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<beerman> I've been testing openssl 3 on 3.7 since yesterday and to me, it seems like this fully works now. I'll probably push it in a little bit, libarchive/curl/cmake will need a rebuild afterwards so yeah, get ready to rumble (directed to devs working on 3.7 and the early birds) :o)
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<jaeger> openssl major version changes are a pain in the ass
<beerman> yep. tested it on my container, desktop, two servers
<beerman> looking good so far, everything seems operational
<beerman> older php version can be a problem 😬
<braewoods> PHP = pile of hyper poop? :P
<beerman> yes.
<beerman> well actually, some dependency didn't report via revdep, older php is also no problem. just a bumpy start
<beerman> i need to take that back, php will need a compat port for 1.1.1x.. but it doesn't interfere with openssl3 and php 8.0.x is the only port that seems to need it (besides element-desktop as far as i can tell)
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