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<jkridner> indy: he's pretty flexible. if you make a merge request against, he'll often grab the patch from there too. of course, best is to send something upstream and just ask him to try to apply it. if not clean, it'll be faster if you then also backport it.
<jkridner> indy: btw, cool. I've not yet seen a PCIe Endpoint demo on BeagleY-AI. I'm curious about the application.
<jkridner> indy: builds are monthly unless there's some real dev going on.
<jkridner> BeagleY-AI is probably more often than that right now. PocketBeagle 2 is pretty much daily right now.
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<indy> jkridner, i got working endpoint on bbai-64 which is more interesting as it supports virtual functions, beagley-ai has working pcie on 6.1 only in minimal image, for some odd reason apt install newer ends with dma problems
<indy> so system boots, but i have no connectivity
<indy> no usb, no ethernet no pci
<indy> but i worry 6.1 is too old to play with endpoint on beagley-ai
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<indy> application? :) i'm building own thunderbolt based docking station using th3p4g3 -
<indy> in th3p4g3 i have pcie switch supporting pci multicast so i plan to hook several sbcs with endpoint support and play with pci multicast
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