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how to get a beagle play serial number from command line? i mean the code which is shown on the little paper label placed on the board (and also on the bottom side of the box - at least on the seeed studio bplays i have)
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Hi, I’m quite new at using the bbx15 and yocto. I want to uso GPIO pins in my bbx15, i know the pinnout and know hoyw to use libgpiod and sysf. I have worked successfully with the gpio pins with a buildroot config, the problem is, I can’t make it work with yocto. I’m using kirkstone branch (6.1.80-ti) and libgpiod (v1.6.3) and also activated
sysf (even though I know it’s deprecated). The library seems to work well because i can use the commands and so, but the leds won’t turn on, same with sysf. Which leads me to think that the problem isn’t the version of the library, not even if it is well incorporated into the kernel, if not something with the drivers/dts. I copied the gpio
drivers from the version of buildroot (kernel - 4.19 and libgpiod 6.1.3) and pasted them into my yocto config, also did the same with the dts (am57xx-beagle-x15-common.dtsi). But nothing seems to work. What can I do?
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