jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<SiFuh_> ocb: Yep, resealed all the doors and windows and put in some things called 'moat bowls'. Only needed to put water in the once. No ants came back after.
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<ocb> awesome to hear that, interesting on moat bowls who would know that actually works
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: upower: removed old files, changed libexecdir, always disable gtk-doc
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^: what's your current workaround for xfce failing to detect your battery? That is, if the latest update of upower didn't solve your problem.
<ppetrov^> it did not, actually. Just tested. I have locked upower to the previous version. However, I am using xfce 4.12, so quite old version. I guess it is my own problem then
<ppetrov^> i will compare both sources and packages, maybe i get an idea. I guess during the weekend
<farkuhar> The non-fatal errors in your last build log were all "404 not found" responses from freedesktop.org, correct? It would be quite annoying if the relocation of a stylesheet were the only thing obstructing your installation of a battery status monitor.
<ppetrov^> I don't get these errors anymore with the fixed build
<ppetrov^> but it still does not work. I recompiled the power manager, did not help
<farkuhar> I suppose as a last resort you could add some code to a tmux status line, looking at the BAT0 status under /sys/class/power_supply
<ppetrov^> i heard about BAT0 the day before. Still not very clear what it is :)))
<farkuhar> stenur in recent weeks gave us an example of a heavily-customized tmux status line. Look it up in this channel's logs for inspiration.
<ppetrov^> thanks, I will
<ppetrov^> and to be honest, I am nicely surprised someone cares
<ppetrov^> thanks again
<farkuhar> no problem :)
<ppetrov^> one change I notice, just at a first glance is in /usr/share/gir-1.0/UPowerGlib-1.0.gir
<ppetrov^> i see this:
<ppetrov^> filename="../libupower-glib/up-version.h"
<ppetrov^> before it was just
<ppetrov^> filename="up-version.h"
<ppetrov^> i have no idea if this matters, though. Just an observation
<farkuhar> I suspect it's more likely the old version of XFCE that is to blame. In that case you were justified in locking upower to its previous version.
<ppetrov^> yep
<ppetrov^> and I am fully aware that swimming against the current will not get me far, but we'll see for how long I'll manage :P
<ppetrov^> i will try how a newer power manager behaves (if it builds)
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<stenur> That renames=() is cool, thanks for that!
<ppetrov^> what is renames=()?
<stenur> Pkg source tarball name adjustment. Wasn't it you? ... or ocb?
<ppetrov^> not me
<farkuhar> Look at Flyspray issue #923 for the history of that feature. I proposed a patch last year, and jue committed it to the 3.7 branch a while back.
<stenur> Ah farkuhar.
<ppetrov^> thanks, sounds interesting
<stenur> If upstream balls are named like git(1) SHA-1 hashes or without versioning like yt-dlp.tar.gz they are either not self-describing or multiple versions cannot coexist in one directory.
<stenur> Now something can be done.
<ppetrov^> is this the issue?
<ppetrov^> i'm sorry, i am still learning to navigate around the webpage...
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<ppetrov^> hmm, about upower. 0.99.16 installs upowerd to /usr/libexec/. Isn't this folder not used by Crux?
<ppetrov^> ufff... please ignore this, i was looking at the old package
<ocb> not me either :S
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