ah great, so I guess the rtd builder just needs to be updated? Not that I know how this is built anyways.
I have a design where I don't frekin understand why the output of a FIR filter I snatched from the migen examples does not generate anything on the output data, so trying to simulate it standalone now instead of inside my litex design.
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-37/±47] https://git.io/JyaYZ
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 9f978a5 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@aa749567e41c74f8e1f6d515fed62d49da51ba5b 🚀
<miek> "sounds like there's a fix for..." <- fixed
thanks :) ^
I am currently sitting with this code https://dpaste.com/4UKH2M8AX, but it complains that "TypeError: Object '(sig i)' of type <class 'amaranth.compat.fhdl.structure.CompatSignal'> is not a Migen value"
I may be slightly confused as to how to take the self.submodules .. and just use those directly in a amaranth sim
Or mixing mingen, nmigen/amaranth ... and litex constructs.
The backtrace suggests that it is complaining about sink.data[0:iw].eq(fir.i) in line 66 of my paste.
Is it because my FIR class does not have a def elaborate method defined?
I think you can't use amaranth.compat with litex directly
I am using it in my SoC design though
you can't use litex streams, not even with amaranth.compat
The litex stream appears to use migen with from migen import *. So stuff with with from migen import * is not interchangeable with amaranth.compat?
<dragonmux> correct - the migen imports are from oMigen and won't work with Amaranth as they're two entirely seperate HDL systems
So I guess I would swtich back to just migen directly for this test.
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argh!! had forgotten a self.comb before foo.eq(bar)
just shouting into the void :D
... of course, it's one of the things that Amaranth fixes...
yeah, well, it is not that I don't want to ue amaranth, but it is just that litex does not use amaranth.
Better be happy on a "high note"... and call it day -- wurk tomorrow