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[Discord] <t1msu_87222> This breaks when switching to BOOT_SCENARIO=tpl-blob-atf-mainline, it still uses blob BL31.
[Discord] <t1msu_87222> Maybe just switch to tpl-blob-atf-mainline for all rk3588, it works fine for me
[Discord] <gospod13337> So i installed trunk on another opi5 and theres no other kernel except vendor 6.1 @efectn
[Discord] <gospod13337> Also, theres no debian bookworm. And the minimal trixie trunk im using is "only" trunk 274, while latest is over 280+
[Discord] <gospod13337> How exactly did you mean for me to install 6.13 edge kernel on opi5?
[Discord] <gospod13337> How exactly did you mean for me to install 6.13 edge kernel on opi5?
[Discord] <menu> you may need to build the image yourself, i've got a recently built 6.13, but it's 3:30 am
[Discord] <gospod13337> I also tried on this opi5 to install latest stable minimal bookworm and switch to nightly using armbian-config, and after auto-reboot, its completely crashed (no video, ip, keyboard,...)
[Discord] <gospod13337> So theres no repo?
[Discord] <gospod13337> So were talking absolute bleeding edge, while I was asking why is it not working already since 6.10
[Discord] <gospod13337> You mean the usb controller for the USB3 port in OPI5 is not from RK3588 itself and at the same time its actually different from all other RK3588 boards?
[Discord] <igorpec> if you mean underlaying haos , yes, ofc its updatable, everything is nicely updated + OS of course
[Discord] <gambl0r> Probably referring to the supervisor package that is required for a supervised ha installation
[Discord] <gambl0r> Underlying haos? It's not haos at all.
[Discord] <gambl0r> @gospod13337 I used to run supervised ha on orangepi4-lts (rk3399) with armbian bookworm, and the supervisor package was able to be updated. I haven't tried the armbian appliance type image of ha supervised though
[Discord] <gospod13337> Check on an old install if you have latest 2024.12.3
[Discord] <igorpec> Aha, we mirror packages to our repo. But for now its fixed at specific tested release
[Discord] <gospod13337> I think its updatable from inside HA when you have "official" HAOS
[Discord] <gospod13337> But im not 100% sure
[Discord] <igorpec> Not sure. Haos is custom buildroot made os.
[Discord] <gospod13337> The catch is, on my manual supervised installed HA (that i now need to redo because of rolling release not working) i had it for around 2-3 months on armbian bookworm and I dont think it ever asked me for an update
[Discord] <gospod13337> Im not sure if it gets updated seperately or with core, as I also didnt update core for a while because of some breaking change
[Discord] <gospod13337> "unofficial" or "unsupported" HA is really that i guess
[Discord] <gospod13337> How long have you been running this HA "in production"?
[Discord] <gospod13337> How long have you been running this HA like that "in production"?
[Discord] <gospod13337> Im on a crossroad before redoing: either go x86 for HA which I dont want, or go some kvm with HAOS on OPI5, which is also alot of work (if USB3.0 doesnt work, why would virtualization.....) or redo everything exactly as it was and risk redoing anytime in the future because of this unknown supervisor "not updating" or any other breakage because of "unsupported install"
[Discord] <gospod13337> OPI5 looks like it will forever be WIP
[Discord] <menu> i've already said multiple times PVE works fine on oPi5
[Discord] <Werner> Just like almost all cheap sbcs
[Discord] <menu> (i run PVE in prod on an oPi5)
[Discord] <menu> yep, it's trivial to set up
[Discord] <gospod13337> Is real passthrough possible?
[Discord] <igorpec> i am running it about a year without interruption, updating ha core and everything that is in there, no issues
[Discord] <menu> passthrough of what?
[Discord] <igorpec> my hardware is odroid n2 that happens to be around
[Discord] <gospod13337> Like usb controller for example
[Discord] <gospod13337> But not that software based, but PCI-like passthrough
[Discord] <gospod13337> PCI-like passthrough would be perfect with HAOS and usb dongles that I need inside
[Discord] <igorpec> i am leaning towards portainer + cockpit instead of proxmox
[Discord] <igorpec> currently testing if it does what i need
[Discord] <menu> yes, PVE's USB passthrough works, though USB3 is at-present *not working*, USB2 works fine, and USB3 *will* work when it's fixed for the oPi5 again
[Discord] <menu> (it previously worked, it's only broken since 6.x)
[Discord] <gospod13337> Also me as Im no stranger to manual kvm commands
[Discord] <igorpec> yeah, that i was doing before lol
[Discord] <gospod13337> Cool, so then virtualization on arm is possible, did not know that
[Discord] <igorpec> yes ofc, i think for years
[Discord] <igorpec> problems is with thos "vendor" kernels
[Discord] <gospod13337> Did you ever succeed with vfio(-like) passthrough on arm?
[Discord] <menu> PCI passthrough *might* work, i can't test it because i use an NVMe boot drive
[Discord] <gospod13337> Check if you can passthrough *whole* usb controller instead of port by port or dongle by dongle
[Discord] <igorpec> pci barely works as is 😉
[Discord] <menu> PVE doesn't *do* that, you pass a mapped device, USB V/PID combo, or specific port
[Discord] <menu> it does also support SPICE USB but i don't touch SPICE
[Discord] <menu> this is by design, to allow for proper resource mapping in a HA environment
[Discord] <gospod13337> Ok, i will now try fedora rawhide with mainline vanilla kernel on opi5 with virt-manager somewhere atleast
[Discord] <gospod13337> Only NVMe available in PCI passthrough
[Discord] <gospod13337> As its the only device in lspci. Waste of time 😛
[Discord] <gospod13337> Drivers issue or other devices are not even connected through pcie?
[Discord] <gospod13337> Drivers issue or other devices are not even internally connected through pcie?
[Discord] <menu> what are you trying to pass through?
[Discord] <gospod13337> I hoped it would be possible to passthrough whole usb controller
[Discord] <menu> if you attach a PCIE USB controller
[Discord] <menu> the USB controller built in to the chipset is not PCIE
[Discord] <menu> you also almost definitely *do not* want to pass the entire controller through
[Discord] <mecoblock> same but as a docker container. No issues here too
[Discord] <mecoblock> Is it unusual that RK3568 is able to do 150-210mb/s on HDD ext4 + samba without issues
[Discord] <mecoblock> but is capped at around 100mb/s on SSD btrfs + samba? I know samba is single core heavy but I can’t imagine it to be that bad 🤔
[Discord] <mecoblock> running on the edge kernel
[Discord] <mecoblock> local everything is as fast as you’d imagine
[Discord] <gospod13337> Without HACS addon?