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<set_> what is the name of the ADC on the BBB?
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<set_> The reason I am asking is I am a bit off logically for promoting my findings:
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<zmatt> set_: the name of the ADC ? it's just the integrated ADC of the AM335x
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<zmatt> samael: ... this prints the board id, serial, and for some manufacturers the code printed on the label
<zmatt> unfortunately the actual format of the external label is not standardized and varies depending on which company manufactured the beaglebone (and possibly when)
<samael> zmatt: thanks!
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<zmatt> samael: here's just two examples of what you can expect:
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<zmatt> but I've seen pretty messy things
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<zmatt> these two examples do seem to be the most common cases though, except for some really ancient beaglebones
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<set_> So...
<set_> If I look into the TRM at ADC, it will not say a particular part name or label is the guess I am questioning now...
<set_> Anyway, I will keep searching.
<zmatt> set_: it doesn't have one, why would it have a part number? it's not a chip
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Code number?
<set_> I just thought like the peripherals had codes for their type...
<set_> For instance, I can think of a billion types of nuts that are different in very specific ways. ADC parts are usually different with their "value labels" identifiable.
<set_> At least, these ones from TI that I have come across, like 12-bit and 16-bit, all have some naming scheme.
<set_> Anyway, the reason I bring it up is that my source is an oddity.
<zmatt> but you can buy nuts... something only has a part number if it's an orderable part. TI's own SoC peripherals are simply part of their SoCs
<set_> Oh.
<set_> Okay.
<set_> No issue. How am I supposed to write software/code/source for something that is elusive and not on paper?
<zmatt> some peripherals might be a licensed design from a third party, those will have a part number (although still not really relevant to anyone other than SoC designers)
<set_> For instance, one part uses the ADC. I read about the part. It calls for specifics. Now, I need to know specifics about the ADC to move forward with the code of the part/module/doohicky.
<zmatt> you typically don't write software for the ADC, it has a kernel driver and you write software that uses that driver
<set_> Oh.
<zmatt> on linux that would be using IIO
<set_> IIO.
<set_> Got it.
<set_> I will look in the kernel driver.
<zmatt> (the ADC does also have reasonably decent documentation in the AM335x Technical Reference Manual)
<set_> Right!
<zmatt> oh, right, this may not be entirely intuitive: it's the "Touchscreen Controller" chapter
<set_> I will look to the kernel and the TRM. Aw!
<zmatt> which is a function the ADC can perform
<set_> No wonder...
<zmatt> it's also called TSC/ADC for that reason (touchscreen controller / ADC)
<set_> Hmm. Okay. TSC/ADC. Got it.
<set_> Now I remember.
<set_> Sorry.
<set_> I probably need to find the TRM again and look to the kernel docs. for my kernel.
<set_> IIO.
<zmatt> I know there are definitely examples for using the adc on the beaglebone
<set_> I was reading all sorts of garbage trying to deduce and code needed by the ADC to perform my calculations.
<set_> There is a book.
<set_> BeagleBone Cookbook
<set_> It has a Ch. about stuff. One of the entries is a MaxBotix EZ thing.
<set_> MaxBotix and their ADC examples fell short I guess. All of what I read was loopy.
<set_> 404 here and wrong page there... I got tired of their fun time.
<set_> So, yeppers. Off to review stuff. Thank you again!
<zmatt> set_: I have this old demo...