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should the ADC on the BBB report ~2,234.2 when testing its raw voltage?
I have been reading some ideas and come to understand that (2^12) / 3.3v * 1.8v = x. Does this sound right?
So, 2234.2 is mV and then that mV is multiplied by 0.001 which is 2.23v or would I multiply by 0.00001?
So, is there a converter somewhere listed for the ADC onboard or is it part of the am335x that does the conversions?
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"the ADC"?
So, maximum voltage is 1.8v, right. If I need to read the correct mV, I need to make the 1.8v in the equation a 0.9 to 1.1.
Yes. The ADC.
do you not have a multimeter to check against?
No, I mean. yes, I have one.
also, look at the schematics i guess
I will check.
1.45v is the maximum for x.
So, there are probably some extra thousandths, i.e. 1.7997575757575757575757575757576v is x = 1.45v in the tested equation.
Anyway, the reason is this... I figured this much so far because of a book. 1) I can control my motor(s) via ADC because of I/O from GPIO peripherals acting on behalf of the ADC input voltages.
2) I wanted to narrow down not goofing up (as usual).
3) I would like to port the ADC and motor combinations via PWM/GPIO or just GPIO to newer boards.
The BY-AI has no ADC.
does the pocketbeagle2 handle ADC peripheral access?
yes. It does!
Hey, why did people lose interest in UART communication?
I mean, I checked the kernel, I think it was kernel 6.12.x that I looked at when current. There was mention of UART in it still.
There were specifics...
Anyway, the reason for the jargon of the ADC was about these ideas.
the source code can ultimately ruin the ADC input and further damage the am335x from what I have understood.
Are there particular mathematic equations that can not ruin the onboard ADC in source code? I mean...
If I was to research "ADC source code for 12-bit ADC peripherals" for instance, would a couple examples come up? I guess that is what I am getting at currently.
I keep researching ideas on the ADC but nothing too profound is poppin' up.