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<DC-IRC> <belugakerman> okay sure, he’ll be online at weekends I’ll let him know πŸ™‚
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<DC-IRC> <belugakerman> lol hahha good one πŸ™‚
<DC-IRC> <belugakerman> Wow cool,I’ve done designing my first SCM with STC8H series MCU and ch340c module, and found it kinda fun lol, and I’m planning to make my own esp32 with ir built in these days for my home assistant:D
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Oki!
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<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Wait- IR in SBC?
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<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> A lot of SBC's have IR. They are primarily TV box processors afterall
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> And in this case it's an ESP32, so a wifi microcontroller
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Wow
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Also, can anyone help me with compiling mainline kernel?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I need uImage
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> For my Allwinner A10
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> sun4i
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<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> I thought we had sun4i in the build system, cubie truck or something
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<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I can't find kernel itself
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I need only kernel
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And modules
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<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> kerneles are in repository
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> A bit confusing
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I want separate kernel and modules
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<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> It doesn't really work that way.. you understand that right?
<ShaneonConduitrs> IgorPec Can you trigger a new build for Olimex Teres-A64 in armbian that uses Linux 6.2.X ? The 6.1.X has regression with DRM causing various issues[] if not then i recommend using current kernel
* ShaneonConduitrs ain't aware of a way to set the build to use 6.2.X
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> no, i can't
<ShaneonConduitrs> can i submit a merge request for it to use current then?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> for kernel 6.1.y ? yes
<ShaneonConduitrs> for 5.15.89? O.o
<ShaneonConduitrs> or is that not current anymore?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> also, just test if it works
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> ShaneonConduitrs: there's already a CI build according to the webpage
<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm armbian linux edge is 6.2.11 that would work
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I just put kernel in /dev/mmcblk0p1 and modules in /lib/modules$(uname -r)
<ShaneonConduitrs> DC-IRC: i see testing that
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> look at bottom
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> aha, then just switch to edge kernel
<ShaneonConduitrs> oke
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> .12 is in the rebuild process, not there yet
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> So... what do I have to do? I'm confused
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @IgorPec he needed something not 6.1
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> as long as its 6.2 it should be something to try
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Can anyone help me? I'm confused
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> yes, 6.2.11 is ready, 6.2.12 is in the pipeline
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> install kernel via package manager
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yep
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> if not, then we assume you are an expert πŸ˜‰
<ShaneonConduitrs> seems that current 6.1.x is breaking first boot and stuff so installing through package manager ain't an option
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> ShaneonConduitrs: you have 2 potential fixes hopefully
<ShaneonConduitrs> yep yep
<ShaneonConduitrs> testing the 6.2 now
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> ShaneonConduitrs: well, build whole image with Armbian tools, its quick job
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> O dpn
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I don't use Armbian
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I use ancient Lubuntu image provided by Allwinner
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> you want to run kernel there?? good luck
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Yeah
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I don't wanna wipe all data again
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> it will fail most likely
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Why?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I already tried 3.0.42 kernel from Tiny Core
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I already tried 3.0.42 kernel from Tiny Core Linux
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Extracted kernel and modules from tarballs and it works
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> because ancient u-boots might not be able to boot modern kernel
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Oh-
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> But I think I can update u-boot
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> ShaneonConduitrs down on the bottom you have 6.2.y
<ShaneonConduitrs> i know using that now xD
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> those are daily builds ...
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> @IgorPec I don't think porting Armbian to this tablet is easy... at least for me...
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> nobody said its easy
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> i know its hard
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> u-boot makes me feel dumb...
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I wish I had anyone who can help me with porting
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Where are porting docs? I can't find any
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> made by who? for what purpose?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I wanna know how to port Armbian properly
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> you are asking to port complete garbage code to something that is usable
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> this is not Armbian problem
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> this is best what can armbian provide, the rest is deep in other people code
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Okay
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> dependent on hardware
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> ... fun is to dig in and learn. this is probably the only purpose with old hardware
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Okayy
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<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm the 6.2 kernel boots and works on serial console, but i don't have any display πŸ˜…
* ShaneonConduitrs goes to figure out why
<ShaneonConduitrs> > [ +0.022126] scpi_protocol scpi: incorrect or no SCP firmware found
<ShaneonConduitrs> πŸ€”
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Wait- I found something that uses 1GB of disk space
<ShaneonConduitrs> is the minimal armbian not providing packages and stuff needed for the display to work?
<ShaneonConduitrs> the OS seems to be fine πŸ€”
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> this is not OS problem
<ShaneonConduitrs> hm?
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> minimal is enough for anything
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> if display doesn't work, its kernel issues
<ShaneonConduitrs> oke
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> only maintainer could perhaps know
<ShaneonConduitrs> ye i know everything don't worry~
* ShaneonConduitrs grins
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Is 2GB enough for Armbian?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I mean SD card size
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> yes
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Okayy
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> for cli
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> desktop, not sure
<ShaneonConduitrs> for reference the olimex teres-a64 gnome desktop needs 3.7 GB out of the box
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I'm not sure if I can get cli to work on this tablet
<ShaneonConduitrs> what tablet do you have
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> A- uh- you won't find it anywhere anyways
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> DNS AirTab E102
<ShaneonConduitrs> IgorPec: what's the legacy kernel? 5.18?
<ShaneonConduitrs> nwm
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> My tablet uses Allwinner A10 SoC
<ShaneonConduitrs> fixed it
<ShaneonConduitrs> yooo
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<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm seems to be an issue in the daily builds that requires to re-install the firmware to fix
<ShaneonConduitrs> so some armbian-firmware issue 🀷 i will try to investigate later when i have more time
* ShaneonConduitrs submitted
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<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Is there any tablet that I can use as example?
