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<set_> GenTooMan: No batteries included!
<set_> Wind me up and watch me!
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<set_> @zmatt: Look what I found. I thought of you!
<set_> Abbreviations and Acronyms and the WWW. It is real!
<set_> Outside of that profound orientation, I am dealing with CO2 concerns if you care to spin a notion...
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<set_> I am still on the site! Smart...maybe. Not smart...touche. Knowing I can learn more...priceless.
<set_> whomever made the WWW, was not thinking coherently. Financially, yes. It had to be done, I guess. Anyway, up-up-otay!
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<set_> I am back. @zmatt, did you look over that site yet?
<set_> and GenTooMan, did you see that wind 'em watch I presented at some unearthly hour?
<set_> If I can get the clock on those mechanisms, I can have the bbb do it forever!
<set_> I will not have to wind it or rewind it.
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