cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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also I guess I have a Sharp X1 now, and the FM card, which comes with some dinky little speakers that are heavier than they look
do we need to intervene
now as in it's in this house
anyway shhh I'm talking about on topic stuff here
the FM card comes with two disks which I haven't seen rips of yet so I'll have to do that
and I'm curious about whether they're more elaborate than what Yamaha did with their MSX computers or not
like for instance a full software SDK that would let people write YM2151 music for X1 games
as opposed to insisting you only use Yamaha's own composing software to only ever write music
or Commodore's
or Sequential's
or [other companies with failed attempts at 80s computer music here]'s...
my point is that to some extent computer music in the 1980s handicapped itself
then again int he era of "real musicians play live" no one was going to use computers integrally much anyway unless they were explicitly an experimental electronic musician
apparently fleetwood mac's tango in the night was made with the help of an atari st but there should really be more than ... one example that isn't obscure
though on the subject of the yamaha ones
I also have a copy of the FM Music Composer II with a "demonstration disk" that also isn't dumped yet