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Can you explain what 'mm' is in this context?
it is a voltage ADC so the correlations are to the voltage.... mm in most context is millimeter and that is a linear measurement which does not directly relate to voltage unless you have some kind of transducer/sensor
And yeppers, I have a MaxBotix v2 sonar sensor.
look at the datasheet
I suggest doing the following - take 2 1K resistors in series. Connect one end to ground and the other to the 1.8V signal. Connect the middle to an ADC channel. If it is setup as single end, that channel should read 0.9V. If not, figure out the scaling factor to get it to read 0.9V.
Now you have a way of reading the voltage. Consult the datasheet for the sensor and see what voltage correspond to awhat distance. do that match.
do that math I mean
the 1K resistor was choose as a common value that probally won't get too impacted by the input impedence of the ADC
you can probally get away with even a 2 4.7K resistors, I wouldn't go higher. Lower can work but you will run into drive limit of the 1.8V rail.... 2 470 ohm resistors may work
Analog, (Vcc/512) / inch is what it says.
what is Vcc in this case?
I am not sure what this means just yet so i will keep testing.
I do not know. 3.3v on the BBB?
what are you powering it with?
And...I do not know if they mean (/ inch) means by or divided.
Vcc is usually your power supply...probally 5V or 3.3V... could be 1.8V but...
I am using another pin for 1.8v from the ADC.
IIRC, the ADCs are max 1.8V
so you will need a divider
is the datasheet online?
It seems I can connect the ADC directly from what I thought from the beagleboard docs. pages.
On the first page, it says Analog. Maybe they mean analog and not ADC.
I believe this is self explanatory given then example: Pin 3-AN- Outputs analog voltage with a scaling factor of (Vcc/512) per inch. A supply of 5V yields ~9.8mV/in. and
3.3V yields ~6.4mV/in. The output is buffered and corresponds to the most recent range data.
for scaling, maybe try a wiring the output to 2 1K resistors in a series. (one end to sensor, other to ground, middle to ADC)
Right and a-okay.
since you're powering it at 3.3V, the distance is about 3.2mV per in or 3.2mV per 25.4mm
from my experience, there is too much noise to get mm level accuracy
Aw. Okay.
I will stay with inches then.
maybe cm level if you're lucky
I was having trouble with the mm approach in the source code.
it isn't about your choice of units, it is about resolution based on the noise
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When I divide 3.3 by 512, I get 0.0064453125. What does this mean to me?
So, 0.0064453125v per inch?
with a Vref of 1.8V, your best resolution is about 500uV so in the best case 3.4mm but that ADC is so noisy, you'll be hard press to get even +/-1 count so maybe 1cm is useable
yes - 0.0064v per inch based on their example
Right but...
you should be able to put a DMM on that pin and see that as you move your hand back and forth. just tape the sensor down at one end of a ruler and have your hand move
512 is for a 9-bit.
why are you using this sensor?
No clue. I am testing to report findings and then moving on to better sensors.
it is probally a 9 bit DAC inside that thing
or use the digital output
So, would I subtract 512 from 4096 or divide by 3 for resolution?
not getting what you are asking
Okay. Let me try to explain...
The ADC onboard is 12-bit or 2^12 = 4096.
Their DAC is probably, like you mentioned, a 9-bit DAC.
treat them as 2 independant things
So, in my calculations, I have not accounted...oh.
so for the sensor, figure out the resolution in volts
do the same on the ADC side
But, I cannot just say 4-bit is the answer for the difference right?
completely unrelated
Excuse me. 3-bit.
you are also scaling to meet electrical limitations
hence convert things to voltages as seen by the respective components then compare
okay. I got why you were saying it now.
So, to test hardware and software ideas, I need a reference and not a guess. Got it.
you can increase your effective resolution in 2 ways - (1) buffer and choose a better set of resistors for the scaling. Right now it is roughly 1/2x scaling so your measurements are compressed down to 0-1.6V (throwing out the 1.6-1.8V headroom) (2) oversample
So, if one answer is 1.5v and the other answer is 0.5v, then I can assume some type of answer from 0 to 1.
no need to guess...just do the math
I think I can do it.
I personally like the old mathcad where I can write it all out and it'll check my units
I say roughly because ADCs are not ideal inputs, they do weird things so that adds noise hence the buffering
Right. From what I have been reading, noise and repeatability are issues.
yes, the real world sucks.
if only we can live at 0K
So, one reading may be 10 inches and when I account for the same 10 inches measured, it reports back something different.
"I am okay..."
for these analysis, you need to go back to your intended application
Got it. And A-Okay.
sonar sensors has been flaky in my experience
LIDAR is more well behaved and the beam is narrower
Are 9-bit DACs normal in applications?
Aw. Okay.
could be... I donno how sucky is the SONAR itself
Sonar is cheap and can make large things, vats of liquids, easy to understand if it is there or not.
But, this is the entire reason I have been trying to narrow down results to something more tangible.
Sonar HW is cheap, the amount of engineering to tame the sonar makes that expensive
I want to try to get better at using the ADC, 12-bit or 24-bit or whatever, for use with different sensors.
and now because of you, I have a starting method.
if you want it as practice, have fun... otherwise, I'd go w/the digital outputs
So, something like UART or PWM?
analog is an ugly real world unlike software ;)
I know this MaxBotix can handle it.
They have examples for it too (sort of).
Whelp, time to try UART.
PWM can feed into the tcap stuff and call it a day....uarts are nice but I usually better things to do with them
But for brevity and recollecting here, use a set of two resistors in series to handle finding a start to the end result.
the overall performance of the ADC on the 335x has a lot to be desired.
I know. It is fast!
yeah, the resistor will do it. it is a bit brute forced
if you want an excerise, figure out how the driver configures and reads the ADC
I did that a long time ago and used it to interface with a mic
there is a lot of things you can tweak that the driver may not expise
The ADC driver in the kernel is what you are describing? IIO?
yeah... unless you wrote your own
No. I have not.
But, I am still working on promoting .c kernel modules to the already running beagleboard.org images.
blah modules...
Well, they can be a good start to drivers.
<--- not a fan of modules... monolithic kernels are easiest
preferrably with DT patched out :D
so, you would rather compile everything already from the start or again once everything gets loaded?
simple dev cycle
Hmm. I like adjusting things but it keeps tainting my kernels.
makes it easy to bring up boards without pesky bootloaders trying to be too smart
No one will ever look at my kernels, so not a big deal. I do not have to worry about people questioning my tainted kernels.
Get this...
So, I thought I could build the external kernel module as a LKM with a .h file referenced in the .c file.
Nope. Whomever sold me that idea was completely wrong.
strictly speaking, you can
So, <linux/whatever.h> is needed but not my own .h file that then references a <linux/whatever.h> file too.
I could not get it to compile.
my .c called the .h file and reported errors every time. When I changed the .h file to a .c file, it built.
didn't say it was easy... there are macros that get used
I mean, yes. Oh but I needed to #DEFINE a bunch of stuff in my .h file.
but get something going first... use whatever works for you
Right. I think this is why my kernel was tainted. The .h file turned .c file was for reference only and not a lkm or external module.
Oh well.
no, there are macros that set the copyright/license.. that probally didnt get setup right
I understand now. I put 'em in the files. AUTHOR and so on, license...
I mean...
Should I call the .h as an .o file in the Kbuild and Makefile files?
No. Not from what I found.
I tried everything. obj-m or obj-y and := and ?= and +=. Notta from what I could configure.
The more I read, the more I just wanted to change the .h to a .c.
I finally got a good pop up of data.
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