jaeger changed the topic of #crux-devel to: CRUX (https://crux.nu/) development channel | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-devel/
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<farkuhar> stenur: fascinating ideas you proposed last night. In case anyone else found it hard to keep track of all the changes stenur has been proposing, I've collected them here: http://ix.io/3VGR (any typos or misinterpretations are my fault, not stenur's.)
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<beerman> all I can say thanks farkuhar, you shouldn't have
<stenur> and gcc 11.3.0, no?
<stenur> SiFuh: OpenBSD 7.1 released, April 21, 2022
<SiFuh> stenur: Yeah I know, I obtained it on the morning of the 20th of April
<stenur> heck!
<SiFuh> But thanks anyways ;-)
<stenur> But only 64-bit so i hope kvm boosts it better.
<SiFuh> The cdn site released it early in the monring on the 20th
<SiFuh> I am running a check against the offical site at the moment but the system is already installed
<stenur> ..have not read it yet, they had that scheduler improvement on the ML which results in lots of energy savings. Reminded me a bit of my fan-adaptive script, simple but how nice they have it.
<stenur> Never understood why you would use an apm daemon, it needs to be as near to the scheduler as can be, no?
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<jaeger> I've added the 3.7 branch to the rsync deployment git hook so future git pushes should also update that
<beerman> nice
<jaeger> ok, there's a very first test ISO up at https://crux.ninja/tmp/
<beerman> nice² :) thanks
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