<set_> relaxing done!
<zmatt> mattb0ne: it's conceivable there's something wrong with that R30 declaration, like I said normally it comes from an #include but I was just too lazy to check which one
<zmatt> I don't *think* the declaration is wrong, but I'm also not sure I tested it
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<set_> He seems he fixed it w/ a rational exchange of a register... I hope he does well!
<set_> As long as Jet Fuel is not mixed. It should be okay?
<set_> Speakin' of Jet Fuel, did anyone see the Alabama fake launch? They lit that puppy up. Za-Zoom!
<set_> Live or even on released video?
<set_> Man, just being in the field nearby must have been a sight to behold.
<set_> Anyway, so. Back to the BBB!
<set_> Thank you and, well whomever you are or a group of people there, I appreciate you making the technical docs. along w/ the coding that went into the docs pages.
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<mattb0ne> for logic shifters is it necessary to power both sides of the board?
<mattb0ne> this is what I have
<mattb0ne> You figure you would only need to power one side the output but I am not sure
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<zmatt> why are you using a bidirectional level shifter?
<zmatt> what you probably want in this application is just an open-drain/open-collector driver (for example made using a transistor + resistor)
<mattb0ne> I need to get to 5V for the stepper driver
<mattb0ne> @zmatt: do you have an off the shelf example of what you are talking about
<zmatt> there are also ICs that do this for you
<zmatt> e.g. SN74LVC2G07 (dual buffer with open-drain outputs) or SN74LVC07A (hex buffer with open-drain outputs)
<zmatt> although a level-shfiter with push-pull outputs would work just fine too
<zmatt> just don't use bidirectional level shifters unless you really really have to (e.g. for I2C)
<mattb0ne> oh ok
<zmatt> it might still work I guess, dunno, you'd need to check the datasheet of whatever you're using
<mattb0ne> ok
<zmatt> it looks like the thing you linked has no real information or datasheet, which means it has no real use and should not be used for anything :P
<zmatt> (I'm being silly here, but you really ought to know better by now than to buy stuff that has no information)
<mattb0ne> lol
<mattb0ne> I know but I can get overnight
<mattb0ne> and it is cheap
<mattb0ne> I am addicted to the speed
<mattb0ne> though I get burned every time
<mattb0ne> I am hooked on the Bezos free shipping as well
<zmatt> most likely the LV supply of this thing is the only supply that really matters, and the HV supply is only used for pull-ups
<zmatt> since it looks like it's just a FET with pull-ups on both sides
<zmatt> something like that
<zmatt> is probably what that board you bought is
<zmatt> actually, hold on, how much current does that stepper driver expect?
<zmatt> typ 10 mA max 20 mA ... yeah no, that's a no-go with this kind of level shifter
<zmatt> you can't use this
<zmatt> not with a beaglebone
<zmatt> that's the problem with bidirectional level shifters, they're not actually buffers/drivers
<zmatt> and in this case you need to drive more current than you can safely do with a beaglebone gpio
<mattb0ne> oh ok
<mattb0ne> let me get that chip then
<zmatt> so use an actual buffer/driver (open-drain or push-pull, either will work), either an ic or made using a transistor like I showed
<mattb0ne> got it
<mattb0ne> is there a naming convention with the ICs
<zmatt> (or using a mosfet)
<mattb0ne> SN74LXXXXX
<mattb0ne> wondering how much flexiblity I would have
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<mattb0ne> there are a lot of similar chips but not exact same name which is probably important
<zmatt> there's tons and tons of chips that would suit your needs probably
<mattb0ne> there is a whole family of chips
<mattb0ne> ok
<mattb0ne> I will do some research
<mattb0ne> I just need open drain outputs is the key
<zmatt> but SN74 also contains all sorts of logic, which isn't what you're looking for
<zmatt> open drain or push-pull, either will work in this case
<mattb0ne> ok
<mattb0ne> I will do some research and circle back just to confirm what I found will work
<zmatt> no actually, do get specifically open-drain (or open-collector)
<mattb0ne> ok
<zmatt> since if you were to get push-pull it would be 3.3V probably and that's not really what you want
<mattb0ne> ok
<zmatt> plus those might be intolerant of 5V on their output, while open-drain drivers tend to be tolerate higher voltage on their output than the supply voltage
<zmatt> https://www.ti.com/logic-voltage-translation/buffers-drivers-transceivers/noninverting/products.html?keyMatch=SN74LVC2G07&tisearch=search-everything&usecase=GPN#116=Open-collector%3BOpen-drain&480=2%3B3%3B4%3B6%3B8&0min=-0.5%3B3.3&0max=3.3%3B18&1994max=20%3B188&sort=1130;asc&
<zmatt> that's filtered to support 3.3V supply and 20 mA output current
<zmatt> inverting buffers would be fine... actually inverting might be better here
<zmatt> https://www.ti.com/logic-voltage-translation/buffers-drivers-transceivers/inverting/products.html#116=Open-collector%3BOpen-drain&480=2%3B3%3B4%3B6%3B8%3B12&2192=Partial%20power%20down%20(Ioff)&0min=0.8%3B3.3&0max=3.3%3B18&1994max=20%3B64&sort=1130;asc&
<zmatt> (the transistor approach would be an inverting open-drain buffer)
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<mattb0ne> thanks for the info zmat
<mattb0ne> you know when I was trying it out yesterday, it was not giving me 5V
<mattb0ne> maybe this is why
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<mattb00ne> @zmatt: I am going to buy this
<mattb00ne> what do you think
<mattb00ne> I think that fits the bill and they have it in a module format so less soldering for me =)
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<mattb00ne> question for the peanut gallery
<mattb00ne> in my PRU deep dive, there was a lot of talk of registers in paticular R30 and R31 which are input and output registers. My question revolves around how C knows what registers are exposed. For example the code snippet I used has defines R30 as volatile register. How does C map that to something meaningful on the beagle? is that handled by the compiler? So if I made something up like R69, would it fail?
<zmatt> mattb00ne: yes it would fail, the only global register declarations allowed are __R30 and __R31, these special cases are recognized by the compiler. See section 5.7.2 "Global Register Variables" in the compiler user's guide ( https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spruhv7c/spruhv7c.pdf )
<mattb00ne> ok thanks
<zmatt> R30 is essentially a normal register except it also controls external logic, by default it directly controls pru's direct gpio outputs (when configured into that mode at the SoC-level)
<zmatt> R31 is not a normal register, reading it will read special inputs to the PRU code, writing to it is used to trigger events / issue commands to external logic
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