jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<NotThatRPG> Here's a thing I realized that I don't know. If I'm running on a linux box, how do I (politely) ask the OS to give me access to some number of cores to use for multiple threads?
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<NotThatRPG> I guess it's as easy as using `taskset` ?
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<elderK> Hey guys, is "Anatomy of Lisp" still worth a read? :)
<beach> Yes, definitely.
<beach> It is not about Common Lisp, but it is still good.
<elderK> Excellent :) I'm glad there's a good version of it up on libgen. I might try and purchase a copy if I can find it for a decent price. Kind of exited: Today I received my hardcopies of AMOP, LiSP, LOL and PAIP :)
<beach> Oh, wow. You have got some reading to do there.
<elderK> It's interesting seeing things in m-expressions!
<elderK> Oh yeah, big reading. It's funny: When I started learning C and stuff when I was younger, I kind of just muddled my way through it. Lots of little projects that led to large projects and always learning. With CL and Scheme, I'm doing a lot more reading.
<elderK> I was reflecting last night while I was reading some stuff in CLHS that it would've been like learning C++ from the reference manuals :P Those are not particularly easy to learn from.
<elderK> :) I've started reading through the CLOSOS publication, too, although it might take me a few days to finish it :)
<beach> Heh, sure.
<beach> C++ is a much "bigger" language than Common Lisp. There is lots of stuff in Common Lisp, but it is mostly "library" stuff.
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<elderK> Aye. C++ grows more and more complex, too. To really like, write bleeding-edge modern C++ code, you need to be a whizz at metaprogramming and templates and stuff are very complex. Lisp expresses those things so much more elegantly.
<elderK> C++20 and stuff are helping with that but there are still so many corner cases.
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<elderK> My wife was telling a workmate of hers how I was tinkering with Lisp: Many of the people around her didn't know what it was as they're all quite young but one of her colleagues remarked "but the manual is THIS big!" Apparently "big" was pretty "big."
<elderK> I find that kind of an unfair comparison, though. She's a QA and a C# and Java shop. If you think about the formal standards of any widely used programming language, well, those standards are going to be pretty thick. Excepting maybe Scheme but then, it's too minimal to use for much without implementation-specific extensions.
<elderK> I like how in Anatomy of Lisp, the author stresses abstractions and the difference between a concrete implementation of an idea and the idea itself. :)
<beach> I haven't read it for some time, so I don't remember the details. I do remember understanding about things like environments from that book.
<elderK> I can't wait to get to that stuff :D I read elsewhere that it goes quite deep into the implementation of Lisp, similar LiSP. Even if it may be outdated, it'll be fascinating.
<elderK> Similar to LiSP, even.
<beach> LiSP is very good. And the translation is better than the French original, thanks to a brilliant translator.
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<elderK> Excellent! I was wishing earlier that I could read French so that I could read the updated LiSP text.
<beach> Yeah, that one has not been translated as far as I know.
<elderK> That's a shame. I wonder how it compares to the older translated text.
<beach> I haven't read the new French one. Maybe I should.
<elderK> I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it.
<beach> Yeah, well, I have more items on my TODO list than my remaining life expectancy will allow me to finish.
<elderK> If it helps any, I feel that way too and I have no idea how much longer I've got left. I'm really holding out for nanotech :P
<beach> I also don't know how much longer I really have left. I was just going by statistics.
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<hirez> howdy everyone
<hirez> a strange thing
<hirez> after much digging it appears CL has no straight forward way to convert a base 10 variable to octal
<hirez> of course I can write my own implementation but perhaps I am just not using CLHS right
<beach> Decimal and octal are just external representations. Internally there are just integers.
<White_Flame> base-N is a manner of printing & reading. variables do not hold numbers of any particular base
<White_Flame> (missed it by _that_ much)
<beach> Heh.
<hirez> well yes.
<beach> White_Flame: I'm off for a while, so I'll let you continue. :)
<White_Flame> heh, k
<hirez> However to do the thing I need to do I need to be operating on the octal representation.
