtile with `exec dbus-launch qtile start`
<farkuhar> So you're running startx after a console login? Or are you using a graphical login manager like xdm?
<fishe> I'm using a graphical login manager, slim
<fishe> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is `unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-HqjNSI1ain,guid=1a8c4f50228e84f9fc7828dc623fce3d`
<farkuhar> That looks like the correct invocation, then. I'm wondering whether your previous experiments with qutebrowser left some lingering preference for ALSA in its auto-saved config file. What happens if you delete ~/.config/qutebrowser and start a fresh session?
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<fishe> Tried it, didn't work
<fishe> It happened on firefox too so it wouldn't be qute-specific
<farkuhar> `prt-get readme pulseaudio` has a warning about pulseaudio automatically shutting down after being idle for a while. If qtile is not a full-fledged DE, you might need to follow the advice in that readme.
<fishe> I made sure that pavucontrol had a connection before starting qute, but I can add it to the xinit and try again
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<fishe> Added the command from the readme to the xinitrc and deleted the qute config folder, rebooted, opened qute
<fishe> same issue
<farkuhar> I'm out of ideas for now. I will say that pipewire can serve as a drop-in replacement for pulseaudio, as long as you have pulseaudio installed when you build pipewire. And with pipewire I never had to worry about auto-shutdown after being idle for a while.
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: docker-compose: updated to version 2.3.4
<fishe> Starting pipewire gives me multiple errors
<fishe> `[E][00292.459885] mod.protocol-native | [module-protocol-: 616 init_socket_name()] server 0x5570ec3d27b0: name pipewire-0 is not an absolute path and no runtime dir found. Set one of PIPEWIRE_RUNTIME_DIR, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or USERPROFILE in the environment
<fishe> [E][00292.459910] pw.conf | [ conf.c: 560 load_module()] 0x5570ec3b8300: could not load mandatory module "libpipewire-module-protocol-native": No such file or directory
<fishe> [E][00292.459974] default | [ pipewire.c: 123 main()] failed to create context: No such file or directory
<fishe> `
<farkuhar> There's slightly more manual intervention needed when you configure pipewire for the first time. See the crux wiki for details: https://crux.nu/Wiki/Pipewire
<farkuhar> Since that wiki was written, upstream has made an additional step mandatory: choosing a media-session manager. On CRUX you can easily choose between wireplumber and media-session. There's a readme in the wireplumber port with a link to more documentation.
<farkuhar> fishe: based on your error message, it looks like XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't getting exported when you log in. Do you have pam_xdg installed, and is there a reference to it in /etc/pam.d/common-session?
<fishe> Installed pam_xdg
<fishe> common-session has only one line, "session required pam_unix.so"
<farkuhar> My /etc/pam.d/common-session has "session optional pam_xdg.so notroot runtime", as suggested by stenur in the accompanying manpage.
<fishe> added, following pipewire wiki and will reboot once all that is done
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<fishe> XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is still unset
<fishe> found this in the leftwm wiki, and it seems to work to set the runtime dir
<fishe> export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/${UID}-runtime-dir
<fishe> mkdir "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
<fishe> chmod 0700 "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
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<fishe> So I got pipewire working, `pactl info` outputs "Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.48)
<fishe> "
<fishe> however, even after recompiling qutebrowser and removing its config, I still cant select any devices and no webcam is recognixed
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<stenur> I have no idea of dbus but for bluealsa we install /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluealsa.conf to allow anyone in group "audio" to allow org.bluealsa destination
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<farkuhar> I don't know if fishe is checking the chat log, but the Default Sink reported by pactl is not exotic enough to need a bluealsa.conf file. I would have suggested rebuilding qtwebengine instead of qutebrowser itself, but the failure to detect a soundcard with firefox-bin suggests the problem lies elsewhere.
<stenur> Well i have no idea. I couldn't make pulseaudio work myself once i tried it two years ago or so. CPU load very high, and the speed of all but the first stream was wrong. Iirc.
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<cruxbot> [core.git/3.6]: util-linux: update to 2.38
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: mc: update to 4.8.28
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: mutt: update to 2.2.2
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<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.6]: xorg-libxvmc: update to 1.0.13, new deps meson,ninja
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: imagemagick: update to 7.1.0-29
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-importlib_metadata: updated to version 4.11.3
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: python3-paramiko: updated to version 2.10.3
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