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<jfsimon> mattb00ne why do you r/w directly into memory/registers locations ?
<jfsimon> (i.e. instead of declaring local variable or allocate).
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<mattb0ne> @jfsimon is that considered bad practice?
<mattb0ne> I figured it would save me having to write the updated values back to the memory but if that is bad form I can update it.
<jfsimon> It depends what you intend to do, so long as you know what you do
<mattb0ne> I made a pared down version of this where I am just adding to that memory slot and I guess I have an alignment issue
<mattb0ne> since when I add 200 to 0 I get this very large int
<jfsimon> It's more like baremetal way to do stuff
<mattb0ne> to have local or not have local
<jfsimon> you may need to access and modify registers though, i didn' check in detail, just see that you're playin with the registers address directly
<mattb0ne> since it is not working as is I will put the local back in
<mattb0ne> I need to go step my step on the mappings to see where I go off the rails
<mattb0ne> but thanks for the tip!
<jfsimon> If you try work at the register level, you need not fight the compiler, it might be doing works with the registers too, or some other applications as well. Since i believe in your case linux is running in the background.
<jfsimon> Usually you can use the baremetal way to prgram, or use an OS (Linux, FreeRTOS or similar) and let them do the low level.Sometimes you may have to mix both (play at register level while there's an OS running too), that may be more complex to do right.
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<set_> how would I make a GPIO appear on the BBAI-64? Would I use gpioinfo to find the available pins or would I need an overlay?
<set_> I am asking b/c I am terrible so far w/ Yocto. I cannot do anything w/ it except build it, apply networking (almost), and realize my builds are bust.