<ShaneonConduitrs> <DC-IRC> "<TuxTheArchUser> My tablet..." <- hmm o.o
<ShaneonConduitrs> give me a sec writting report about the issue on teres atm will look into it then
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> My tablet is compatible with Cubieboard images
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I'll use it as example
* ShaneonConduitrs updated with informations about the issue with DRM
<ShaneonConduitrs> <DC-IRC> "<TuxTheArchUser> I'm not sure if..." <- you don't have any serial console access to the device?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I don't have access to UART
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Just don't wanna tear apart this tablet
<ShaneonConduitrs> do you have a physical input method in case the virtual keyboard doesn't work on CLI ?
<ShaneonConduitrs> if so you should be fine
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I use this tablet without touch screen
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Default image provided by Allwinner doesn't even load WiFi and touchscreen modules on boot
<ShaneonConduitrs> i don't see an immediate problem with that setup then
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I use keyboard and mouse with it
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Okayy
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> But I don't have microHDMI
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And built-in display requires script0.bin from Android distribution that was preinstalled on this tablet
<ShaneonConduitrs> Wifi might be an issue if it is then someone will have to add firmware for it in or you will have to somehow get it from the OS itself
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> RTL8192EU
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> RTL8192CU
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Those work
<ShaneonConduitrs> Those have firmware afaik
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Yeah
<ShaneonConduitrs> alternatively you might be able to use mod such as if needs be
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Touchscreen isn't issue too
<ShaneonConduitrs> looking on the microHDMI atm
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Okayy
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I mean that I don't have microHDMI cable
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> That's what I mean
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Tablet itself has microHDMI
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And LCD
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And LCD (built-in display)
<ShaneonConduitrs> According to the HDMI Video is implemented since 4.15
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I know, but I don't have cable
<ShaneonConduitrs> oh oke
<ShaneonConduitrs> and you don't have a display?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I can use only built-in display that works only when script0.bin is loaded by u-boot
<ShaneonConduitrs> like working?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Display works only with script0.bin loaded
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<ShaneonConduitrs> i don't understand what's the issue then
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<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> But I don't know if I can just use script0.bin in Armbian
<ShaneonConduitrs> it's open-source you can turn it into a thing that runs on drone if you have the time :D
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> script0.bin itself is a script that does *magic* that makes display works
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I can use some sunxi tools to extract it
<ShaneonConduitrs> why would you do that though
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> It contains commands that make display work
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> If you read this file directly it'll be just a lot of random bytes
<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm so you tried that on armbian and the display didn't work?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Nope
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I tried it on official distribution
<ShaneonConduitrs> what armbian image did you used?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> It's tablet-specific issue
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I tried it on Lubuntu 12.04 image provided by Allwinner
<ShaneonConduitrs> i wonder if it's relevant to the issue i just had on teres where the display didn't work until i updated the armbian-firmware
<ShaneonConduitrs> maybe try to replicate that solution before messing with that script0.bin thing?
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> On Allwinner A10-A23 tablet display is managed by u-boot script
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> tablets*
<ShaneonConduitrs> i doubt that πŸ€”
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I'm sure
<ShaneonConduitrs> A20 doesn't need any such magic to my knowledge and i was helping with A10 3 days ago and he didn't need those either
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> On tablet?
<ShaneonConduitrs> so my hypothesis stands on that being armbian-firmware related issue :p
<ShaneonConduitrs> DC-IRC: formfactor is irrelevant it uses same interfaces to the chip
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Ummmmmmmmm
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<ShaneonConduitrs> just try the armbian-config to update the firmware see how it goes
<ShaneonConduitrs> 2 minutes adventure!~
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<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I didn't port Armbian to it
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And formfactor matter
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> This issue is related to display itself
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> And microHDMI will always work
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> But LCD won't
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> script0.bin is different for every tablet
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<ShaneonConduitrs> well worst case is that you will waste 2 min of time checking compared to wasting way more than 2 min trying to figure out the script0.bin o.o
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> Wait-
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> It's definitely managed by u-boot
<DC-IRC> <TuxTheArchUser> I found thread on 4PDA (russian XDA)
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<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm πŸ€”
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<ShaneonConduitrs> hmm
<ShaneonConduitrs> installing guix on armbian with edge kernel is going to force kernel downgrade to 6.1.11
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<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> ...
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> ShaneonConduitrs: you don't want to be mixing a package manager in with the system dpkg if you don't build it by hand anyway
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> it's just a "bad idea" tm...
<ShaneonConduitrs> DC-IRC: guix is installed from apt
<ShaneonConduitrs> it has it's own package
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yes... but guix "is" a package manager...
<ShaneonConduitrs> it doesn't conflict with apt or dpkg though and is using debian's kernel
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> mixing package managers is not a good idea
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> yes it does conflict
<ShaneonConduitrs> in general yes, but guix is designed to not conflict
<ShaneonConduitrs> it's like running a docker app alongside apt basically
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> They "all" conflict in some way
<ShaneonConduitrs> none to my knowledge
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> its a matter of what level
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Unless its putting "every" file in a separate location it could collide at some poin
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Unless its putting "every" file in a separate location it could collide at some point
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<ShaneonConduitrs> <DC-IRC> "<Tenkawa> Unless its putting "..." <- it's putting every file in a separate location
<ShaneonConduitrs> then just adjusts PATH variable appropriately
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> ShaneonConduitrs: just be "very" careful... system package updates "can" remove that PATH update change
<ShaneonConduitrs> guix is monitoring that and adjusting it.. don't think about it like having dnf alongside apt
<ShaneonConduitrs> point being it ain't the issue
<ShaneonConduitrs> the downgrade is caused seemingly by all packages
<ShaneonConduitrs> πŸ€”
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