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<set_> Oh. Happy New Year to anyone in the spirit of goodness.
<set_> or wellness. Wellness is important in this day and age. Godspeed w/ life and the New Year!
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<set_> Time flies when you are having fun!
<set_> I mean that when people are havin' fun, time passes very quickly.
<set_> Why would I not be able to access files in /usr/bin/?
<set_> Anyway, I posted here for hopes that someone knows something: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/765933/why-am-i-not-allowed-to-access-files-in-usr-bin and I am doing my best here to not rat on the .org here for my mainline activities.
<set_> I started to use 5.10.x and then 6.1.x and then mainline. I cannot do anything ever! Ha.
<set_> My chmod command works. It does absolutely nothing in /usr/bin/ and/or /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/printrun/.
<set_> I get a bunch of ? ? ? instead of access.
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<set_> I even am trying the RT kernel.
<set_> I am lost. Forget me not! iwbbl if that is an acronym, good. If not, okay.
<set_> Yay!
<set_> I got it...
<set_> Sorry to bother you guys/gals again. Sheesh.
<set_> Yule tide and all that mess along w/ some New Year splash!
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