<pdietz> Often I find the way to solve a problem is to precisely define the problem.
<White_Flame> hirez: then you need to be working with a string instead of a number?
<White_Flame> or maybe convert to an array/list of numeric digit values, depending on what you need?
<hirez> So, I decided to suffer and try to implement base64 in CL from scratch
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<hirez> the simplest way of course is to convert the digit-pairs to octal and then use that as an index in the base64 character array.
<hirez> So both the string and list idea while fine otherwise may not work for my purposes.
<White_Flame> it's not really pairs, though, is it?
<White_Flame> 6 bytes <=> 8 chars iirc?
<hirez> mmm yes I made a mistake in my explanation. You first have a hex value, convert to octal, and then split it pair-wise to get the index.
<pdietz> Or, just use a library someone else already wrote.    https://github.com/svenvc/s-base64
<ixelp> GitHub - svenvc/s-base64: A Common Lisp implementation of Base64 Encoding/Decoding
<hirez> pdietz: that ruins the fun :)
<White_Flame> by "hex value", do you mean a single byte value, or the hex representation of the concatenation of 6 bytes' values?
<hirez> The hex representation of the string. Good question.
<White_Flame> because hex splits into 4-bit digits, and you need to pull out 6
<hirez> So, going off the wiki: Man => 0x4d616e => 23260556 => (23, 26, 05, 56) and then the decimal representation of those is the index.
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<White_Flame> oh right, instead of 6<=>8, it's 3<=>4, same ratio
<hirez> Perhaps there is a smarter more lispy way to approach it instead of trying to beat lisp into submission
<White_Flame> so you have a 24-bit integer (eg 3 byte chunk concatenated), print in octal, each 2 octal digits is read back into an integer, and you use that for an offse
<White_Flame> t
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<hirez> oh, so you're suggesting essentially printf'ing it into an octal string and then pulling the digits out of that
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<White_Flame> well, that's a naive way of doing it, without making a bunch of div/mod steps manually
<White_Flame> printing is generally the way to convert a number into digits (of some base)
<White_Flame> although those digits are characters instead of numbers
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<White_Flame> and you have to be real careful with big vs little endian in this particular exercise
<hirez> yeah thankfully I do not plan on releasing this code to anyone
<hirez> mostly just a way to induce enough pain to bring about learning
<hirez> My day job is in Python unfortunately so I have been made soft by it's conveniences
<hirez> I feel my CS degree atrophying by the day
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<White_Flame> would you prefer the string method, or manual div/modding digits out?
<hirez> div/modding is likely more instructive in this case.
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<hirez> In that case it seems that splitting and multiplying by successive powers of 8 will get you to where you need to be
<hirez> well sorta
<White_Flame> well, really the first step is to chunk your input bytes into 24-bit numbers, as well as know how many digits are missing in the last chunk
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<hirez> yeah, count the bits and then pad before anything else.
<White_Flame> then for each 24-bit number, loop/collect digits out of it
<White_Flame> or mapcan all of those together into 1 big list of octal-digit numbers
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<hirez> wow looked up mapcan
<hirez> had no idea it existed
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<White_Flame> the (loop for (hi lo) on oct-digits by #'cdddr ...) to assemble each 6-bit value
<White_Flame> *cddr
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<hirez> cool, I will run with this
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<White_Flame> or, you have a stateful iterator that grabs the next 2 bits from the input byte stream, and call it 3 times per output digit
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<White_Flame> (or the next 6 bits from the stream directly, as there's only 4 cases to deal with anyway)
<White_Flame> but the digit method can be fun to implement :)
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<White_Flame> note also that by processing the entire input byte stream in multiple passes like this, you'll use a big multiple of memory to hold those intermediate full states, as opposed to just working on a little chunk at a time
<White_Flame> but the ease of coding it is likely higher
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<flip214> Is the ELS deadline prolonged for a week, as usual?
