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<set_> @zmatt: It is late now. Maybe when you have some time, please try with me here... I will keep trying to catch you.
<set_> What is the mathematical formula for the ADC to output inches or millimeters?
<set_> I have read over 25 articles and ideas. All of which are very similar and expansively different.
<set_> Some of the source TI provides for their 12-bit ADCs state some facts about the formulation ideas but...
<set_> 1. The MaxBotix wants specifics for its output from a, say, 12-bit ADC like the one glued in on the am335x.
<set_> 2. Everyone seems to think of the ADC differently in formulas. Anyway, off for now. I should get out of my splended stupor.
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<set_> data = ((pow(2, 12) / 3.3) * (1.45) * 0.001) is all I got for now and I have no clue why... I will keep up researching ideas.
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<set_> Then, something like: if data <= data: data - 1 | print("data: " + data) after a read?
<set_> Anyway, I need a break. I am goggle eyed.
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<ds2> Huh???
<ds2> a 12bit ADC returns a value from either 0-4095 or -2047 to 2048 depending on how it is setup
<ds2> for the 335x, it can be configured so either 4095 (or 2048) is Vref for single end
<ds2> I think it can be also configured for Vref/2 being 2048
<ds2> this is a unitless number
<ds2> to make it meaningful... just scale it by Vref to give you a unit in volts
<ds2> no need to hard code numbers...
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<Strykar> Could the PRUs on a Pocket / Black / AI-64 be used to alleviate OS and interrupt jitter, in relation to reading PPS from a GPS via GPSd / Chrony? Since the PRU does not use interrupts or the Linux scheduler.. wait for rising edge, capture ts in a PRU register, write ts to shmem?
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<ds2> sure
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<Marpho> ds2: Thank you for trying to make me understand. So, 4096 - 1 will allow the voltage of the ADC to report back decimal numbers and then I need to transfer decimal to mm somehow. Does that sound correct?
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<set_> ds2: sorry. Marpho is me, i.e. set_.