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<Guest62> Hi
<Guest62> we are using Part Number IS43TR16512B-125KBLI
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<Guest62> and interfacing with AM3358 Processor
<Guest62> Looking for Configuration File
<Guest62> Please do the needful
<Guest62> HELLO
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<CodeAgain> Hello
<CodeAgain> I have a beaglebone black rec C with me, and I am failing to find out how to "map" GPIO lines to actual pins in the board... Miserably, apparently, LOL... For instance, I am right now setting in the GPIO1 (/dev/gpiochip1) the lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 29, which are supposed to be mapped (in the default config) to P8 pins 24, 5, 6,
<CodeAgain> 23, 22, 3, 4, 12, 11, 16, 15 and 26 respectively (if I understood correctly)
<CodeAgain> However, well, that's not happening LOL
<CodeAgain> Or... Perhaps it's some poor wire connection in my protoboard
<CodeAgain> Never mind... The pins are reading now that I put my multimeter directly into them rather than through the wires LOL
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<zmatt> CodeAgain: heh, yeah a broken wire has great potential for causing confusion
<zmatt> CodeAgain: for future reference, if you're in doubt whether you're controlling the right gpio, my show-pins utility may be of use:
<zmatt> I also have a spreadsheet whose P9 and P8 tabs give a concise but detailed overview of the BBB expansion header pins:
<zmatt> (short link: )
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