<beach> I think you need to wait for the announcement.
<beach> But authors expect it these days, so it seems likely.
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<beach> If I were an author, I would submit what I have before the original deadline anyway.
<flip214> well, is easychair still open so that papers can be dropped?
<beach> I haven't checked. Sorry.
<flip214> yeah, me too, but if one needs an official "okay"
<flip214> good enough, thanks!
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* easye is on the ELS 2023 program committee, and has no access yet to papers, so they haven't been pushed to review yet.
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<splittist> Modern c++ seems like a really interesting language obscured by layer upon layer of suboptimal syntax required by compatibility with decades of now-outmoded practices and the fundamentally less extensible Algol style
<jackdaniel> it is not that common lisp has a clean design that is not obscured by backward-compatibility with (more than one!) ancestors
<jackdaniel> but I can't think of exact instances, it is one coffee too early for that :P
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<splittist> jackdaniel: exactly - but lisp's syntax and compilation model usually allows for extensibility without too much obscurantism. Not that I'm going to say I'm an expert in c++ - to me, any sufficiently-advanced c++ program looks like a soup of instructions to the compiler to overcome unsafe default behaviour where the actual functionality gets lost...
<splittist> But I'm willing to believe it becomes easy to see what is going on, just as we tend not to get hung up on parens.
<jackdaniel> I'm not that much interested in c++ either way (but I've been writing it professionally a few years back), modern c is much more interesting
<jackdaniel> although many people shame the language for some reason
<aeth> Imo... C++ isn't really a general purpose language anymore (too many now-common use cases where it's very low on the list), but when it shines, it shines. Writing a program might be harder than CL or just about any other language, but writing something fast (that uses SIMD, etc.) is probably easier in C++ than in CL.
<aeth> Which is why a lot of people write tiny pieces of fast code in C++ to call from another language.
<aeth> It's definitely not the approach CL programmers prefer, though.
<aeth> CL programmers would probably prefer to use asm.
<jackdaniel> c++ is a disaster as a ffi callee
<aeth> well, yeah, because you need to pretend to be C
<aeth> I guess CL's fast enough that you don't need to resort to calling out to C++ even when it would be faster to do so, so there's not a lot of work done to make it easy, so it's not worth doing.
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<jackdaniel> somewhat obvious but it hit me today: (setf (fdefinition 'xxx) #'foobar) and (defmethod xxx ((a object)) ...) adds a method to foobar
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<mfiano> but does it work when you recompile the generic function foobar?
<mfiano> a new function object would be constructed, voiding the read-time one, no?
<jackdaniel> no, the identity is preserved like with defclass
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<mfiano> Cool
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<ebrasca> Hi , I can't understand what is the problem with this error http://ix.io/4ptC
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<Bike> i think it is interpreting something as a wildcard?
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<Bike> if you plug in #p"thatfilename" you can see that wild-pathname-p is true
<Bike> with \\[PNG] it seems to parse more literally
<Bike> i don't actually know why it ends up as sa wildcard anyway, though.
<Bike> i guess it's a glob wildcard? weird.
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<ebrasca> I just use (format nil "~amedia/img/~a" (user-homedir-pathname) name) to make the path.
<Bike> your name has square brackets in it. you (apparently) need to escape them.
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<ebrasca> I get the name from the web browser.
<Bike> irrelevant
<ebrasca> How do I escape the characters in a string?
<jackdaniel> never trust the irrelevant web browser -- chopin
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<Bike> backslashes. i already wrote it out for you.
<Bike> you can also use parse-native-namestring (from pathname-utils or sb-ext) looks like
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<pjb> ebrasca: I see parentheses in the name. Parentheses can be interpreted as regular expression grouping for a pattern. In any case, they're not conforming valid characters in a logical pathname, so they can be interpreted as an implementation specific syntax.
<ebrasca> pjb: I have these files with that names in my file system.
