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<beerman> romster: care to update some stuff? maybe?
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<jaeger> he seems to be busy/away a lot lately like I've been. Hope everything's ok.
<jaeger> Unrelated, I don't think it's possible to run a KDE plasma 5 desktop without systemd
<beerman> is it?
<beerman> tsaop has a kde5 repo still up but unlisted
<beerman> never tried it but assumed it worked?
<beerman> let me guess - you want to try wayland with it? ;)
<jaeger> I was trying it, yes
<jaeger> Though maybe tsaop had better luck, I'll try his stuff
<beerman> from what I saw, gnome is worse in that regard
<beerman> some wayland related dbus services are bound to packages from the gnome userland that will require systemd or elogind
<jaeger> I tried elogind for reference but it's entirely possible I don't know what I'm doing
<jaeger> I'd forgotten about tsaop's repo or I would have tried that first, heh
<beerman> dang
<beerman> i did try elogind too
<beerman> dont use it anymore. it was related to something i wanted for screensharing
<beerman> cant remember what it was
<jaeger> What's weird is that I can launch startplasma-wayland from inside an existing wayland session like sway
<jaeger> but not standalone
<beerman> mh, i am not sure i am understanding correctly. what do you mean with "an existing wayland session"? like you have sway running and run it from there?
<beerman> fuck, i never knew you could do that, lol
<jaeger> yeah, from a foot in sway I can run startplasma-wayland and it will open up another window with the plasma session
<beerman> (tell me that wayland isn't cool, i dare you)
<jaeger> Never said it wasn't :P
<beerman> do you have xdg dirs etc setup for kde too?
<beerman> :D
<jaeger> Not specifically, though other xdg stuff seems to work fine
<beerman> sway needs the xdg rundir set specifically, else wont start
<beerman> i have no idea if its the same for kde
<beerman> also no idea if tsaop builds for wayland too, but i imagine, i think i saw wayland related commits in there
<beerman> and how do you enjoy foot?
<jaeger> In general it's fine, though the default color scheme leaves something to be desired (haven't taken the time to fix it). Systems not knowing its terminfo type without a package is also annoying
<jaeger> I don't set the xdg rundir myself
<jaeger> All I do is run 'dbus-launch sway'
<beerman> i know but i took the curses terminfo out as soon as they integrated it
<beerman> it misses a lot of features
<beerman> oh
<beerman> ok
<beerman> https://dpaste.com/DJ8CG6KPQ if gruvbox dark tickles your fancy then this is what i have
<beerman> and
<beerman> yeah I would try with setting the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
<beerman> do you not have it defined somewhere? sway used to complain when this was missing
<jaeger> Nope, no explicit setting for it at all
<jaeger> I usually use some form of zenburn, solarized, tango
<jaeger> plenty of options at https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/themes unless I want to make my own
<beerman> true :) never looked in there
<beerman> kwin_wayland --drm --libinput --xwayland plasmashell
<beerman> does that do something for you?
<jaeger> I don't remember the details and have removed all the packages to try tsaop's now... but it didn't work for some reason
<beerman> ah, ok
<beerman> i got my thumbs pressed
<jaeger> Is that similar to the english "fingers crossed"?
<jaeger> Like a good luck thing
<jaeger> Ah, yesh, google says so :)
<jaeger> er, yes
<jaeger> typing is hard today.
<beerman> yes lol
<jaeger> building in the background while I work... so will see after a while
<beerman> building npm and go stuff is just horrible..
<jaeger> agreed
<beerman> i finally figured out how to build grafana and prometheus updates but
<beerman> one of those doesn't want to build inside my container
<beerman> its not telling me what its missing, at least, not really
<jaeger> That's always frustrating
<beerman> when did it become uncool to have install instructions?
<nomius_> Are you building rust-bin for 3.7?
<jaeger> that's romster's thing... I'd offer to build one but no idea what that process looks like yet
<nomius_> Hey, that was my son hitting the arrow up key :-D
<nomius_> I built id...
<nomius_> *it
<jaeger> Ah, ok. Ignore me, I don't know :)
<nomius_> And discovered a small bug... If you don't install glibc-32 rust (not rust-bin of course) fails to build because it includes i686 as target anyways...