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<set_> I got this gas sensor. I am reading values from it but nothing that I can use.
<set_> how would I start to read ppm from the sensor, i2c?
<set_> Gas per ______ 80
<set_> That is my output so far.
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<set_> That is the source I am getting so far to work...
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<set_> I guess it will take time!
<set_> I mean...would I need to account for the room and then guess on its volume and then ________?
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<set_> Clausius-Clapeyron equation is something I found that looks promising.
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<zmatt> ...
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<set_> That was not me.
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<set_> Not me, no sir-re Bob. I am set_. Anyway, @zmatt I am building a i2c lib. for the infineon gas sensor.
<set_> More to come!
<set_> Slow to start and slow to finish!
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