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<zmatt> hnv: do "it" ? which part? and I didn't have Forth on it specifically for testing the i2c controller obviously, it's just that forth made it particularly easy to do such testing
<zmatt> I'd written that Forth because I like Forth, it's not hard to make, and it yields a baremetal interactive environment on the target that's quite useful for testing purposes (I was originally using it to bring up / test the hardware prototype)
<zmatt> hnv: found the i2c forth code... https://green-crissy-97.tiiny.site/ though it should be noted that my forth had very non-standard features
<zmatt> the most important thing it did was poll the irqstatus register for changes and log those (it also tries to clear them and prints clearable irqs differently from non-clearable ones)
<zmatt> so I saw what was happening as I manually performed i2c transfers
<zmatt> and like I said back then, I combined that with a small program running on another microcontroller (with access to the same i2c bus) that would show what's happening on the bus itself and used clock-stretching to allow i2c transfers to be single-stepped bit by bit
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<zmatt> (that was written in C++, not Forth)
<zmatt> the examples in my notes ( https://pastebin.com/rrphk18q ) are mostly just a combination of these two outputs with some comments added
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<hnv> zmatt: Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you have a Forth interpreter/CLI running? That would be awesome to try
<zmatt> I wrote a Forth for that SoC yes.... I've never ported it to the AM335x though
<hnv> T_T
<zmatt> I'd still like to, but I always have more things I want to do than time to do them
<zmatt> to make it usable I'd at least need to implement an eMMC driver to be able to do SAVECODE, the board I wrote it for used raw NAND instead
<zmatt> (bootstrapping the system from source code on every boot would be very tedious)
<hnv> Is it feasible to boot from a NAND with the BBB?
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<zmatt> you'd need a NAND cape for that
<zmatt> anyway, that's obviously only part of the work it would take to port it
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<hnv> zmatt: I would love to help.. In my spare time though
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<KREYREN> looking for a recommendation for beagle-based setup for a CNC router/laser/printer (github.com/base48/cnc-ng) to control the axis with feedback
<KREYREN> so far i found this https://www.necitec.de/index.php/en/cnc-cape