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guess i uninstall krb5 for a while then?
krb5 is kind of a non-esential port.
It lingers around like a bad fart
quite the opposite! i did not upgrade to ssl3 because of it.
Again, it is kind of a non-esential port.
Is there a reason that it should exist? I can't find one
I am in absolute favour of Kerberos instead of that massively pushed OAuth everywhere.
Okay, I can accept that
At least you can locally control your tickets and all that. You do not need a browser. etcetc
3When I change to libressl for a test case a year or two ago, krb5 became useless
The world would be a better place if Google etc would simply have build upon Kerberos/GSSAPI that is being developed and kept up-to-date for > 35 years i think
cmake is such a tremendous pile of crap. When i look at the ldd output of it i get sick. How do you bootstrap a system when the build program has such a tremendous number of dynamic dependencies?
i installed openssl1, maybe that gets me going
Oh! Couldn't we have introduce openssl3 instead??