cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> I wonder how easy this would be to repair
<Sarayan> you need to change the connector
<Sarayan> that's what, 15 pins?
<andlabs> VGA
<Sarayan> d-sub 15
<andlabs> seems to be a permanently attached cable
<Sarayan> that's surprising, but heh
<andlabs> this monitor has not sold for two months or so
<andlabs> the only reason why I'm paying attention is because it's FEDERAL EXPRESS branded for some reason
<Sarayan> the question is whether it's damaged in the first place though
<andlabs> well some of those missing pins are signal pins so the monitor won't actually display an image properly
<andlabs> actually huh both hsync and vsync are present on that cable, so the image shouldn't look that messy
<andlabs> oh wait the sync grounds are missing
<andlabs> also with only red connected that image should be red
<andlabs> unless this is somehow vga monochrome
<andlabs> or maybe this is one of those early vga monitors that literally only supports the resolutions of the original vga card
<Sarayan> it may be damage, but in a way it looks too clean
<Sarayan> as if the pin was never there rather than it broke
<Sarayan> anyway, I need to dump all the data we need to add
<Sarayan> gah not here
<andlabs> "needing to dump all the data" is a mood
<andlabs> also huh no one seems to want to say what the original VGA card was
<andlabs> or even the original VGA chipset, which I do get was an IC
<andlabs> I wonder if it's been decapped
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<Foone> andlabs: are ypi sire that
<Foone> whoops
<Foone> andlabs: are you sure that's damaged, and that's not just one of those weird monochrome VGA monitors which only have some pins?
<Sarayan> Foone: pretty much what I was wondering too, because it doesn't look damaged
<andlabs> yeah
<andlabs> I don't know
<andlabs> it may require opening up the thing to find out
<Foone> looks to match my monochrome display
<NiGHTS> foone sur Twitter : "And here's the VGA cable for it. Notice that it's actually just MISSING the blue and red pins.… "
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<andlabs> a
<andlabs> h
<andlabs> so the question is then what's going up with that bad image
<Foone> if it's anything like mine, it's VERY picky about what sync rates it supports
<Foone> so they may just be running it at something it can't do
<andlabs> well uhh
<andlabs> if you want to find out it's $30
<andlabs> I probably won't get it
<NiGHTS> Federal Express Vintage Computer Monitor | eBay