<pjb> but you pass a string to OPEN, not a pathname. If you got that pathname with eg. DIRECTORY, it would work.
<pjb> (and indeed, it's the [PNG] the problem not the parentheses, sorry).
<pjb> ebrasca: otherwise, I have a script to clean pathnames, remove spaces, and special characters, etc…
<pjb> In my sysadmin days, I would merely remove those files…
<pjb> I had some interesting crontab entries >:-}~
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<ebrasca> pjb: I like to preserve the original file names.
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<pjb> ebrasca: pathname and parse-namestring will interpret it as wildcard, so you will need to escape the string yourself.
<pjb> ie use parse-native-namestring (from pathname-utils or sb-ext).
<ebrasca> How can I change the type of the file wichout problems?
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<pjb> (make-pathname :type new-type :defaults pathname)
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<ebrasca`> pjb: It works, thanks!
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<jcowan> elderK: Give me another decade or two, and the Scheme standard will be plenty big.
<jcowan> (if I am spared)
<bjorkintosh> perhaps a dimunitive kernel would be derived from that, perhaps.
<bjorkintosh> it might fit on a napkin, even.
<bjorkintosh> it will generate many papers I'm sure. seems to be what scheme is good at: generating academic papers.
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<jackdaniel> if you want to compare standard sizes or something else then please go somewhere else. 'mine language is better because it is miner' is a boring and outworn trope
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<bjorkintosh> nope. it will just be derived from the bigger one is all. not better or anything. it's all just 1s and 0s in the end.
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<White_Flame> all ones are the same size. there is no bigger one
<jcowan> jackdaniel: I was not the first to mention it
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<jackdaniel> if anyone is interested in new text input gadgets in McCLIM then clone the repository and try them. there is a new demo in clim-examples text gadgets
<jackdaniel> since it is an ongoing work there will probably be some issues, so please let me know if you found them
<Inline> where is the mcclim repo /
<Inline> ?
<jackdaniel> currently https://github.com/McCLIM/McCLIM
<ixelp> GitHub - McCLIM/McCLIM: An implementation of the Common Lisp Interface Manager, version II
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<ober> jackdaniel: thanks. nice work.
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* ober did not realize Clim was from Franz
<elderK> jackdaniel: Did you used to hang out in #osdev? I'm sure I remember you from there :)
<jcowan> That's why it needed to be replaced: it is proprietary.
<elderK> jcowan: That'd be interesting. Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying Scheme is not useful. I really, really like Scheme. If I could find an implementation that was more image based, I'd probably use it over CL.
<jcowan> Chibi has images. But we should discuss this in either #lisp or #scheme.
* ober knew Symbolics did a lot of it, just did not know Franz had contributed as well
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<jackdaniel> ober: clim originates from symbolics
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<jackdaniel> mcclim is not franz clim fork
<jackdaniel> thanks, I've put a lot of effort to push it out of the door
<jackdaniel> first 90% was easy :)
<jackdaniel> elderK: I don't think I did, perhaps I've been lurking for some time
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<ixelp> metis/utils.lisp at b0333ff1b8d1502891ce8cb5839a8ca8ab589f10 · ober/metis · GitHub
<ober> uiop:run-program "zcat ~A" was pretty damn quick.
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<qhong> Is there an "unload" operation for ASDF, and if not, is there any difficulty?
<qhong> There's already UPWARD-OPERATION, which I think can be used to implement an UNLOAD-OP?
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<yitzi> qhong: You can clear systems as I recall, but that only removes ASDF's system instance from the central registry. It won't delete packages, etc.
<NotThatRPG> There's no way to remove arbitrary code from a Lisp image, so there never will be an unload operation.
