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hello all
i've got an old BBB that i cant seem to get to work
i tried to flash the emmc and it isnt working, i tried to get it to boot from the sd card and it also isnt booting
it just keeps booting the old OS that i installed forever ago
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hi, we have a bunch of beaglebone black, and i'm trying to gauge the HW revision from the serial number. it is said the year/week is encoded in the eeprom in/near the serial number, but i'm unclear on the format. the BBB SRM manual says it's [YY][WW]BBBK[counter], but i have a few e.g. 1020BBBK[counter], where i'm inclined to thnik it's 2020 week 10, not 2010 week 20. also not all of them have
BBBK, i have a bunch of SBB[digit], are those an earlier/later revision?
sadly these are all deployed already, so i can't check the labels/print on the PCB or SD card cage etc.
ah, no, docs say [WW][YY].. so then the outliers are the others, 2150SBB155.. sounds like it was produced in 2021, not in 2050.. so at some point the order switched, is my theory, maybe with the switch to seeed as manufacturer?
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