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<set_> dun-dun-dun
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<set_> LED time!
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<set_> Hello and five minutes!
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<set_> @zmatt: If anything, what would you change in this technical coding for the Relay Cape docs?
<set_> I prompted some people via to allow for some source I configured in time w/ your help and some finds online.
<set_> Anyway, let this brother know!
<set_> My first magic smoke!
<set_> I never knew what you guys were discussing. My wires melted!
<set_> Phew.
<set_> The board lives!
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<set_> retest and everything is kosher!
<set_> Considering my first video w/ the light tail switch relay, I have come some way down the road since then...
<set_> I just watched it finally. I am officially embarrassed but I have progressed and I think this is what it is about now. Well, partially.
<set_> progression and admitting pun intended.
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<set_> man. GPIO and PWM at the same time is a difficult endeavor. Do not fret, I am using a lib!
<set_> @zmatt: Thank you for providing the lib. It works but my wiring must be off by a motor...hmm.
<set_> Anyway, time to break!
<set_> Is it that the Motor Cape is old news now or are people tryin to make it work somehow?
<set_> I mean...the L298d I am using right now is on the Cape * 2.
<set_> It should just work w/out error...
<set_> one L298 can handle bi-directional DC motors * 2. So, two motors each w/ bi-directional movement.
<set_> Is it one GPIO and two PWMs or two GPIOs and one PWM for one bi-directional motor?
<set_> two PWMs. Okay.
<set_> forget it. It is most likely my PSU right now not being attached properly. Back to the ole, drawing board.
<set_> I got it!
<set_> It was the crappy connection w/ the 6v PSU.
<set_> Well, that and the Motor Connections were a bit iffy too.
<set_> L293D
<set_> and BBB
<set_> I can only go slow and slower so far.
<set_> I need a low rider or something for this motor and its connection w/ the L293.
<set_> Hydraulics! Bouncey-Bouncey!
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<set_> ls
<set_> dang it.
<set_> is the motor, @zmatt, supposed to move very slow b/c of source or is it the 9v PSU?
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<zmatt> ???
<set_> Oops. I did not list the paste
<set_> Sheesh.
<set_> is from you, I am sure of it.
<set_> Anyway, is there a way to make the motor move quickly or is it the source holding it back?
<set_> Let me get my source too. This will shed some light for making the source work w/ a L293d.
<set_> Here is mine: and probably from you too...
<set_> I tried some higher frequencies like 150, 2000, and others. Nothing seemed to handle the movement of the motors at higher speeds.
<set_> Now, I will tell you, I have a DC geared motor. It is supposed to move slow but not this slow. There is no jolt at all when in "drive mode."
<set_> Anyway, if you ever see this message...
<set_> Please reply. I am listing a video of how slow the motor is actually moving w/ a 9v battery:
<set_> sorry for my odd senses. Anyway, that should explain a little or a lot.
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<zmatt> set_: why do you keep changing the frequency in your code? there's normally no reason to ever do that
<zmatt> if value=1.0 does not result in max speed of your motor then maybe you're juist driving it wrong or using an insufficient supply or used a pwm frequency that's not appropriate for the motor and/or motor driver
<zmatt> pwm frequency does not in itself affect motor speed, however you will get poor results if the value is too low or too high
<zmatt> (frequency however is irrelevant if value is set to 1.0 since that means the pwm output is just always high)
<zmatt> don't ask me about good values though, I've never done anything with driving motors myself
<zmatt> I also wonder whether you're PWMing the A-input or the EN-input, though I'm also not 100% sure which one is appropriate
<zmatt> (I'd assume the A-input, and then fast enough to get the PWM signal smoothed out by the motor inductance?)
<zmatt> too low pwm frequency = unhappy motor, too high pwm frequency = unhappy motor driver
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<set_> Oh.
<set_> I saw in the datasheet, foolproof here, two square waves resembling to me a PWM frequency.
<set_> and one going low to high.
<set_> So, in my mind, the spin of the motors is directly associated w/ the high of the GPIO and the first and second PWM frequencies.
<set_> I will reread it and look for other clues.
