cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
andlabs: not a YM2151 replacement, but a YM2151 interface board for Arduinos
so it's one of those miscategorized things then ok
looks like there's software to let a PC control the YM2151 via the Arduino's UART, which is kind of neat
no idea how that would fare with stuff that hammers PCM through the thing, like the some Irem BGM...
are you sure about that
which Irem BGM
(I'm fairly certain Irem does not do that)
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ValleyBell: Is there a debug option in VGMPlay to print out where it found its VGMPlay.ini file (if found)?
I need to recompile, but I'm seeing something weird w/ playlists. vgmplay claims to find a vgmplay.ini file when playing playlists only. But not when I play individual VGMs. And the playlist fade time is 0. I don't think I have an vgmplay.inis with fade time 0 for playlists
Pietro Gagliardi sur Twitter : "what do the icons on the back of a DVD mean lol good luck finding out, googling only gives you companies offering to sell you an icon showing a DVD like you would see in Windows Explorer or some shit"
Pietro Gagliardi sur Twitter : "what's this 2 why are there three of them this DVD is only one disc the region code is something different and says ALL I'm confused…"
I remember running into a naive port of Image Fight music data to OPNA, and the percussion didn't work due to the lack of noise mode
guess that settles it then.
yes OPM had CSM mode
I still need to scan my copy of the Japanese version fo FM Music Macro which has the instructions for the SAY command
ah, I see it in the manual. neat
also that's one way to go about not localizing something: Just don't put it in the manual
the ROMs are the same so you can definitely use it in the English version
it'll even speak the error message in Japanese if you use it wrong
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cr1901: I don't think there is an option for it unless you recompile.
vgmplay/VGMPlayUI.c at master · vgmrips/vgmplay · GitHub
You need to insert a "getchar()" somewhere before that in order to see the scanned paths.
Or I can comment out the cls :)
or that :)
Okay, so when a vgmplay.ini is not loaded/found at all, playlist tracks immediately stop when they're over
I had to find some way to make the screen not being a mess when playing multiple files in succession.
Except for the last track, which fades out in 5000ms (sic)
not 2000, as is suggested by VGMPlay.ini defaults
well.... the logic is this:
Tracks "inside" the playlist, followed by another track: FadeTimePL
Any (looping) track not followed by another track: FadeTime
FadeTimePL should be defaulting to 2000, but it is not. We can discuss whether I should be using VGMPlay without a VGMPlay.ini at all, but this was confusing the hell out of me tonight :)
nextpnr place-and-route FPGA tool has a similar setup, where you can build the moral equivalent of the "WAD" separately from the rest of the tool, and then set a var to point to the WAD
or you can build the WAD at the same time as the rest of the tool
libvgm being a submodule in the vgmplay-libvgm repo is just to ensure that both versions are compatible with each other.
I sometimes break the API between libvgm and vgmplay. So I wanted to have a reference to a working state of both in the repo.
That doesn't happen very often though.
* cr1901
okay, I think I'm satisfied w/ tonight... did a lot of cleanup and recompiled a lot of tools
Bedtime for me
sleep well!
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