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<beerman> jaeger: can you try and see if opt/sane produces similiar footprint issues like go for you? I am missing all files in /etc/sane.d/dll.d
<stenur> do yourself a favourite and try it with en_US.UTF-8, or go jaeger's way. libarchive converts archive-locale -> local-locale, and if UTF-8 -> UTF-8 does not work, the locale is buggy; or C.UTF-8 is weird defined; it is not standardized yet i think so there is a transition phase anyway. Do you have an URL of a ball i can play with?
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<farkuhar> beerman: at least on 3.6 the opt/sane port doesn't put anything in /etc/sane.d/dll.d, it just creates the directory. Is the port configured differently in the crux 3.7 branch?
<beerman> farkuhar: not to my knowledge. Maybe I didn't look correctly, it was at work and in a hurry, I want to split myself lately into multiple instances so probably just my error, I didn't have time to keep looking at it so maybe not as important to look after it
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