<set_> and yes...
<set_> The gear w/ this tiny motor may require more current than 9v w/ ?A.
<set_> So, I will try a larger battery for this motor and driver.
<set_> The driver says can handle 4.5 to 36v. So, broad and outrageous but a larger battery is worth a shot...
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<set_> and @zmatt: Okay about you not associating yourself w/ drivers for motors. Okay, I keep bugging you about it b/c no one else chats here.
<set_> You are like the Lone Ranger and, well, no one ever says %*%&^.
<zmatt> set_: does your motor not have specs? you probably don't want to just use a random voltage
<set_> right. It is so generic that it has absolutely no specs. on it, around it, or that came w/ it.
<set_> I should use something else.
* set_ says, "It is only a tiny motor w/ a gear box."
<set_> Why I say, why, does it not understand?
<set_> Generics. Sheesh.
<set_> I got this cool little wheel attachment and everything for the BBBlue to have it utilized on the Motor Outputs on the BBBlue.
<set_> Now, testing it but seven years too late, I am startin to realize the issue. No specs. and kaput.
<set_> Done. Okay. done.
<set_> yea. something is wrong. I cannot even turn the motor when it is no excited.
<set_> Time for some Daytons!
<set_> Yeppers.
<set_> It was that garbage I purchased seven or eight years back thinking, "I can save $35.00."
<set_> Oops.
<set_> Dang generic stuff.
<set_> I even blamed the BBBlue for bad connectors. Sheesh. What a person am I?
<set_> I was like a person mad at something that did not work. Yet, I should have known... Motors. Blah.
<set_> @zmatt: The source, i.e. if I may.
<set_> frequency=70, pwm1b.value=0.1 <<< would I need to NOT reiterate frequency like you say or use another function in the Pwm class for handling the direction?
<set_> Let me show a snippet of the build I have currently, i.e. from the datasheet ideas.
<set_> Sorry.
<set_> The first photo on the left hand side shows the connections I made and then the lower photo shows the actual pin def.
<set_> It works but I figured the PWM channels would rotate one way and then the other...
<set_> H-Bridge.
<set_> But, it just alters the speed going one way. Do you think I did something wrong in my side of the source or does the Pwm class not call for it?
<set_> I am no asking for more. No more source. It is okay. I am just wondering if the Pwm class handles such a task.
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<set_> or would I use something like reverse() ?
<zmatt> set_: well right now you're not actually changing any frequency I noticed, you're just setting a variable named "frequency" that's not used by anything. but regardless, the frequency should be configured once and not changed after that
<zmatt> I can't look at the imgur image right now since "Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later"
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> Okay.
<zmatt> but for the most plausible way of using this motor driver you'd use two pwm outputs and control direction by choosing which of the two channels to set to a non-zero value
<set_> Okay.
<set_> There is a trick I am unaware of currently.
<set_> So, where would I research this cause? I know google but I cannot find the words.
<set_> You know!
<zmatt> ??
<set_> python3 pwm?
<zmatt> ?
<set_> Google does not understand.
<zmatt> I don't understand what you're asking
<set_> Me neither.
<set_> I am sorry.
<set_> I am trying to figure out how to search google and learn how to reverse motor polarity or something in Python3.
<set_> I am lost 100% of the time. This is the new me.
<zmatt> that's not really how you find anything since the question is simultaneously too vague and too specific
<set_> See.
<set_> google does not understand specifics.
<zmatt> like, there's nothing python-specific about this, but it just depends on your motor driver and how you're interfacing to it
<set_> I could ask it questions, or type some words associated w/ what I want, but google in the end shafts me.
<set_> I am going to write a letter.
<set_> Not here. Do not worry.
<zmatt> but you lack the mental model of how the tools you're using work hence can't figure out how to combine them to perform the tasks you need them to
<set_> Right.
<set_> You are so right.
<set_> Still on my A Game here.
<zmatt> anyway, afk
<set_> Okay, enough of the banter about google. Oh!
<set_> dang it. Okay. Never mind me.
<set_> I have to go too. The hounds are calling for more red meat!
<set_> ha.
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