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[Discord] <beohoff3174> anyone try running a module with 6.1.43? I'm getting errors trying to insmod / modprobe
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Other people are using zfs , but I was trying a couple of custom modules , to include one that just prints "hello world" and got a bunch of errors
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Other people are using a zfs module, but I was trying a couple of custom modules , to include one that just prints "hello world" and got a bunch of errors
[Discord] <beohoff3174> anyone try running a module with 6.1.84? I'm getting errors trying to insmod / modprobe
[Discord] <monkablyat> Temu Kernel version 6.1.y
[Discord] <monkablyat> And the next mass produced product with Chinese quality software standards is already waiting for you, grab it today and get a 20% discount
[Discord] <beohoff3174> KDE's latest is also killing me with some sort of bug/issue with Nvidia GPU. Bad software is bad, regardless of origin.
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I'm going to flash
[Discord] <beohoff3174> rk-6.1-rkr3 and see if I can't isolate it to rk-6.1-rkr4.1.
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Going through the git commit logs, nothing jumped out and bit me as obviously wrong.
[Discord] <monkablyat> Most of the big SBC manufacturers only push masses of products because they have hundreds of clowns who jump on any garbage and have already gotten used to such inferior software and while they make a lot of money, the community usually fixes their bugs
[Discord] <igorpec> lower expectations on this kernel. not sure if its worth the time. Mainline is probably usable for server cases and there ZFS will work.
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I need MPP for my use case and mainline doesn't support it last I had checked
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I'm not using zfs myself, but I do have a custom module that I use as part of my workflow
[Discord] <igorpec> yeah, mainline is certainly not feature complete ... then you need some luck
[Discord] <monkablyat> When naming the boards, they take the example of washing powder manufacturers. With the new OPI 5 Max, I now wash even cleaner than before
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> I will try with that one. Can you give little more info about the emu ur using? Because i couldnt find any already compiled for arm64. Only on flatpak but has terrible issues getting the blob working with it
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> I will try with that one. Can you give little more info about the emu ur using? Because i couldnt find any already compiled for arm64. Only on flatpak but had terrible issues getting the blob working with it
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> Aha do they have a compiled bin for arm64? Or did you compiled it yourself?
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> Aha do they have a compiled bin for arm64? Or did you compile it yourself?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Thanks to Nintendo they don't even have a official git so it's underground code
[Discord] <monkablyat> Search for it maybe you finde it gl
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> Yeah but thanks i will see if its a significant change vs citron
[Discord] <monkablyat> Yeah you can drive with a Porsche trough a 30 km/h zone all day if you ant to
[Discord] <monkablyat> Yeah you can drive with a Porsche trough a 30 km/h zone all day if you want to
[Discord] <m33ts4k0z> ofc my problem could very well be that i am running it off an sd card and not emmc/ssd 😄
[Discord] <monkablyat> This blob can't be more awful as it actually is
[Discord] <monkablyat> You should switch to panvk and report issues dd this blob image where it belongs , straight into the nirvana
[Discord] <monkablyat> What are they smoking at Rockchip HQ , so badly ported it hurt
[Discord] <beohoff3174> flashing to rk-6.1-rkr3 didn't work for me so I'm a bit stumped. I tried compiling the module with the same gcc version that the kernel was, and that also didn't change the outcome either
[Discord] <monkablyat> Following this journey of these two closed source hacker blob dudes was fun, a long journey full of beautiful comments in forums, beautiful screenshots and zero explanation, almost like being in a McDonald's drive in where people line up for a long time for garbage
[Discord] <mecoblock> ?
[Discord] <monkablyat> Question mark, exactly , not even explained correctly on the hacked WSi layer how to compile the layer properly a sad journey
[Discord] <gambl0r> Lol. Good quality commentary
[Discord] <gambl0r> Get yourself a proper computer and take a holiday 🙂
[Discord] <monkablyat> No worry got a proper computer so can laugh
[Discord] <monkablyat> These dudes would be better off putting their knowledge into troubleshooting panvk than wasting endless energy on this bad closed source blob that's my opinion
[Discord] <mecoblock> There’s just too much back knowledge needed to get for example mali blob running and it’s definitely great that they’re capable of doing that and also have it up on GitHub. I appreciate that and they’re also nice in DM's but for greater good and "newcomers" the simplest guide that gives someone a rough line to follow is missing
[Discord] <monkablyat> There is 0 great
[Discord] <monkablyat> Nothing
[Discord] <monkablyat> It's dogshit
[Discord] <mecoblock> Yup I was working on a guide though and that’s why I was going through all that myself
[Discord] <mecoblock> I have like a notion doc with multiple links to discord messages and such which I'm using to write my guide but there’s so much else to do so that’s only slowly progressing
[Discord] <mecoblock> not only for libmali but rkdeveloptool and such too
[Discord] <mecoblock> I think it’s time for me to slowly start publishing xD
[Discord] <monkablyat> You first have to explain to these BSP mali blob people that what is called Linux is actually a kernel
[Discord] <monkablyat> And actually, Linux has always been an open source community, so it's hard to understand your enthusiasm for BSP mali blob tutorial
[Discord] <mecoblock> Interesting how I didn’t experience this on my R5S which is running edge kernel and only connected via lan1 lol
[Discord] <mecoblock> it’s less about the enthusiasm for mali blob (3d graphics) but to have something at all in the meantime also mali blob for opencl support is required to have HDR tonemapping in Jellyfin
[Discord] <mecoblock> but OpenCL has been stable for a while now with blob compared to vulkan and such
[Discord] <mecoblock> my guess why mali blob is not open source in the first place is probably all the security issues that are linked to it and android vendors basically not updating it. Thinking security by obscurity is better than nothing 💀
[Discord] <monkablyat> And that's exactly where the problem lies, the more people use this closed source blob garbage shit, the more it will become standard
[Discord] <mecoblock> not sure what else there is to do though. Arm themselves are sponsoring and helping Collabora get Panthor up to blob level / better and with that people won’t need to rely on blob anymore
[Discord] <mecoblock> we're lucky this hardware is popular enough to get this care and this will probably result in more modern hardware we’re soon going to be able to buy (Cix P1 in Radxa Orion O6) also be one step closer to run open source
[Discord] <monkablyat> At the end f the day , you help the manufacturers not Linux , I had to learn that too
[Discord] <monkablyat> With the Orion O6 it depends on the price factor. If an ARM board with BSP support costs as much as a good AMD64 board, then the manufacturer can keep its boards
[Discord] <monkablyat> Amazon is full of usable Ryzen Mini PCs at good prices
[Discord] <monkablyat> Offer working GPU drivers from day one and run on mainline
[Discord] <monkablyat> Since I also live in Germany, there is no need to play the high energy prices card , there are enough subsidies for solar sytems and even tax-free solar systems here