no worries, I will try to make haste with my proposed final changes. Any thoughts on prt-get.conf? http://dpaste.com/DRAKWU5M3 tries to clear up the syntax using double # for comments (we had one or three both) and enabling runscripts by default
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beerman: good work cleaning up the default prt-get.conf to make it more newbie-friendly. Speaking of prt-get, is there still any interest in unifying the depinst and install commands, so they do the same thing? I wasn't sure whether that was a proposal for 3.7 specifically, or just a change to keep in mind for the future.
i wouldn't mind leaving install and depinst the way they are, it's weird that people actually fall over it the way they are.. with that said, I don't see the point in leaving both commands in if they were to do the same.
i agree, if we're going to continue supporting both commands but have them do the same action, then there should be a long-term plan to stop supporting one of them.