cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<NiGHTS> EarthBound Soundtrack Played On A Super Rare Synthesizer ✨🌏✨ - YouTube
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<andlabs> meanwhile I can get an HP 9000/300 right now from someone whose username is... "xi_jinping"
<andlabs> seems legit
<andlabs> they're apparently in San Jose
<andlabs> oh they actually have their actual photo as a seller photo
<andlabs> it's funny but it's still a real person, oh well
<balrog> andlabs: they think they're being edgy, I'm sure
<gewt> andlabs: what model of 9000/300
<gewt> shame i'm missing out. the 9000/340 i bought in 2014 doesn't work :(
<Sarayan> Hmmm, the nice 680x0-based HPs
<andlabs> I don't know
<andlabs> nor do I know if I will buy this
<andlabs> I had to pick up an entire Apple II plus the other day to get my hands on a rare Roland card for it which is not helping the space restrictions
<andlabs> sadly no docs or disks :|
<andlabs> I missed out the last time *those* were available
<andlabs> I do want more 68000 based machines
<tunixman> I worked on a weird 68000 / 6809 "multiprocessor" system emulator once.
<Sarayan> roland as in synth?
<andlabs> yes
<andlabs> the CMU-800 series of dekstop modules use a ribbon cable to connec tot Some computer
<andlabs> the Apple II is the only one I know for sure though
<Sarayan> and it's 680x0 based?
<andlabs> yes the Apple II, the famous 680x0-based machine
<andlabs> no the issue here is prioritizing stuff that's super rare and that I actively am looking for
<andlabs> then again half of those 68000 machines like the Sun ones should fall inot that category
<andlabs> meh
<gewt> i have 2 hp9000/300 machines if you really want one. :P
<gewt> neither seems to work
<andlabs> do they have any vidoe at all
<andlabs> I'm fairly certain the 300 shows a diagnostic screen ons tartup
<andlabs> with some fancy (for 1989) graphics
<gewt> one has a video _module_
<gewt> but i never got to test it
<andlabs> oh boy
<Sarayan> just to put that in here, a grep of cmu 800 in the mame sources finds nothing ;-)
<andlabs> oh the devices themselves are common
<andlabs> it's these computer interfaces that are not
<andlabs> test
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