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<set_> should the ADC on the BBB report ~2,234.2 when testing its raw voltage?
<set_> I have been reading some ideas and come to understand that (2^12) / 3.3v * 1.8v = x. Does this sound right?
<set_> So, 2234.2 is mV and then that mV is multiplied by 0.001 which is 2.23v or would I multiply by 0.00001?
<set_> So, is there a converter somewhere listed for the ADC onboard or is it part of the am335x that does the conversions?
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<jakllsch> "the ADC"?
<set_> So, maximum voltage is 1.8v, right. If I need to read the correct mV, I need to make the 1.8v in the equation a 0.9 to 1.1.
<set_> Yes. The ADC.
<jakllsch> do you not have a multimeter to check against?
<set_> No, I mean. yes, I have one.
<jakllsch> also, look at the schematics i guess
<set_> Okay...
<set_> I will check.
<set_> 1.45v is the maximum for x.
<set_> So, there are probably some extra thousandths, i.e. 1.7997575757575757575757575757576v is x = 1.45v in the tested equation.
<set_> Anyway, the reason is this... I figured this much so far because of a book. 1) I can control my motor(s) via ADC because of I/O from GPIO peripherals acting on behalf of the ADC input voltages.
<set_> 2) I wanted to narrow down not goofing up (as usual).
<set_> 3) I would like to port the ADC and motor combinations via PWM/GPIO or just GPIO to newer boards.
<set_> The BY-AI has no ADC.
<set_> Argh.
<set_> does the pocketbeagle2 handle ADC peripheral access?
<set_> yes. It does!
<set_> Hey, why did people lose interest in UART communication?
<set_> I mean, I checked the kernel, I think it was kernel 6.12.x that I looked at when current. There was mention of UART in it still.
<set_> There were specifics...
<set_> Anyway, the reason for the jargon of the ADC was about these ideas.
<set_> the source code can ultimately ruin the ADC input and further damage the am335x from what I have understood.
<set_> Are there particular mathematic equations that can not ruin the onboard ADC in source code? I mean...
<set_> If I was to research "ADC source code for 12-bit ADC peripherals" for instance, would a couple examples come up? I guess that is what I am getting at currently.
<set_> I keep researching ideas on the ADC but nothing too profound is poppin' up.
<set_> the Zoinks never arrives...
<set_> Does this make sense to anyone?
<set_> Right now, it is just random digits...
<set_> Headway in the making!
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<ds2> IIRC - iio tries to scale things to actual voltages
<ds2> which may be wrong - the ADC on the BBx can be configured to do all sorts of stuff