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<set_> I am trying to understand how to use I/O with pasm and other languages here...
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<set_> Here is the build:
<set_> I wanted to update everything to the current specification of the BBB but...
<set_> 1. /sys/class/gpio/* is listed as a file.
<set_> 2. I do not have config-pin on my machine.
<set_> 3. I am new to the library.
<set_> So, in time and with you and your help (maybe) is how I can pursue making a darn piece of machinery (finally).
<set_> The parts are scattered and the error I receive is "Please home the machine." I cannot home the machine. The machine will not listen. Has anyone used this library or knows of its existence?
<set_> Anyway, as many of you know... I do not give up easily and I know little to nothing!
<set_> So, with that combination of experience, I set forth to conquer beagleg and call it another thing by name...
<set_> See, the funny thing is this: I can connect to a GUI/front end and get errors back on some GUIs but others do not play so well with beagleg_one.
<set_> bCNC works out-of-the-box. UGSplatform does not work and their frontend is glorious. Nice and built...
<set_> My main issues arise researching the code base and not finding fd type understandings. I found some #define type understandings and code but I have not tracked down exactly how the GPIO pins use config-pin yet.
<set_> Maybe there was a DTS a while ago for beagleg but not any longer? I do not know as of yet.
<set_> I found that CRAMPS or C-RAMPS had a DTS file for usage for calling specific pins by a naming scheme.
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* set_ is late to the start of the game!
<set_> i.e. P9_12 and so on. So, config-pin was around then. Now, at least on my image currently, I am with the file(s) at /sys/class/gpio/gpio*.
<set_> Does any by change understand how the source uses the GPIO peripheral and allocates PRU data to/from the am335x on the BBB via pasm?
<set_> I started to install the .pdf files for pasm and I am reading the source slowly, i.e. as I would like to make a full build one day.
<set_> Anyway, I will wait until someone replies. That is all for now. Thank you and if you will read it and propose an answer one day, kudos and biscuits for breakfast!
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<set_> Okay fine. I will cook the biscuits for breakfast if you help me...
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<set_> I started a forum topic on what I have been describing here. If you would please, jump on in!
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<indy> hi all, does work csi0/csi1 on bbai-64 i saw csi0-imx219 csi1-imx219 overlays for 5.10 but not for 6.6
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