<jackdaniel> technically speaking unloading is possible assuming we can clean up references
<jackdaniel> (but of course no implementation has such a feature, just talking hypothetically)
<jackdaniel> ecl for instance when loading a fasl calls underneath dlopen, so the module in question even has a handler that you could call dlclose on, however when it is loaded numerous side effects take place
<jackdaniel> for example new packages are created and whatnot, so truly unloading it would require undoing these side effects what is reather unfeasible
<jackdaniel> (or cutting short relevant references), so basically you would need to remove the environment too (perhaps first class global environments could help with that)
<jackdaniel> but then (if you can dereference all objects loaded with the module), do you even need to unload it manually? it will get garbage collected anyway
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<qhong> NotThatRPG: there's way for the author of a particular code to write an unload specification
<qhong> NotThatRPG: there's no way to build arbitrary code either, right? That's why we need DEFSYSTEM
<NotThatRPG> You could create a list of all functions, methods, variables, and classes and then try to make them all unbound. I'm not sure, but my guess is that would have to be done extremely carefully, and could still go wrong, since a system could set properties on arbitrary symbols, etc. etc.
<Bike> in most cases i imagine an unload could be written. most systems just consist of a bunch of global definitions, after all, and those are easy to tear down. but you'd have to do it manually and you'd have to keep things in sync
<NotThatRPG> The CL spec *does* tell us how to build arbitrary code, and defsystem can build some subset of all buildable CL code. But unload would be excruciatingly difficult, and I can't imagine that the trouble one would put into it would every bey off.
<NotThatRPG> s/bey/pay/
<qhong> Emacs Lisp's unload-feature does it by logging all definitions during loading a feature, and also provide a custom *-unload-function hook
<qhong> I'm thinking in a bigger context of a forever-running Lisp image. Only able to add system is not sustainable. Nowadays people are just used to a underlying Unix taking care of persistent state management and restart the Lisp process, sure
<qhong> Bike: in fact for those systems, I think DELETE-PACKAGE already does a pretty good job
<White_Flame> in many cases, a system contains more than one package
<White_Flame> plus, if loading a system installed hooks somewhere, then just trying to delete the system still has all the registrations intact
<pjb> fmakunbound
<White_Flame> *delete the package
<qhong> White_Flame: either a custom unload hook for doing it manually, or the underlying hook system can provide support for it, which can be fully automatic
<qhong> if they're using one of the hook facility, say nhooks
<White_Flame> which mean software has to intentionally have extra code to "play nice" in order to be uninstalled, and any other random code wont'
<qhong> which is sort of the Unix status quo as well? I don't know much about Unix, that's my impression
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<White_Flame> consider things like registering new method on existing generic functions
<qhong> ah maybe no... *make* uninstall don't usually work, but *package_manager* uninstall almost always work
<White_Flame> unix is just process separation and buffers/streams of bytes; it doesn't "know" much
<qhong> I think maybe this concern could be assigned to distributor rather than authors
<qhong> A "Lisp distro" author may curate a list of packages, and add missing unload code
<White_Flame> that's a lot of work (eg a cartesian) for a small community with a lot of libs
<qhong> White_Flame: or the package manager (I think it's a better assignee comparing the build system) could provide a mechanism for adding patches. So that the user can easily write their own patch, or someone can publish a repo of patches, before they get merged by upstream
<qhong> Most functional package manager seem to support that, e.g. Guix and straight.el
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<qhong> speaking about this, when will we have a functional package manager in CL...
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<NotThatRPG> qhong: The late Drew McDermott had a build system that could do fine-grained loading and updates. If you would like to see what might be involved in unloading, that might be helpful. I don't believe there's an obvious way to automate unloading. You would have to be able to automatically detect the named entities that are added to the lisp image when you add a system.
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<NotThatRPG> I suppose if you could find all the packages before loading a system and cache this information. Then you would find all the packages after loading the system. then you would have to grovel for changes, which might mean having to cache the full state of each of the packages before and after.
<NotThatRPG> Then you would have to figure out how you want to handle the dependencies of a system when unloading it. Presumably you unload the systems it loaded, but NOT those systems that were already loaded (because those provide dependencies to other systems).
<NotThatRPG> I encourage you to pseudo code an algorithm for this...
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