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hnv: do "it" ? which part? and I didn't have Forth on it specifically for testing the i2c controller obviously, it's just that forth made it particularly easy to do such testing
I'd written that Forth because I like Forth, it's not hard to make, and it yields a baremetal interactive environment on the target that's quite useful for testing purposes (I was originally using it to bring up / test the hardware prototype)
hnv: found the i2c forth code... https://green-crissy-97.tiiny.site/ though it should be noted that my forth had very non-standard features
the most important thing it did was poll the irqstatus register for changes and log those (it also tries to clear them and prints clearable irqs differently from non-clearable ones)
so I saw what was happening as I manually performed i2c transfers
and like I said back then, I combined that with a small program running on another microcontroller (with access to the same i2c bus) that would show what's happening on the bus itself and used clock-stretching to allow i2c transfers to be single-stepped bit by bit
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(that was written in C++, not Forth)
the examples in my notes ( https://pastebin.com/rrphk18q ) are mostly just a combination of these two outputs with some comments added
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zmatt: Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you have a Forth interpreter/CLI running? That would be awesome to try
I wrote a Forth for that SoC yes.... I've never ported it to the AM335x though
I'd still like to, but I always have more things I want to do than time to do them
to make it usable I'd at least need to implement an eMMC driver to be able to do SAVECODE, the board I wrote it for used raw NAND instead
(bootstrapping the system from source code on every boot would be very tedious)
Is it feasible to boot from a NAND with the BBB?
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you'd need a NAND cape for that
anyway, that's obviously only part of the work it would take to port it
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zmatt: I would love to help.. In my spare time though
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looking for a recommendation for beagle-based setup for a CNC router/laser/printer (github.com/base48/cnc-ng) to control the axis with feedback